I am a smoker and plan on having a baby. Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Monday, June 17, 2019

I am a smoker and plan on having a baby. Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

I-m not pregnant yet. I am a smoker and would never smoke while I-m pregnant. Is it going to be harder on the baby if I quit when I find out I-m pregnant? I know I should quit now but don-t exactly know the best way to do it. ANy advice?
First of all, Congrats! You are amazing for even thinking about it. Most ignore it and keep smoking.

here is a great website to help you quit; its designed for expecting mothers. Its basically the old adages but it helps that its written for you and your situation

Good luck!
I quit cold turkey two years ago. Have a lot of baby carrots on hand and when you feel the urge to smoke, eat those instead. Plus they-re good for you! I also went thru chewing on a lot of those coffee stirring straws. Change your habits, find something else to do when you get the urge and keep pictures of a blackened lung up by where you smoke - the actual ingredients listed in a ciggy. Good luck and congrats on taking steps towards a healthier you.
I quit very easily when I found out I was pregnant. When every I had an urge to smoke, I would just go do something healthy for me and my baby (eat some folic acid, read What to Expect, apply stretch mark lotion, etc...). It really puts things into perspective when you consider that you are caring the health and well-being of another life.

Good luck!
im sorry i dont have any advice besides looking at these pics:




gross i know , i wish my mom would stop smoking.. =(
It sounds really stupid, but put a BUNCH of rubber bands around your cigarette box. The thought of going through all the rubber bands just to get ONE cigarette is just like -whatever, it-s not worth it- Especially if you-re doing it for the baby.
My friend taught me that one, and I still have the box of cigarettes with the rubber bands around it. I haven-t smoked in 6.5 months (when I put the rubber bands on) and I-m doing fine.
believe me - i quit last year for the great american smokeout... i tried the gum, candies, medicine and patches that i actually got addicted to. the BEST way was COLD TURKEY!! why not try it for thanksgiving?? do it BEFORE you-re expecting... just picture in your mind, your baby inside you.. attached to the chord and him puffing a BUTT!!! that-s what it is after all! smoking WHILE you are pregnant is better than smoking but ads stress to baby as well.

do yourself and baby the biggest favor you can EVER do for anyone and quit.

ps: i was a smoker for 35+ years at 2 packs of kools a day - i doubt you can top that! i know i was stupid for a long time and if i can DO IT so can YOU!

good luck!!!!!!
Not to scare you, but there are over 4,000 chemicals in every single cigarette!! Even rat killer.. and urine.. icky huh? There are types of gum, but they still have nicotine in them. The best way I can think of is to eat something crunchy or have a cup of coffee every time you have a craving. Get your friends and your partner to support you during this time! It will be MUCH easier! Good luck with the baby!!
Quit now, before you get pregnant. You need to detoxify your body and be healthy from day one. How? (grins) If you think you-re strong enough to go through pregnancy and childbirth, you-re strong enough to quit smoking. Just grab ahold of your willpower and do it.
Try EFT, a form of accupressure (accupuncture without needles, you use your fingertips). You can do it yourself for free, it works for me.


Search on smoking at that site.

You don-t need their videos, but check YouTube for EFT and smoking key words.
if u smoke while pregnant then it affects the baby because theres a higher chance that he can be born with asthma or any other breathing problems..but if u dont smoke while pregnant but u are a smoker then i dont think it will affect the baby..im not sure, why dont u just ask a doctor?
smoking is all about the hand to mouth contact and you need to do other things to keep busy until the baby comes and then for sure you will be busy,try and chew gum and do things using your hands and stop smoking will be easier than you think.
The patches work the best. Also you will have to quit other things you love to do, the things you do while having a smoke. Quit these, wear the patches and it will be a lot easier.
the thought of having an unhealthy baby should automatically make u stop cold turkey....that is if u care about ur child.
Find out what makes you smoke.

For example for me it was just out of boredom. So I decided to read books.
Maybe a nicotene patch
lock yourself in a closet with only food and water for 2 months and then come out andf u will be fine
Yea, do it for your baby!
I am a smoker and plan on having a baby. Whats the best way to quit smoking? -