A quit smoking question? -

Monday, June 17, 2019

A quit smoking question? -

I quit smoking two days ago. It really hasn-t been too incredibly hard- I-m past the headaches, I really didn-t have any shaking, etc. But the worst part for me has been that I-ve had a bad taste in my mouth. Has anyone else experienced this? How long will it take for it to go away?
Your tongue may be coated with nicotine still. It will take up to 6 weeks for the taste buds to return to as close to normal as they can. Smoking damages your taste buds and as they heal, it is possible that you will experience a bad taste or dry mouth. Here-s what I found on the web.

Dry mouth, bad taste in mouth, or sore throat, gums, or tongue Smoking irritates the mouth and throat.

At the same time, it also numbs these areas.

Without the numbing effect of smoking, you may feel soreness for a few days until healing occurs.
Try sucking on hard candy or throat lozenges.

Use mouthwash or oral antiseptics.
A quit smoking question? -