How come if you quit smoking you still crave years later? -

Friday, June 28, 2019

How come if you quit smoking you still crave years later? -

like they say the nicotine leaves your body from a few days to a week after you quit smoking, but then how come you still crave years later when there-s no nictine in your body to make you crave??? i don-t get it?? plz help me, thnx everyone
While you-re a smoker, the feeling of craving isn-t caused by nicotine, but by the changes in the brain that compensate for the presence of nicotine. Those physiological changes go away within perhaps a year and a half after you stop. But nicotine is still a pleasurable drug that reduces stress. And when you-re in a situation in which a cigarette would make you feel good, the brain remembers how good the nicotine made you feel and you desire one. The brain can also mistake anxiety for the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, since from a physiological perspective they can-t be distinguished.
Usually it-s because of the setting your in. For example, there may have been a time in your life where you-d light up a smoke if you were at a concert. If you go to a concert even years later, your mind will associate cigarettes and concerts, and you will crave a cigarette because there was a time when that used to be the norm for you.

This can go with anything. Maybe you smoked when you mowed the lawn. Maybe you smoked when you went bowling. Maybe you smoked because you were just bored. Unfortunately, people smoke while doing mostly anything so there-s a lot of associations the mind makes. Hopes this helps!
A lot of it is just habit, once you get rid of the nicotine craving and all the chemicals out of your body.

Make note of when you most feel like a smoke. Then see when you most feel like one. I can even sit with smokers now and nor feel like one.

I gave up 4 years ago and very occasionally now I feel like smoking.

Apparently, even buying cigarettes is part of the habit. Undoing the pack, lighting up, having a smoke with a beer or alcohol, having a smoke with coffee or after meals. These are all learned procedures/habits that you will gradually leave behind.

Keep up the good work, you won;t regret it!
There are receptors in your brain that crave the nicotine. These receptors are used to your body ingesting nicotine. It-s a chemical thing that you can-t prevent. Well, Chantix, is a nicotine receptor blocking agent. Don-t know for sure how long the cravings will last. But I-ve been told by relatives - friends that years even decades later they will have a moment where a cig would be good.

Smoking is also a big habit addiction. You get used to something in your mouth or fingers. I-ve tried cutting a straw to cigarrette size. I think it helps. Also keep hard candy - toothpicks on hand. These both helped me.

Good luck!
its not the nicotine ppl crave..its the action of smoking..your body remembers the act of smoking, and the effects, how it makes you feel..its like if you lose a limb, and you always feel it there, although its not..thats what it is like when you take away cigs..
Your body has developed an addiction, and even though the nicotine has physically left your body, your body can still remember the craving it had for the nicotine. The addiction is not gone. Your body is the problem.

I wish the world would just stop smoking.
Once you-re addicted to cigarettes, you-re always addicted, regardless of whether you still smoke them.
It-s the same with alcohol or drugs.. If you become addicted to them, you-ll always be addicted, whether you give them up or not.
Areas in the brain control various cravings. I doubt medical science yet knows why. I have read that researchers believe exercise helps to control cravings. Exercising must help to release or inhibit he release of certain chemicals in the brain.
because it is a powerful addiction. It gets into your psyche. I quit many years ago, and I still occasionaly would like a taste, But I dont give in to it, and It goes away quickly. I really know I DONT want to smoke.
Speak for yourself. . . I suffered for three months by quiting and once I got past those three months of hell I never thought about it again. I quit when smokes were $0.75 after smoking for 15 years
because its not that the drugs were addicting, they made you feel good, that is the real addictive force.
It-s the addiction talking
How come if you quit smoking you still crave years later? -

Has anyone used Zyban to help them quit smoking? Any other helpful hints for quitting? -

Monday, June 24, 2019

Has anyone used Zyban to help them quit smoking? Any other helpful hints for quitting? -

I have decided to quit smoking. I heard Zyban can help with quitting. Has anyone ever used this to help them quit? Any helpful tips for quitting? I am on day 2, and very ansy!!
hi jennylo..

as a matter of fact did use zyban to quit... i later lost that quit however, in fact i tried most everything at one time or another..

the good news is that i did in fact something that worked for me long term.. i have been free of nicotine for over 5 years now.. because of my participation in a support group... I attend Nicotine Anonymous meetings both locally, and on line... on line voice meetings are as close as your computer.. and you are welcome to attend while still planning a quit.. however you decide to quit good luck!! there simply is no wrong way to quit..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
zyban is bupropion is actually a atypical antidepressant..and nicotine it is used to quit smoking..........
Bupropion reduces the severity of nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. After a seven-week treatment, 27% of subjects who received bupropion reported that an urge to smoke was a problem, versus 56% of those who received placebo. In the same study, 21% of the bupropion group reported mood swings, versus 32% of the placebo group .The bupropion treatment course lasts for seven to twelve weeks, with the patient halting the use of tobacco about ten days into the course. The efficacy of bupropion is similar to that of nicotine replacement therapy. Bupropion approximately doubles the chance of quitting smoking successfully after three months. One year after the treatment, the odds of sustaining smoking cessation are still 1.5 times higher in the bupropion group than in the placebo group.

other methods are try to have a strong will abt it....drink a lot of water whenever if u have urge to smoke....and yes nicotine patches are available too in the market....
keep in mind the deleterious effects of smoking on human body and think them whenever u are chronic respiratory disorders eg emphysema..chronic bhronchitis...chronic obstructive pulmonary disease..atherosclerosis...myocardial infarction....peripheral arterial disease like buergers disease...various cancers in body like lung carcinoma..git cancers..urinary bladder cancer....infertility...ok try to keep them in mind...women who smoke they tend to have low birth weight babies..
First of all Congrats! YOU DID IT! Now just don-t go back. I quit a little over 2 months ago, and I promise you it does get easier! Just hang on! So helpful tips- Bring an extra large bottle of water in the car with you- make sure it is ice cold. Second tip (because I was one of the people who like the smell of cigarettes) I would light incense when I was missing the smell. Third, Nicorette (just really portion out the doses, and if you were heavy like a pack a day get the 4 mg. It helps with the headaches a lot. Fourth, when it gets really bad, get in the shower and stay there until you are okay. You can-t smoke in the shower, it will turn off. Fifth, remember it is in your mind. It is as easy as YOU choose for it to be. Just say no. You are not being deprived, nor are you a victim. You CHOSE this, to be a hero for all of those who care about you. Good Luck!
Zyban is not prescribed by doctors in the UK. it can cause siezures and death. However, when i took it, i quit smoking instantly and had the urge to excercise all the time and eat loads of fruit and vegetables.......but it only lasts as long as the tablets last....and you cannot take them forever.....Zyban is a antidepressant
Have you tried the GreenSmoke cigarette?

It is the healthiest cigarette on the market. The secret to quit smoking is not to quit smoking, it is to smoke something that does not harm your body.

Here it is:

I have been using green smoke for a while now and i can tell u its 100% a healthier alternative than smoking! no carcinogens carbon monoxide or tar, just nicotine and u can use it to ween yourself off if u like....... but the best part is it looks and feels like u are really smoking but its just water vapour!! check out the website and read up on the benefits I-m sure u will be as impressed as i was!!! u can also use this code disc10-7097 to get 10% off the price should u decide to join us green smokers lol hope this helps…

I quit 9 years ago after 1 week of using the patch. I was a smoker for just over 10 years. I never had a desire to start back up. The patch is so much more affordable now. I highly recommend to anyone trying to quit.
Hi if you really want to quit smoking fast watch this video and make it favorite.

It-s not mine, but it is really good, and helpful. is the place to go to find out how to quit smoking and ya it sells a product but you can actually get answers from an actual person
Yes they helped me a lot , now I have been free from smoking 2 years.
good luck!
Has anyone used Zyban to help them quit smoking? Any other helpful hints for quitting? -

Is quitting smoking worth all the trouble? -

Is quitting smoking worth all the trouble? -

I would like to quit smoking but i hate having a -need- for cigarettes. It is not just the nicotine it is the habit itself. Is it worth all the trouble to stop?
well...depends if you value your life. lol
If you can-t control your self to quit smoking well then what can you do? Smoking is stupid, I guess if you wanna die earlier no there isn-t a need to quit.
It-s a good habit to stop, but it is really may take up to 6 weeks or more for you to fully recover and quit.
I quit 6 weeks ago. Although I still struggle with it, it hasn-t been anything I can-t handle. Benefits though, I can breathe better, I don-t smell like smoke, food tastes sooo much better, and I don-t have to worry about when I can go smoke again.
Is quitting smoking worth all the trouble? -

How did you manage to quit smoking? -

How did you manage to quit smoking? -

I want to quit smoking. I-ve tried several times before but the longest I-ve ever lasted was 1 week. My husband has agreed to quit with me but the last time we tried that we nearly killed each other. I know there is no easy way but some tips would be appreciated. How did you manage to quit? I know the nicotine is out of your system in just a few days but does the desire to smoke ever go away?
No patch.
No gum.
No pills.

