What happened to your body when you quit smoking? -

Saturday, February 16, 2019

What happened to your body when you quit smoking? -

I quit 10 years ago after smoking for 33 years. My body started acting normal. I could walk without huffing and puffing, my blood pressure and heart beat went way down. My appetite kicked in so I had to be careful what I ate, but that soon adjusted. My hair did not stink, my closet did not stink. All in all it has been great.
SOme will say they put on weight. I give that no credence. Like me they were weak to begin with, smoking that is. So they were too weak to keep the pounds off.
When I quit I remember my head feeling like it would explode. So, I highly recommend to anyone to ween off. Decreasing the amount monthly, weekly, daily, and by the quit date.
You might sweat alot going through withdrawals, and feel like nothing is satisfying you, you will have no food cravings, and feel flu like. This is the body-s way of detoxifying. I would recommend maybe an anti-depressant before quitting so you will be able to sleep, because withdrawal interrupts sleep. Get plenty of excersize and eat really good, change your drink and other patterns until you feel comfortable bringing some things back in.
So, your going through flulike symptoms, anxiety, and sleep withdrawal.
Excersize will help you physically and mentally.
Focus on the proactive part- health, save money, you will gain so much mental clarity and most important TIME.

Good luck!
Lot-s of good things. starting as soon as 2 hours after you last cigarette. lower blood pressure, increased respiration... not to mention missing that smell, the yellow teeth. being able to make fun of smokers, while at the same time tell them -hey i used to smoke too, you should quit, it will change your life- i hate hearing that. what else.... oh smokes are what 5 dollars a pack now, ridiculous. You lower your chance for mouth, throat and lung cancers. smoking is also a major cause of heart disease. I guess the impact it has on your circulation facilitates the buildup of plaque on your arterial walls greatly increasing the chance for heart attack (leading cause of death for men and women in America... in fact heart disease kills more people than all forms of cancer combined) or even stroke. what is bad about quitting smoking. 2 things, 1 food will taste better so you will gain weight. 2 sweet sweet nicotine, the most addictive drug we know (yes, even more addictive than heroin, though withdrawals thankfully are not as bad)
well, i got a horrible cough 2 days later, i almost thought i had bronchitis. and my skin has broken out terribly. i-ve been a non-smoker for 2 weeks now.
at first i felt down, so i started working out. One year later, i-m healthier than i-ve been in 10 yrs and i feel great. I still get cravings when i-m drunk around other smokers but for the most part i feel great.
My body felt better and my lungs washed themselves out. The best part of it was I saved over $300.00 a month.
Oh, it just shriveled up and my liver bit me.
If you were a chain smoker or an addicted then your body will feel pain but for some while.After that you will find yourself and your body apparently strong and way out from something polluted.
the cigarettes company gets sad
It got healthy and increased the length of my life and my future
What happened to your body when you quit smoking? -