How can I help my boyfriend quit smoking? -

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

How can I help my boyfriend quit smoking? -

He doesn-t smoke around me because he knows it really bothers me. But sometimes he also shows up to meet me with smoke breath. Even if I can-t get him to stop, how can I at least get him to stop before meeting up with me?

I-m 16, he-s 17
If you hate smoking. Don-t date smokers. That-s just common sense.
You can-t make him quit because he has to do it on his own. He has to decide if you or smoking is more important. He has to realize that he is an addict and can-t quit on his own. He has to go to a doctor for help. He will quit if you tell him if it-s me or the cigarettes. Think of all money you can spend together instead of the cigarettes.
More than 400,000 individuals die from tobacco each year. If you care for him have him quit for his health
I think this is one of your best decisions. You must know what are the advantages of quitting:…

This will keep you motivated throughout. My friend was chain smoker and he quit. He use to say, just be mentally strong and you can do it. Here are some tips that helped him:…

withhold affection / the wild thing
make him chew mint gum or sumthing
How can I help my boyfriend quit smoking? -