I just said to myself I am putting them down. I never smoked again. The way I see it - Lie to yourself, and you are nothing anymore. I have not smoked since that day 8 years ago.

Everyone is a bit different as far as discipline goes. Good luck. I hope you quit!
I think you should go for e cigarettes.. Its the best alternative. I started using them an year ago and i will assure ya that it works the best.. Same feel, effect but very less nicotine.. I feel you should try it once...

Here is the link and best of luck :)

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Have you tried e-cigarettes? Me and my wife both have one (after deciding to quite smoking - which didnt go well - we switched over to the e-cig idea after a friends suggestion).
Basically i believe it works by vaporizing the nicotine inside a mock cigarette, rather than burning the tobacco (which releases all the dangerous and damaging chemicals).

That way we kinda get the best of both worlds, we can smoke (nicotine) and also quit smoking - with smoke lol.

Obviously quiting is the best option, but I found the e-cig actually helps me take days off from smoking - and eventually easier to quit.
Hi Donna..

your story was much like mine, tried a lot of the patches etc, and the pharmaceuticals.. some worked briefly for me, but i always went back.. the thing that worked for me finally, was nicotine anonymous.. i haven-t had a cigarette in over 5 years now, after 40 years of smoking..

meetings are available in many areas, as well as a number of voice meetings online.. you are welcome at meetings while planning a quit, or with questions, while you are still smoking.. you are welcome smoking or already quit, you will find that the bonding with folks who are newly quit, as well as the experience of older members helps a lot..

in Reference to your mood swings don-t feel alone, as that-s common and even mentioned in our literature... one of my friends jokes -you are allowed 3 homicides during your first 30 days- while some is embarrassing most of this stuff is temporary and does go

away.. in fact most of us have a sort of stoic humor about it.. good luck on your quit and remember really is no wrong way to quit!!
The best and surest way to give up nicotine addiction for good is cold turkey, combined with support and education.

I suggest the book by Allen Carr, -The Easy Way to Stop Smoking-, which demonstrates that all of your smoking behavior is merely nicotine addiction. Any other reason/feelings you have attached to smoking are essentially rationalization devices you have developed to justify your nicotine addiction. In addition, breaking the physical addiction to nicotine is relatively easy and takes about 3 days plus or minus.

Nicotine replacement therapies (NCTs) such as gum and patch keep you addicted to nicotine while you get used to not getting your nicotine from a cig. You cannot easily manage your nicotine intake this way and may end up more addicted than before.

Chantix does have its supporters and its side effects. Carr-s book should demonstrate to you that it is probably unnecessary to take medication to control the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Support is available on the website forum for quitting smoking. I would suggest it may take you 4 to 7 cold turkey quit attempts before you kick for good. Learn from each one of them what was hard, what was easy and what triggered a relapse. Once you relapse even once, you will go back to your old level of habit very quickly.
My husband was a smoker for 23 years, and has just recently quit. He used Chantix. You need a prescription, but from his own account, it was the only thing that made him finally quit.

You can read more about the drug on their website, If you have a history of mood problems like depression or bi-polar disorder, I don-t recommend it. It has some gnarly side effects, but you-re only on it for a few months.

Good luck, and great decision! :)
I personally never have smoked....
but to quit smoking, first try 2 not keep any cigarettes in ur house. if u go out and see them and get a temptation 2 buy some... think about ur goal u need 2 stop! think that you CAN do it. i know it must be really hard... but think if u smoke one cigarette, 5 minutes are taken away from ur life. the next time ur having a temptation 2 smoke, think, do i want 2 die soon? think about ur friends, family, and everyone who would be sad if u died.
that usually works. but if u cant even stop ur self from smoking by thinking about this, then i guess........ u should just avoid being in places where u can see cigarettes or people who r smoking. yeah, i know it is hard 2 go 2 places where people dont smoke... but then think about how happy u will be when u quit!!!!

My friends mom quit smoking like this... and so did some famous celeberties and more....

So come on! You can do it!
I don-t smoke, but friends have quit with the patch.
I can help you. you must go to
How did you manage to quit smoking? -

Is there anyone there who would suggest not to quit smoking? -

Friday, June 21, 2019

Is there anyone there who would suggest not to quit smoking? -

Today is my second day without cigs and i really wanted to quit, but i dont really want to quit anymore. Im bored when i dont smoke and im feel like a crazy asshole. Someone give me a good reason to smoke.
Its a very bad habit
Your doing good mate!Yes I am a smoker and the only time I would believe in advising someone in not giving up smoking is if they are under SEVERE stress and simply need it. But youv gone through two days,more than I can,but Im battling an OCD thing at the moment in my life,and to give up ciggs on top of that would be piling too much pressure on myself.(Ive gone ages kicking my OCD-s ***...Im so proud heehee!)
So youv gone through two days,your in the middle of the crappy pain,just think of it as if there is a little nicotie monster that craves you to smoke,not you!Your biggger than this,you chose to stop and your doing it,keep going and get yourslef a nictotine inhaler from nicorette or something,keep a birow in between your fingers and you should do fine.Believe in yourslef and your willpower,ony you can do it,make yourself the best and beat the urges.Goodluck.
(Eventually my time will come when I have to quit,I have every intention to do it but my heart and mind are not 100% set on it at this point in my life,so there is no point trying if you believe you will fail)
No good reason to smoke.

Remember your thinking has been working the way it does for as long as you have smoked. So it will take time to adjust and find, learn do new things. But like many say over time it gets easier.

If you want to smoke, then smoke. It-s totally your choice.

What made you want to quit??
No...sorry but smoking is very bad for you. There-s one good thing about it - the buzz: but it aint worth the cancer you can get. You know them pictures yiu get on the back of ciggarrette packs ? That could be you one day.

Please quit. Good Luck
basically if you quit before you-re 30, your lungs will repair most of the damage
if you are young and drink a lot sociably, then there-s no great rush.
if not, perhaps it is time to quit!
Cause when you take that first drag, youre chest will loosen and you will have that great feeling that nictine is flowing through youre body again lol x
There is no good reason to smoke but if you want to smoke, do it.

Who wants to live forever anyway?
If you want to die young, you cant quit smoking.
Gee, no answers? could be nobody can think of a reason.
Is there anyone there who would suggest not to quit smoking? -

Seriouslly, whats the easiest way to quit smoking? -

Seriouslly, whats the easiest way to quit smoking? -

I-ve tried countless techniques to quit and am still smoking. Only answer this question if you have quit smoking yourself. Tell me what works and what works the best. I want to quit!

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements
A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.” Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins
I used patches and got away from everything I normaly did. Helps if is no one else is around with smokes. Really, really got to want to quit. Ended up needing only 4 patches and its been 13 years. I smoked 2 packs a day.
I-m sorry to tell you this: THERE-S NO EASY WAY TO STOP SMOKING. Nicotine is very addictive. I stopped cold turkey. It has been 2 years. It was not easy at all. Even now, I sometimes feel the urge to smoke although not as often as when I first stopped smoking.

Remember that you have to deal with the physiological as well as with the psychological effects of smoking. The physiological part doesn-t last as long as the psychological part. Nicotine leaves the body approximately 3 days after you stop smoking. But if you always smoke when you are on the phone, for instance, it might take a little longer to get used to talking on the phone without a cigarette to keep you company.

If you are still smoking after countless techniques to quit, I believe you really don-t want to stop.

I cannot tell you what works and what works the best. That depends entirely on each person.

However, I can tell you to go to or any other search engine, enter -smoking cessation.-. You will find millions of websites that might have the answer you are looking for.

I am 100% sure that quitting smoking will be one of the best things you will ever do for yourself. Think about some of the benefits: you will save a lot of money, you-ll be healthier, no bad breath, you will be healthier, no smelly clothes, you will be healthier.

Did I mention that you will be healthier?
You-ve got a lot of answers, let me add this: in health one size does not fit all. This means that pharmacotherapy is individualized, said in simple words, what is suitable for you could not be perfectly suitable for me, as well.
If you want my opinion, browse the previous answers in order to get informed on what is going on at this field and then ask a specialist about it.
I think that a live discourse with a specialist who will evaluate your case - at the moment that you are well informed - is the best solution in your case.
If you feel that you want to refer here the methods that you have tried and why they have failed to you, be sure that I will answer, in the limit of my abilities.
You see, the case history is indinspensable, in order to do good work!
And I think that this is a very interesting topic and you will receive also other answers.

I smoked for 33 years and have been quit 15 months. I had tried many times to quit and always failed. I finally talked to my doctor and told him I -needed- help. He prescribed Welbuterin. I took it for one month before I tried to quit, then I set a date and quit. No panic attacks, no jitters, no ill moods. I took the prescription for another month then quit that. I had tried EVERYTHING else.
You need to find the proper motivation. That-s the key. You-ll never quit if you don-t REALLY want to. I suggest cold turkey. Start on a weekend (a weeks vacation is better). Chain smoke as much as you can stand the night before your quit date. It-s gonna suck and it-s gonna be hard, but it can be done. Don-t set yourself up to have a scapegoat for failure other than yourself (the patch just didn-t work... that hypnotist was a scam... etc).
No doubt, the patch is the thing. I only needed 7 of them. But be warned....take them OFF at night. I had hellacious nightmares from them....and that-s when I got to sleep. Truth told, they were a little like speed for me. First day I stayed awake 23 hours, slept 4, stayed awake 26 hours, slept on and so on. (Wound up dropping 7 lbs that week alone from having so much energy and getting so much done.) Take them off 1/2 hour before bed and you should be in the clear for nightmares. They were not unique to me either, LOTS of people experience sleep disturbances but! If 7 measly patches helped me kick a 20 yr pack a day habit, worth a few boogeymen, right?
Use the patch. You can get it at any drug store and it really works.

It-s well worth the money and can aid in your addiction by slowly weening yourself off nicotine.
I quit for 11 months so far.
I was able to quit through exercise. I ran for 6 mins within a 1/2 hour of time. run for 1 min walk for 4 mins. after a week or two increase your run for 1.5 mins walk for 3.5. when you feel comfortable continue adding time to your run and decrease time for walking. It was very difficult at first but then it got easier once i tossed the cigarettes.
Within a few months I was running 3 miles after work on weekends up to 8. I also signed up at a health club and began swimming. just like the running slow and steady with little increases. I-m up to swimming a mile. I also use the stairmasters/treadmills/bikes etc. for variety
I rode a bike to work instead of driving and this was 16 miles round trip. Somedays if able i would run, swim and ride a bike.
I feel so good and naturally high from those activities that I have trouble believing i smoked. i put the cigarette money into the health club/Workout clothes. As a reward to myself i plan on going back to hike a mountain in colorado that kicked my *** when i smoked.
Happy I quit.

Good luck
It comes from you only. You first have to decide that you want to quit smoking - not need to, but this time you really want to. Then it-s easier with some help, and it is proven that programs or counselling help the most, and one of the best programs is at
along with lots of free information to help you stay smoke-free.
Tell all your friends you are quitting and make them nag you bully you and shun you if you start again! Worked for my mum.
seriously to quit smoking is up to each individual,me personally i started to quit with the patch,it was going great but not enough, so i started using smokeless tobacco,i dont smoke but now i like to dip lol,i can breathe but my wife dont like the spit lol.....ummm will power thats all i can say and if you have a home gym try it.if you want a cig go lift weights or work in the yard keep your hands and mind busy
Check into the laser therapy. I tried different techiniques also and none worked. You still need to have your mind set to quit but I wouldn-t have been able to without the laser therapy. 1 month, 7 days tomorrow.

Good Luck
Seriouslly, whats the easiest way to quit smoking? -

How do I help repair my lungs after I quit smoking? -

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

How do I help repair my lungs after I quit smoking? -

I just quit smoking (actually haven-t smoked in just over a week now) and I want to help my lungs repair quicker. I am in the stages of coughing up tons of mucus and it sucks, but I know its just a sign of healing. What can I do to speed up or aid this process?
Congrats! I have also recently quit and am now 7 days smoke free. I feel better than I have in years! You wont spend to much time coughing up junk, and alot of it can be accounted to the change of the seasons. I dont think there is anything you can do to speed up your -healing- but keep breathing in clean air!
I was a smoker for 20 years and am proud to say that I am a NON smoker for the forever future! Hang in there!!
there is nothing that really that u can do because it repairs itself
I dont know how to repair your lungs but i think they repair themselves.congrats to you, thats great, keep it up!
Congrats!! Drink plenty of water. It helps thin the mucous out. Avoid second hand smoke. Your lungs will repair on their own. Each day you will feel better and better. Also start exercising (start slowly) to help rebuild the damage to your lung tissue.
They will improve on their own, there is nothing you can do except avoid smoke, even second hand smoke. Glad you quit, it-s easier than fighting lung cancer.
How do I help repair my lungs after I quit smoking? -

Where can I find free medicin to quit smoking? -

Where can I find free medicin to quit smoking? -

I want to quit smoking and I need free patches .
Most insurance plans cover patches now. Check with your doctor and insurance provider.
I don-t know about medicine, but as a Certified Hypnotist, I have gotten people to quit smoking after 3 sessions - no cravings, nothing. Matt Damon told Jay Leno on the tonight show that quit a 10 year, 2 pack a day habit through hypnosis....if you want further direction, let me know! Good Luck to You!
Cigarettes aren-t free. I think maybe you could spend your cigarette money for patches.
Where can I find free medicin to quit smoking? -

What is usually the most effective way to quit smoking? -

What is usually the most effective way to quit smoking? -

I need HELP. Okay..
I have tried quitting -cold turkey- but I can-t... it makes me crazy and I become a complete *****.
What can I do??
What has worked for you and
how much did it cost and
how long did it take?
go little by little till its all out of your body its the best thing you can do.
Hey Heather,

I-ve tried about every method there is out there and I can recommend only one - NLP!
Gum patches and all the other just did not cut it for me, not to mention cold turkey which was the hardest, I even tried the electric cig and it is just no match to the real thing.

Check out this article…

It-s the one that got me off the cigs and smoke free for GOOD even without gaining weight! :)

Good luck kicking the habit!
Well, I haven-t tried quitting yet, but whats actually worked for the most people I know, is quitting when they get sick. Your -quit date- is the after you get that feeling -Shoot, I-m going to be so miserable tomorrow.- haha

How much do you want to smoke when you-re in bed with a sore throat and a runny nose? Exactly. Helps you get through at least the physical withdrawal.
Drinking more water, Eating more vegetables and lots more.. To get a detailed answer take a look at this..
What is usually the most effective way to quit smoking? -

How do I become a certified auricular therapist to help people quit smoking? -

How do I become a certified auricular therapist to help people quit smoking? -

I-d prefer an on-line program.
Auricular-shaped like an ear.
-relating to the ear-shaped muscular part (auricle) on the surface of each upper chamber (atrium) of the heart.

Make a web page let people know how use keywords like, stop smoking. Do you need a web master? I know one. email me He is great, and he smokes too.
You don-t have to be a pro to help people. Just experienced.
Also do searches on what you want to learn use Yahoo or googles.

Can you help someone quit because if you can email me I want to quit real bad but haven-t beaten it yet. It really sucks too cause I am a minister. But we all have some kind of addiction, chocolate, coffee, TV, buying clothes, eating etc. SMOKING is the one I have.
How do I become a certified auricular therapist to help people quit smoking? -

I am a smoker and plan on having a baby. Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Monday, June 17, 2019

I am a smoker and plan on having a baby. Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

I-m not pregnant yet. I am a smoker and would never smoke while I-m pregnant. Is it going to be harder on the baby if I quit when I find out I-m pregnant? I know I should quit now but don-t exactly know the best way to do it. ANy advice?
First of all, Congrats! You are amazing for even thinking about it. Most ignore it and keep smoking.

here is a great website to help you quit; its designed for expecting mothers. Its basically the old adages but it helps that its written for you and your situation

Good luck!
I quit cold turkey two years ago. Have a lot of baby carrots on hand and when you feel the urge to smoke, eat those instead. Plus they-re good for you! I also went thru chewing on a lot of those coffee stirring straws. Change your habits, find something else to do when you get the urge and keep pictures of a blackened lung up by where you smoke - the actual ingredients listed in a ciggy. Good luck and congrats on taking steps towards a healthier you.
I quit very easily when I found out I was pregnant. When every I had an urge to smoke, I would just go do something healthy for me and my baby (eat some folic acid, read What to Expect, apply stretch mark lotion, etc...). It really puts things into perspective when you consider that you are caring the health and well-being of another life.

Good luck!
im sorry i dont have any advice besides looking at these pics:……

gross i know , i wish my mom would stop smoking.. =(
It sounds really stupid, but put a BUNCH of rubber bands around your cigarette box. The thought of going through all the rubber bands just to get ONE cigarette is just like -whatever, it-s not worth it- Especially if you-re doing it for the baby.
My friend taught me that one, and I still have the box of cigarettes with the rubber bands around it. I haven-t smoked in 6.5 months (when I put the rubber bands on) and I-m doing fine.
believe me - i quit last year for the great american smokeout... i tried the gum, candies, medicine and patches that i actually got addicted to. the BEST way was COLD TURKEY!! why not try it for thanksgiving?? do it BEFORE you-re expecting... just picture in your mind, your baby inside you.. attached to the chord and him puffing a BUTT!!! that-s what it is after all! smoking WHILE you are pregnant is better than smoking but ads stress to baby as well.

do yourself and baby the biggest favor you can EVER do for anyone and quit.

ps: i was a smoker for 35+ years at 2 packs of kools a day - i doubt you can top that! i know i was stupid for a long time and if i can DO IT so can YOU!

good luck!!!!!!
Not to scare you, but there are over 4,000 chemicals in every single cigarette!! Even rat killer.. and urine.. icky huh? There are types of gum, but they still have nicotine in them. The best way I can think of is to eat something crunchy or have a cup of coffee every time you have a craving. Get your friends and your partner to support you during this time! It will be MUCH easier! Good luck with the baby!!
Quit now, before you get pregnant. You need to detoxify your body and be healthy from day one. How? (grins) If you think you-re strong enough to go through pregnancy and childbirth, you-re strong enough to quit smoking. Just grab ahold of your willpower and do it.
Try EFT, a form of accupressure (accupuncture without needles, you use your fingertips). You can do it yourself for free, it works for me.


Search on smoking at that site.

You don-t need their videos, but check YouTube for EFT and smoking key words.
if u smoke while pregnant then it affects the baby because theres a higher chance that he can be born with asthma or any other breathing problems..but if u dont smoke while pregnant but u are a smoker then i dont think it will affect the not sure, why dont u just ask a doctor?
smoking is all about the hand to mouth contact and you need to do other things to keep busy until the baby comes and then for sure you will be busy,try and chew gum and do things using your hands and stop smoking will be easier than you think.
The patches work the best. Also you will have to quit other things you love to do, the things you do while having a smoke. Quit these, wear the patches and it will be a lot easier.
the thought of having an unhealthy baby should automatically make u stop cold turkey....that is if u care about ur child.
Find out what makes you smoke.

For example for me it was just out of boredom. So I decided to read books.
Maybe a nicotene patch
lock yourself in a closet with only food and water for 2 months and then come out andf u will be fine
Yea, do it for your baby!
I am a smoker and plan on having a baby. Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

How long does it take for your body to go back to normal after quit smoking? -

How long does it take for your body to go back to normal after quit smoking? -

Ok I quit around December.I want to know how long it takes for your body to go back to normal after you quit smoking? Because sometimes I get shortness of breath
Here the over time benefits when you quit smoking :

20 minutes after quitting:
Your heart rate and blood pressure drops.

12 hours after quitting:
The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.

2 weeks to 3 months after quitting:
Your circulation improves and your lung function increases.

1 to 9 months after quitting:
Coughing and shortness of breath decrease; cilia (tiny hair-like structures that move mucus out of the lungs) regain normal function in the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce the risk of infection.

1 year after quitting:
The excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker-s.

5 years after quitting:
Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a non-smoker 5 to 15 years after quitting.

10 years after quitting:
The lung cancer death rate is about half that of a continuing smoker-s. The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix, and pancreas decrease, too.

15 years after quitting:
The risk of coronary heart disease is the same as a non-smoker-s.
When smokers quit, within twenty minutes of smoking that last cigarette the body begins a series of changes.

At 20 minutes after quitting:

?blood pressure decreases

?pulse rate drops

?body temperature of hands and feet increases

At 8 hours:

?carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal

?oxygen level in blood increases to normal

At 24 hours:

?chance of a heart attack decreases

At 48 hours:

?nerve endings start regrowing

?ability to smell and taste is enhanced

The first year after quitting:

At 2 weeks to 3 months:

?circulation improves

?walking becomes easier

?lung function increases

1 to 9 months:

?coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decreases

1 year:

?excess risk of coronary heart disease is decreased to half that of a smoker

Long-term Benefits of Quitting

At 5 years:

?from 5 to 15 years after quitting, stroke risk is reduced to that of people who have never smoked.

At 10 years:

?risk of lung cancer drops to as little as one-half that of continuing smokers

?risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases

?risk of ulcer decreases

At 15 years:

?risk of coronary heart disease is now similar to that of people who have never smoked

?risk of death returns to nearly the level of people who have never smoked
Heck if I know.

Thing is shortness of breath is more of a trained reaction. Your body has gotten used to not getting enough clean air, so it compensated with short puffs.
You have to retrain it to breath effectively.
Good breathing exercises are:
1) breath in as deep as you can, expanding your chest as far as it will go, hold for 1 second and then take a quick inhale one more time.
2) Release rapidly, blow out the air as if trying to keep a feather in the air, flatten your chest and stomach as you release.
3) pant, breath in and then out quickly for the count of 3.
4) Repeat 1-4 about 5 times
STOP if you get light headed, dizzy, or anything turns weird colors.
Retry after 15 minutes of normal breathing.

Do this exercise 5-6 times a day, especially when you are short of breath.

Also helps with asthma.
Wow! You couldn-t possibly get a more comprehensive and thoughtful answer than the one Notalone with cancer took the time to type. All the more reasons to quit the things. Best wishes to you and congratulations on quitting!
It depends how long you-ve been smoking for. If it-s been most of your life, most likely the damage is done, and it won-t go back. Smoking destroys your lungs and the plaque that builds up doesn-t go away.
How long does it take for your body to go back to normal after quit smoking? -

How long does it take to quit smoking? -

How long does it take to quit smoking? -

I am trying to quit I havn-t smoked all day.
I-ve heard of a new drug out to help smokers quit. It-s really good.... according to what they tell us in nursing school.

Drug is called: Chantix

With this medication, it takes about 3 months to quit.

More information on Chantix:…

Hope that helps. 10 points?
How long does it second. Once you have quit. End of story.
In my case, at the end of the second day I already stopped feeling the need to smoke. But it depends on how long you have been a smoker and how much you used to smoke. I-ve smoked 5 years and I was smoking a pack a day before I quit. You need to have an occupation all the time to forget about smoking, that will make it easier. Try to avoid thinking about smoking or talking about it, every time the thought comes to your mind, think about something else.

BTW, I quit in the middle of the new years eve party at 0.00 at night sharp and threw all the rest of cigarettes I had out the window. I had a very strong motivation to do it, wich definitely helped a lot

Congratulations on your decision and I wish you good luck!
Depends how weak or strong is the person.
Someone that is a strong can control hi/her body and mind.
this depends on you. I smoked two packs a day for years and quit over night.
you need to want to and then you-ll do it.
I heard that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints had a really good program that dealt with addictions. you may want to try them. that-s how my friend quit drinking and smoking.
I still have the habits of holding a cigarette in my hand when I hold a pen or a toothpick drives the wife crazy. I have not smoked in 20 years so if I can do know the rest.
My dad quit smokign and it took him 20 years on and off and now he hasn-t smoked for 3 years
For some people it could only take a few days. For others it can take months or years. Each day you stay smoke free the better your chances of quitting for good. Way to go on giving up smoking!
How long does it take to quit smoking? -

Smoke smell, I quit smoking and have not been able to get the smell out of my computer.? -

Smoke smell, I quit smoking and have not been able to get the smell out of my computer.? -

Buy one of those room deodorizers that come in a small plastic casing and are round or shaped liked a box. Place it near your computer.

