What is the best food to eat to get rid of belly fat, exercise and quit smoking? -

Sunday, June 16, 2019

What is the best food to eat to get rid of belly fat, exercise and quit smoking? -

I-ve heard that grapes are the best but I didn-t know if anyone else had heard that. I need to get rid of belly fat and FAST. I know that it-s not going to happen overnight... I don-t expect that. However, the faster, the better!!
I-m going to be trying out for a play in my area. This particular play is (to say the least) a bit show-off-ish. It will be the first of it-s kind that I have done... Assuming that I get cast.
Now, I-m worried about my looks and I want to do something about it. My problem is the fact that I-m a wickedly picky eater and can-t stand most veggies. Fruits I can eat for the most part. I know too that I also have to start exercising and quit smoking. All of this is all well and good... But... Where do you begin? This is very serious and of the utmost importance to me. I need to know what kind of schedule I should keep with work out routines, what things to eat and how often, how much, and what is the best way to quit smoking (all at the same time)?
Okay, when I wanted to lose weight I just made a decision that day and started to do it right away. My suggestion is to either quit smoking or work on losing weight one at a time. Since losing weight is the most pressing matter for you at the moment (and quitting smoking can cause you to gain weight), I would work on that first, and when you have better control over your diet, then work on quitting smoking. I believe that if you try to do both at once, you-re likely to break both commtiments because it-s an overwhelming amount to do.

As for losing weight, I realize you don-t like a lot of veggies, but I didn-t either. It-s been 2 years and now I love most of the veggies I used to hate. I know it sucks, and sometimes it-s hard to gag it down, but you have to try because you need them. Not only do veggies make you feel full, but they are loaded with nutrients and vitamins.

Losing weight is basically a formula: you need to burn more calories you consume. Since you haven-t been exercisesing in dieting already, you are going to lose weight pretty quickly at first. A 1-2 lb loss per week is a healthy amount to lose (but you are likely to drop around 3 lbs a week for the first 2 weeks or so).

Everybody burns a certain amount of calories per day with no exercise. Go to the website below to calculate yours. Then, subtract approx 300-500 hundred calories off of that amount so that you are burning more calories than consuming. