How can i make my father quit smoking? -

Thursday, February 28, 2019

How can i make my father quit smoking? -

my father smokes a lot.we have told him so much about disadvantages of smoking be he never what can i do???
You can-t force anyone to do something they don-t want to do. Just keep pounding the negatives of smoking into his head.
Does it bother him that he is harming the other people that he lives with? Would it bother him if you got lung cancer? Or his wife?
Sorry but you can-t. It-s something he has to want to do. I had a friend that had lung cancer and they removed one of his lungs. He still smoked until it killed him.
d/l and print out articles on second hand smoke and leave it in a place where he can read it, It-s killing you really works and I dont believe in that kind of thing but my boyfriend use to smoke all the time and hasnt since then
you can-t make anyone quit,most react in anger because we feel like we are getting are rights to freedom taken away too. wish their was a way to make it fair for non smokers an smokers ,it is a legally sold product .You can get the nickerett gum or patch and give it to him as a gift and say dad you can try this if you want to. he will probably say no, if so tell him to put in in his desk or some place and it will be their if he decides to try it. AT LEAST YOU CAN SAY YOU TRIED TO HELP. you would be surprised at the amount of smokers that won-t buy the stuff to help them quit because its so expensive. if they really want to solve the problem of people quiting they should give it away or lower the prices to the same amount as a pack of cigarettes .I WONDER- IF I COULD buy a pack of nickarett gum with 20 pieces or pack of 20 cigarettes I AS A SMOKER TOO I-D BUY the gum AND TRY IT if it was the same price as the cigarettes,I told a doctor that once and of course the rich can-t see ,like right now a person may have $5.00 in their pocket the stuff to help them quit $52 which one is the person going to buy. ask your dad why he hasn-t bought the patch or gum .
The only thing that you could possibly offer is to quit something with him. It is so much easier to have a partner and a support person to help go through it together. Kind of like a Weight Watchers or AA for smoking, ya know? Is there a habit or something you-re doing that you could and should quit and -buddy up- with him? For example, if you drink a lot of Cokes and know how bad they are for you, offer to be his quitting buddy. You-ll quit Cokes if he-ll quit smoking. Or you-ll start exercising, or you-ll diet, or stop chewing your nails, or whatever it is you can change WITH him. Talk about your progress and your weak moments to each other. Be supportive and each other-s motivation. Also, has he heard of Chantix? It-s a pill the smoker takes to alleviate the cravings for nicotene.
You can-t make your father stop smoking,just like any other drug he will want to have to want to quit.

(Many blessings)
all you can do is try. you can-t make anyone do something they don-t want to do. you can continue to talk about it with him, suggest some ways of quitting, and tell him all the bad things it can do you, but its hard for a person to quit and they only can if they really want to
take out a cigerrate in front of him and try to light it ......

ever heard of a quote .... -venom is a cure for poison -

i did it when i was 11 to my dad
How can i make my father quit smoking? -