Eventually, the good scent (you can buy any kind of scent that you like) will permeate your computer and overcome the smell left behind by the cigarette smoke. Do NOT spray any deodorizer on or into your computer.

My best to you!
This sounded cliche even as it was coming to my mind, but you can take the money you save from buying smokes and get a new computer. Sorry, had to post it
I dont really understand how your computer of all things has retained the scent but try wiping it down with a vinigar-soaked rag or Febreez it!!
Smoke smell, I quit smoking and have not been able to get the smell out of my computer.? -

A quit smoking question? -

A quit smoking question? -

I quit smoking two days ago. It really hasn-t been too incredibly hard- I-m past the headaches, I really didn-t have any shaking, etc. But the worst part for me has been that I-ve had a bad taste in my mouth. Has anyone else experienced this? How long will it take for it to go away?
Your tongue may be coated with nicotine still. It will take up to 6 weeks for the taste buds to return to as close to normal as they can. Smoking damages your taste buds and as they heal, it is possible that you will experience a bad taste or dry mouth. Here-s what I found on the web.

Dry mouth, bad taste in mouth, or sore throat, gums, or tongue Smoking irritates the mouth and throat.

At the same time, it also numbs these areas.

Without the numbing effect of smoking, you may feel soreness for a few days until healing occurs.
Try sucking on hard candy or throat lozenges.

Use mouthwash or oral antiseptics.
A quit smoking question? -

What is the best food to eat to get rid of belly fat, exercise and quit smoking? -

Sunday, June 16, 2019

What is the best food to eat to get rid of belly fat, exercise and quit smoking? -

I-ve heard that grapes are the best but I didn-t know if anyone else had heard that. I need to get rid of belly fat and FAST. I know that it-s not going to happen overnight... I don-t expect that. However, the faster, the better!!
I-m going to be trying out for a play in my area. This particular play is (to say the least) a bit show-off-ish. It will be the first of it-s kind that I have done... Assuming that I get cast.
Now, I-m worried about my looks and I want to do something about it. My problem is the fact that I-m a wickedly picky eater and can-t stand most veggies. Fruits I can eat for the most part. I know too that I also have to start exercising and quit smoking. All of this is all well and good... But... Where do you begin? This is very serious and of the utmost importance to me. I need to know what kind of schedule I should keep with work out routines, what things to eat and how often, how much, and what is the best way to quit smoking (all at the same time)?
Okay, when I wanted to lose weight I just made a decision that day and started to do it right away. My suggestion is to either quit smoking or work on losing weight one at a time. Since losing weight is the most pressing matter for you at the moment (and quitting smoking can cause you to gain weight), I would work on that first, and when you have better control over your diet, then work on quitting smoking. I believe that if you try to do both at once, you-re likely to break both commtiments because it-s an overwhelming amount to do.

As for losing weight, I realize you don-t like a lot of veggies, but I didn-t either. It-s been 2 years and now I love most of the veggies I used to hate. I know it sucks, and sometimes it-s hard to gag it down, but you have to try because you need them. Not only do veggies make you feel full, but they are loaded with nutrients and vitamins.

Losing weight is basically a formula: you need to burn more calories you consume. Since you haven-t been exercisesing in dieting already, you are going to lose weight pretty quickly at first. A 1-2 lb loss per week is a healthy amount to lose (but you are likely to drop around 3 lbs a week for the first 2 weeks or so).

Everybody burns a certain amount of calories per day with no exercise. Go to the website below to calculate yours. Then, subtract approx 300-500 hundred calories off of that amount so that you are burning more calories than consuming. Next, do cardio 2-3 times a week and weights (you can do light weights and high reps to tone and not build muscle) 2-3 times a week too.

Download or find the Canada Health Food Guide (or something equivelent) and write yourself a meal plan including healthy portions from all food groups and for the right amount of calories that you need. Write down everything you eat so you are aware of what you are putting in your mouth and how many calories it has.

The exercise combined with the reduced calories will cause you to lose weight. Cardio will help you train and lose fat all around while weights will help tone lose skin and boost your metabolism.

It takes 3500 calories to lose 1 lb, so you need an excess of that in 1 week to lose weight. Once you know your BMR rate, you multiply it be a specific number that represents how active you are.

For example, my BMR is 1434.95. I exercise 5 times a week, so I multiply that by 1.55 (the numbers you need are on the same website), which gives me 2224. So basically my body burns that much in 1 day ( providing i exercise 5 times a week). I eat 1400 calories a day, so that leaves me an excess of 824 calories a day. Multiply that by seven and you get 5768, which is approx 1.5 lb loss per week. Make sense?

Also remember that losing and keeping weight off is a lifestyle change. You have to be willing to change your life and find a diet that works for you for the rest of your life. If you force yourself to eat only certain things for x months, you will gain the weight back when you stop. Also, allow yourself the occassional treat--it won-t kill you. But if you are too strict, you are likely to crack and binge.

As for quitting smoking, I can-t really help you there as I-ve never smoked myself.
Well first of all its hard to make a life change, and making three all at the same time is even harder. Not to say it can-t be done.

-Smoking: obviously hard. you may have to invest in gum, patches, or at least find some support system. Do you have a friend that quit smoking in the past several years? They could help you out. I think, set a date to quit, Next Thursday, for example. You-ll probably freak out, but one month from Thursday you can celebrate that victory. Also, do not engage in -just one won-t hurt- mentality. It will. One cigarrette will hurt. A lot. Each time you cheat in this fashion, the next time will be easier and you will start smoking again.

-Exercise: Exercise is hard at first if you are out of shape. Start small, work your way up. At first you will cough a lot from quitting smoking and from your lungs getting the extra work to do. BUT after two or three weeks of working out you will really be able to tell the difference. Do elliptical machines and jogging for the highest calorie burning. Spin classes are great if you have access to them. If you can-t do a full 30 minute work out, do 20. If you can-t do 20, start out with 10 three times a day. Or two times a day. Start as small as you want, is what I-m trying to say. You-d like to work your way up to 3-4 days of cardio. 4 especially if you are trying to drop any significant amount of weight.

-Weight training: if you have access to the weight room, going twice a week would really be beneficial. Even if you are lifting the smallest weights in the room, doing more reps will help you look more toned. Also, muscle burns more calories than fat.

-Eating. Count your calories, balance your food intake. There really has to be some veggies you do like- take a stroll around the produce section. Keep track of what you are eating ALL DAY EVERY DAY. After a few weeks you won-t have to write it down but - at first it will help you to see where you are going wrong. Also it will keep you busy- and people that are quitting smoking really need to be busy.

Here are two websites I like to read, at first it can help you to understand the basics of dieting/calorie counting and then every once in a while its good for a little motivation.

Good luck at your audition, and at all of your other goals!
Okay first and foremost it is important to understand that losing weight is a long term goal and to get there you will have to take baby steps which would be your short term goals. Pick what step you want to take first. So you don-t like most veggies-that is fine, you can consume the fruits on a higher dose since it is also a good source of fiber. I am not sure there is such a thing that grapes are the best. I know for sure that berries are the best because they have antioxidants to strengthen your immunity, high fiber and tons of Vitamin C. So those are the ones you should consume more.
More importantly start thinking about curbing your eating pattern. Eliminate white carbohydrates like white bread, white pasta, white rice. Choose whole grains like whole wheat bread, multi-grain wraps/bagels, brown rice, whole wheat pasta. This will perk up your fiber intake and you will not be consuming empty calories.
Once you tweak your eating pattern, make that your routine for 2 weeks and then gradually start exercising which can include anywhere from walking 20 min a day to going to the gym 3-4 times a week.
Belly fat is the worst since that is the last part of the body that shows result. Avoiding those white carbs will definitely help. Choose lean protein since your muscles need it: Lean cuts of red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, beans, soy, nuts.
With the smoking, once you start exercising, you will feel absolutely different- that will help you to motivate yourself to quit. Of course there are patches out there that do help and also i have learnt from other people that when they constantly chew gum, that distracts them to think about smoking.
Hope this helps you.
Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body fats.

It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.

Details such as my experience, meals, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in my blog.
Grapes, grapefruit, hummus, wheat bread are all very good foods to eat for what you want to do. But if you want to get in shape, it will take more than that. First of all, eat three balanced meals a day with little to no snacks in between. Start looking at nutrition labels to make sure the foods you are eating are low in fat. For instance, a Dunkin Donuts muffin has about 50% of your daily fat, and a McDonalds meal can have over 100%. Avoid eating this kind of stuff, as well as all fast food, and fried food. You will also need to do cardio for 30-60 mins a day. Maybe run one day, play basketball the next, swim the next. A routine like this is more effective than doing one exercise everyday. Weight loss products usually have bad side effects so don-t try those, but I use this kre-alkalyn which has no side effects and boosts energy during workouts to make you less tired and more toned. Those are the basics, but I am starting my own website that will have a lot of what you are looking for--biological aspects of weight gain and loss, reading nutrition facts, personalized diet plans, diet challenge, BMI calculator, message boards, etc. Message me if you are interested.
okay first of all...u need to eat only veggies/grapes/fish do not take meal that is oily or,fat such as beef ,muttons or milk and such that.....and do that in 1-3 months..then u need to do crunch and sits-up everyday to built muscle in ur stomach so it dont get fat or big .....or cycling everyday...or even easy exercise...but please..if u feel tired or dizzy by doing this kinda diet at the beginning..u-ll need to add carbs in your u will have the energy to carry on. . . with your daily activities and exercise..and if u feel u can cope with it..then only u continue with the veggies /vegiterian diet!!or grapefruits diet

try it..for 1-3 months..i promise u..u-ll loose some weights..

my previous weight is 75kg and now its 65 in just only 3 months..ive lost 10kgs!!:Dit-s normal right?lol

i learned this diet from Kylie Minogue and VIctoria Beckham.;) happy dieting!
fresh jucies will help you to burn your fat.but i think that the below website will help you to find the right solution.for reducing belly fat and know about exercises..
What is the best food to eat to get rid of belly fat, exercise and quit smoking? -

Ive started taking Chantix and I have quit smoking my problem is that the second pill I take makes me sick an -

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Ive started taking Chantix and I have quit smoking my problem is that the second pill I take makes me sick an -

me sick. Any suggestions?
I am a pharmacy student and I just looked a the literature about Chantix. Being nauseated was experienced by 16-30% of people in the studies they have done on chantix. This is dose-dependent, which means the higher the dose, the higher the chance you will feel nauseated. If you are taking the 1mg dose I would talk to your doctor or pharmacist about lowering the dose, it is recommended if you get really nauseated. Also if your kidneys are not working very well, it can cause more of the medication to stay in your blood for a longer time, this is like taking an bigger dose! Here-s a link from WebMD about the medication (but I used a resource for pharmacists, so you won-t find all the information I gave you on this site).
Ive started taking Chantix and I have quit smoking my problem is that the second pill I take makes me sick an -

Whats the best way to quit smoking without drugs? -

Whats the best way to quit smoking without drugs? -

ive eventually given up after numerous attempts, had to stay away from bars and even tried to avoid friends who smoke, is impossible to quit all your mates are next to ya smokin, a few months of suffering is alot better than gettin cancer
You just have to have the will power to do it so just get that last pack of cig. that you have and throw them away and that-s it that-s what I did but make sure when you have a craving try doing something physical instead of eating like I did good luck!!!!
i quit just over a month ago cold turkey. you have to be ready for it. all of those drugs are just for excuse makers. if you are ready to quit, you will. just think of black lungs, coughing up blood and miscarriages while men and women in suits (tobacco industry) stand there laughing at you. after all, you are paying them to kill you.
My aunt got addicted to nicorette. Try that. Good luck. Chew gum.
Whats the best way to quit smoking without drugs? -

I Need SOme Advice Iwant to quit smoking but i cant i have tried those patchers ? -

I Need SOme Advice Iwant to quit smoking but i cant i have tried those patchers ? -

But they leave rashers on my arm ive tried going cold turkey but i have anger problems after about 4 days i really want to quit but it just seems like its beating me i need help PLEASE
Chantix... works well for me! I-ve only been on it for a week and already feel so much better! Very few cravings, and didn-t have the moodiness usually associated with quitting smoking. 12-week program.

Stick with it! If you really want to quit, you-ll be able to!
Good luck.
I know how you feel... I am in your shoes at this time also. I have tried the patches and the gum. I have quit twice already. I told my doctor he said, -keep trying-. Going through the withdrawals made me feel so on edge. I couldn-t concentrate on anything. I was irritable, and had insomnia. I think this time ( because I truly want to quit) I am going to cut down slowly on the amount of nicotine. Each day I am going to lay out the amount of cigarettes that I am going to have and put the rest up high in a closet. ( So it will be a lot of effort to retrieve them.) And slowly decrease the amount. Wish me luck. And good luck to you also.
The only successful way is coild turkey. However, going from twenty or forty a day to none is nuts, I can see why you would be edgy.
Cut your intake by half for two weeks, then half again. when you are down to five a day QUIT
The impact of leaving five is a lot less than leaving forty.
Good luck.
Remember to remind your self why you are happy about your success. I-m happy to only have five today tomorrow I-ll have four but I-m going to see my grandchildren get married!
i know it sounds dumb but cold turkey is the way to go. You still need help though so u get a freind to help. Get them to when ever ur getting a craving get u occupied like play an game or go do something the more active u are the better. ur probally used to something all ways in ur hand to so try flavored toothpics or hard candy. some times candy works some times it doesent. just remember no to give up its hard.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
try champix or chantix
it is supposed to reduce you-re cravings for ciggarettes
but it is more expensive than patches
doctors usually give those to people who really have the will to stop
try Chantix. You have to get them at your drs office. I-ve heard wonderful sucess story from people who have stopped smoking thanks to these pills.
chew some gum
I Need SOme Advice Iwant to quit smoking but i cant i have tried those patchers ? -

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Go to a lung cancer ward and check out what you might have to deal with if you don-t quit ....

I know that smoking is a huge addictive habit, but PLEASE try ... no matter what it takes ... I lost my mom to lung cancer and it wasn-t pretty!!
I have quit before by just throwing the out and then having pretzel sticks around to hold and suck on ....sadly I started back up after four years.
The best way to quit smoking is to simply stop cold turkey. You will feel a little sick from the nicotine withdrawl, but if you cut down little by little, it-s only tempting to have more. My boyfriend used to smoke two packs a day, and just quit. It-s great that you are making the decisions to quit- smoking is so harmful to your health... you-ll thank yourself in your later years when you-re not hacking and dying because of cigaretts! Get a good support system, and try not to be around it. Don-t even buy yourself cigaretts. It will be very hard, but you can do it. Good luck!
You can try Free and Clear. They have coaches and stuff and cen help you out. I quit smoking 3 months ago with them. It-s been so much better. I smoked for 14 yrs and I feel alot better now. It-s a great feeling to be free of the habit.
the best way is to Quit not just think your going to you have to commit to quiting I did 10 years ago and it still haunts me but I WONT give in it was making me sick and when I finnaly listened to my body I QUIT It wasnt easy but if I can quit after 2paks a day for 27 years anywon can just hang in there and you can do it chew gum go for a walk pelland eat apples I dont care what you do but you have to break the physical than the chemiacl addiation or viseversa but it worked for me I wish you luck be careful of second hand smoke it will trigger your urges and make you weak and want to smoke the stuff is nasty but you can do it
Cold turkey.

Theres a book, alan carrs book, think his name is, he got my dad to quite 5 years ago, its been great for him.

If you only slow it down, you-ll keep craving it, the more you have the more you want.

Find something else to keep you busy.
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quit smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

I smoked for 45 ys. My grandson was born and I decided to quit. You have to really want to quit,no playing games. I put the money I would have spent on a carton in a plate on the coffee table and continued to do this until I had enough for a beautiful pair of boots. No one was allowed to touch this money, nor did I remove it from the plate. When I looked at it, I realized this money would have gone up in smoke. After my second pair of boots I didn-t need to do this any longer. The key is Reward Yourself!
Cold Turkey
cold turkey
Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

How do you quit smoking marijuana when youre addicted? -

How do you quit smoking marijuana when youre addicted? -

I-ve been smoking since I was 17 and now I-m 28. I want to quit but only because I have children. Not for myself. Does anyone have any serious suggestions? A lot of people answer with smart remarks and I need an answer from someone who understands
Good question. Its hard. Smoking pot becomes a lifestyle and its difficult to give it up. The people I know who have done so successfully - and I know many such people - have done it one of two ways.
They quit cold turkey. They told their smoking buddies their reasons for quitting and asked them not to bring it over, and not to have it out when they were over, and made it clear they meant business.

This can be difficult. People will want to give you a hard time, tell you you-re not cool anymore, etc. But if you go this route, you-ve got to be firm - say what you mean and mean what you say - and if you lose these friends because of it then its the price you will have paid to make this decision in favor of setting a good example for your kids.

Others I know have set a goal - say by the end of the month - to quit. Thjis way they can taper off, practice saying no, etc., to get used to the idea. This also gives smoking buddies a chance to get used to the idea -and maybe some will agree that its time to stop.

Its a personality thing. Some people need to replace one addiction with another. (Hopefully it won-t be something just as harmful like cigarettes or overeating). It could be chewing gum, hard candies, peanuts - somrthing to reach for that would somewhat help in filling the void.

I hope this helps some. Whether our addictions re physical or psychological they are still hard to overcome.

I wish you great luck!
Marijuana is an addiction alot of people have a hard time accepting.
There are a lot of people like youreself going through this and would like to quit but arent taken seriously

that site is a site where people discuss their addiction to marijuana, and their success stories on how they overcame it.
It should help you find your method of quitting.
Its time people realize the addiction to marijuana
Well marijuana isn-t actually addictive, people just like the feeling and get used to it. If you find something that you can replace it with, even something as simple as a hobby or activity, that will take you mind away from it, you can do it.
Cold turkey.

The people who say it isn-t addictive are wrong, they-ve found that it is for about 8% of the population.

If that doesn-t work, people do stop by switching to cigarettes, but that-s a last resort, who wants to replace one bad habit with another?
Marijuana is not physically addictive. The best way to stop smoking it is to quit for 4 days and stay away from the dealers and the smokers. I-m 49 and smoked since I was 14. When you want to get high, drink a beer or two.
You don-t get addicted to MJ, you get addicted to the way it makes you feel. I used to smoke a lot too, but then I stopped being around the -bad- crowd and was fine. I didn-t -crave- it or anything. It-s more of a discipline on your part to stay away from it.
try cold turkey. it-s not that bad..
How do you quit smoking marijuana when youre addicted? -

Tips on how to quit smoking! Please someone? -

Tips on how to quit smoking! Please someone? -

I-m only 18 and I smoke a lot! like 25 smokes a day! and on weekends when I go clubing and stuff I smoke like 30 or 40. I-ve tried to quit smoking and each time I fail I smoke more than usual!
I quit smoking cigarettes by constantly sucking on blow pops. Its good for the oral fixation and when your done you don-t want a cigarette because now you are chewing on gum. Also, you need someone to quit with you. It has to be one of the people you smoke often with. It-s extremely difficult to do alone. Also, never buy the lie. Know that you can-t have just one cigarette. Thats what addiction is. Take hold and know that you are master of your own domain.
Tips on how to quit smoking! Please someone? -

People who have quit smoking.....what worked for you? -

People who have quit smoking.....what worked for you? -

I have only been smoking for 4 years or so (am currently age 35). My dad-s recent health issues have really given me even more incentive to quit. I tried quitting cold turkey and failed miserably! Would love to hear from anyone who has been successful in quitting smoking and find out what worked for you. (I have also tried the nicorette gum and it gives me the hiccups everytime I chew a piece, lol) Thanks in advance!
hi Sasha-s mommy..

there really is no wrong way to quit!!.. some work for some folks and not others, there are complications, if it at first you don-t succeed don-t give up... it took me several attempts before i was able to quit, using a number of different methods..

the thing that worked for me was participation in a support group.. i found the strength in numbers worked for what i couldn-t do alone.. i attend nicotine anonymous meetings, both locally and online.. you can find meetings locally in many areas, if none are available, there are a number of voice meetings daily online..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
Please read the book by Allen Carr called the Easyweigh to quit smoking. You can check on Amazon at the reviews to make your decision. It has helped me so much and no cigs and no nicotine withdrawals. I-m free-thanks to going this way!

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Please do what this person says... I went this way for quitting and I never looked back. It-s very well explained, and it works to re-wire the brain-s association to nicotine so you don-t get cravings. Once that connection is made it-s THERE, so you won-t lose it... Like learning to walk.

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All you need is your will, plus a point marker. Point marker could be anything that makes it good to remember and brings you pleasure. For instance; buy yourself a new car as a gift for quitting. I was moving to California and decided to quit at the same time - I was chewing and smoking and I was smoking since I was 10 (I-m 40 y.o. now).
It though for the first week, second week is better but also tough up to a month. A whole next year will be reminding you of a cigarettes. It will be like you lost a good friend. So, good luck to you.
I have smoked since my freshman year in high school.. I-m currently a junior in college. The only thing I found effective is Cold Turkey. It-s really hard. But whenever I find myself wanting a cigarette really bad I do something else.. I-ve found myself wanting to eat when I want a cigarette but that-s not a good thing.. lol I don-t wanna get fat. You might try keeping mints or something like that in your purse and when you get that urge -pop a mint- =) Also another thing I did was I kept one cigarette.. For some reason I didn-t -freak out- about being out of smokes.. and I told myself if I started back I had to smoke that cigarette first, I-m sure it-ll be nasty!

Best of Luck!!
my husband tried acupuncture
there-s also hypnosis
you can-t just wean yourself off them, you have to totally quit.

My father got cancer of the jaw due to smoking, had his jaw cut away and replaced with bone from his lower arm - ugly then he died after 4 more years - he never quit smoking
Coconut oil has been helpful for some people trying to manage cravings. Don-t listen to the hype... yes coconut oil is a saturated fat but fat from natural sources really isn-t an enemy. That-s a whole different topic.

Coconut oil is one of the few sources of these short-chain fatty acids: lauric, capric and caprylic acid. The body uses these small molecules as energy, instead of storing them as fat. This actually encourages weight loss (longer chain fatty acids, like those in vegetable oils, go straight into fat stores). Also, lauric acid kills pathogenic bacterias and viruses. Rockin, right?

Among other things, coconut oil has also been used to help ease cravings. When you have a severe craving for a ciggie, try chugging some unrefined, virgin coconut oil, which will melt easily in a small amount of hot water.

You-ll want to start slow, especially if you-re not used to eating a lot of fat. Start with 1 teaspoon - work up to 1 tablespoon per craving. You probably want to max out at 3-4 tablespoons/day.

If you don-t want to chug the oil, coconut milk also works- buy the organic, original stuff (not -lite-), add some water and a tad of maple syrup/honey if you need to. With the following recipe from Bruce Fife-s book, you-d need to drink 1/2 cup to get the equivalent of 1 tablespoon of coconut oil:
1 can (14 oz) coconut milk
7 oz water (1/2 the can)
2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
Pinch of salt

Good luck! :)
People who have quit smoking.....what worked for you? -

How do I convince my boyfriend to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

How do I convince my boyfriend to quit smoking? -

He won-t even consider it. When I bring it up, he gets mad. He has been smoking for 7 years. He smokes about 1 pack of Marlboro Lights everyday. I don-t know what to do.
you know the more you bother someone about quiting the more they get mad like your boyfriend and the more they dont want to do it. He will quit when he is ready and if he really wants to. Im a smoker and i hate it when you hear all the preaching going on about smoking. ive quit before in my own terms. believe me its no easy task to do. but good luck to him and you as well cause you have to put up with it. I want to quit just have not picked a time to do it.
you know you say i sound like your boyfriend but its the god honest truth!!! thanks for choosing me as best answer....

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Talk to a pneumologist or a hospitalist so that you and your boyfriend could meet up with a smoker that ended up with emphysema or mouth cancer. I think people that get lung cancer are lucky because they die quickly. Emphysema on the other hand, it-s quite a sight to see; imagine not being able to take in air, just breathing small puffs of air and not fully exhaling.

And mouth cancer, well; imagine getting half of your face removed, never able to talk or taste food ever again looking very much mutilated and at the end, you will still die quickly with the cancer shutting your airway closed because it-s so aggressive.

Meeting someone that became a vegetable, paralyzed or blind after suffering from a major stroke thanks to a thrombotic effects of smoking might scare him.

If he-s still willing to continue the habit after seeing people with those conditions; then maybe you-re going to have to consider ending the relationship because the issue will always be a problem with you.
Get him some patches for christmas, or set up an appointment with a doctor. Another option is to find someone who has come up with serious medical problems from smoking, and give him a first hand story about the consequences.
take him to dr that can show him what his lungs currently look like. there is a test that they can do to show how much damage there is to your lungs.
Show him this video.…
How do I convince my boyfriend to quit smoking? -

How do you quit smoking pot? -

Saturday, June 1, 2019

How do you quit smoking pot? -

I have been a very big pot head for a very long time. i dont want to quit, but i need to know how. i know i should.
You just don-t buy it anymore. It isn-t physically addictive. You just stop doing it. No trick to it.
I would suggest you would first take notice of why you smoke it so much. Find the triggers that get you to smoke it. Is it because your home and bored? then get a hobby (play a sport, go for walks, do something) make it inconvenient for you to sit at home and smoke; become busy . Is it because the friends you hang around do it? don-t see your friends as much; make up an excuse to not see them on a day to see if you smoke that day. Watch yourself for awhile until you figure out in what condition causes you to want to smoke... Then try and avoid the trigger a few times and see if that works. If so keep doing it, if not then keep searching for the triggers.

That-s what I did to quit smoking cigarettes. It-ll be hard at first but keep trying you-ll quit if you really want to.
you will just have to decide not to smoke it anymore- you will also have to stop hanging around people that smoke it until you have overcome the withdrawal enough to not want to smoke it anymore. you will also have to figure out something else to do in your spare time so you are busy enough that you wont want to smoke up. good luck.
quit so you won-t get caught..... i just got caught, suspended from school, i-m pretty much on house arrest, i will have no life over the summer, i can-t be friends anymore with my best friends because my parents know we smoke. and it just screwed up my life, quit before there are some serious consequences! :) good luck
You just stop. Remove all trace of it and paraphernalia from your living quarters, car, etc. When you feel the urge, go do something...take a walk, talk to a buddy (who-s not a pot head), go swimming, etc. Physical activity will help working the stored THC out of your body. Good luck!
Inner Strength My Darling...Inner Strength!

Its Not That Hard! Just Gotta Have That -WILL- Power In You...If Not...It Means You-re Weak!

You-re Weak For EVERYTHING In Life!!
Stop buying it, and stop hanging out with people that smoke it all the time
Stop hanging out with other pot heads. Stop buying it. Stop lighting up. Find a new hobby.
you dont have to, just cut it down
just stop. if you ever feel like you need to get ****** up, take a shot or something instead of a hit... lol.
Will power.
you dont.
just stop pulling money out of your wallet
god kids are dumb
How do you quit smoking pot? -

Have you successfully quit smoking? -

Have you successfully quit smoking? -

If so, did you use anything or cold turkey? And, post some tips. I-m at the beginning of a quit right now. On the patch, and it seems to be going fine but it-s day one.
Quitting smoking is NOT hard. The physical cravings are actually embarrassingly easy to fight. All that is required is that you want to quit smoking. That’s all. No tricks, no gimmicks, nothing else to buy. You just have to want to stop smoking. That’s it.

Just keep reminding yourself the following:

You don’t have anything to lose: Except the foul smelling, disgusting tasting cloud of evil that is cigarette smoking and nicotine addiction.

You have nothing to FEAR: Fear is what stops most people from taking on the demon. Do NOT be afraid, the physical ‘cravings’ that you feel will NOT kill you, in fact, they really are barely noticeable.

Stopping smoking is almost purely psychological. But you have the ammunition to shoot down the demon every time it rears its ugly head.

This is the very worst it can do! It can’t actually hurt you. You are in control here. You are too strong and you will be able to overpower it armed with the facts.

You have a whole lot to regain: Freedom from ever having to feed the demon in conditions that in themselves could be hazardous to your health, freedom from the stench, freedom from clouds of poisonous gas that surround you when you light up, freedom from ever having to deal with the horrific diseases that it causes and painful, frightening early death.

Download the free chapters at the following website for more information.

Good luck, I-ve been there.
Cold turkey 15 yrs ago, one morning I had a sharp jolting pain across my chest and that was sign enough and have not had the pain since or a desire since, being able to breath easy is well worth it
It seems to me that the most important part is that you want to quit and are ready to quit. I quit 1 1/2 years ago with the help of nicotine gum. 3 months on the gum and I felt like I was too dependent on the gum so I did other non-nicotine gum that had a strong mint flavor and now I-m just kind of stuck on peppermints. The first 6 months was tough but it gets better, I still have cravings but when I do, I just find a smoker to hang around and after a short time I realize how disgusting it makes you smell and it reinforces my desire not to smoke.

Just keep in mind, if you don-t want to stop, you probably won-t be successful. If you don-t stop on the first try, keep trying. I am truly proud of myself for quiting and I am about 90% sure that I will not return to smoking, it-s best for me and the people around me. Good luck!
cold turkey 14 yrs ago
I used the patch and went down a dose every week then stopped. It did help but I still turned into a royal b++ch but I stayed quit for 3 years.
Have you successfully quit smoking? -

Has anyone ever used perscription Chantix to aid them in quitting smoking? -

Has anyone ever used perscription Chantix to aid them in quitting smoking? -

My mother has been smoking for 37 years, and she is ready to quit, but her addiction is strong. Did the medication help you at all, and did it have any side effects?
Thanks in advance!
Greetings. I used Chantix to quit smoking and tomorrow will be my one year anniversary. After smoking for nearly 40 years. I also started a Yahoo Group back then for people who were quitting with tons of info linked to it that can answer ANY question you might have about smoking and quitting, Accurately. Feel free to have a look and Happy New Year.…

took Chantix from October of 2006 through December of 2006 and it worked great for me. I haven-t smoked since! There are side effects to the medicine (upset stomach, trouble sleeping, unusual dreams) but they go away after your body adjusts to the medicine.

Even with the medicine though you have to WANT to quit and you do need some willpower. The pill will help with your physical cravings to smoke but it won-t do anything for the behavioral side. Any time it was a habit for me to smoke (in the car, before a meal, after a meal, right before bed, etc) I still wanted a cigarette. I did what I could to change my routine and that helped (in the car I-d sing with the radio or suck on a piece of sugar free candy, after a meal I-d start sucking on mints, etc).

I wish your mother much luck in quitting. It-ll be a bumpy road but well worth the trip!
actually i was skptical as i too had smokd for 30 years,, i went from 3 packs a day down to less than half a pack and became ill with the flu very bad and was afraid to mix it with the other medications,,, it works though,,, i have had freinds quit
yes, it works great
side effects is nausea, but take with food.
I-ve been smoking for decades and need to quit. I don-t know what Chantix is, but because of your question, I-m gonna look into it. Thanks.
My aunt smoked 2-3 packs a day and quit after 6 weeks of using Chantix. So I tried it, and it worked! I started it on Nov 4th, and did not even think of smoking the minute I took it until I was around smokers. I had 3 cigarettes, and that is all I have had since.
Medications- side effects always affect me more so, so take that under consideration. I had bad nausea, but no worse than when I was pregnant. It lessened after a few days. However, I kind of went -crazy-. Some nights I felt like I was drunk; I would laugh at one commercial and cry over the next. My moods were on and off. I have heard of this from several people on Chantix. I didn-t have the nightmares, but I would have very vivid dreams.
Because of the way it messed with my mind, I only stayed on it for 2 weeks. However, for the first month, if I had any drinks I would have one with non smokers only (alcohol is always a trigger for me) and I would stay away from smokers. I still do as much as possible, which is hard considering my whole family smokes, but I really really think this is necessary. Prescriptions or not, in order to break an addiction, you have to change your lifestyle. Any triggers your mom has, she needs to be prepared to stay away from them. The prescription is meant to work along with truly trying to quit and doing what it takes.
However, I have to say it worked AWESOME, and I strongly recommend it to anyone. The benefits far outway the side effects.
Good luck to your mom...I-m pulling for her! It-s hard, but I say if my aunt can do it (smoked for 25-30 years), anyone can. She just needs to be serious and stick to it. Kudos to her for taking the first step into looking into it!
Has anyone ever used perscription Chantix to aid them in quitting smoking? -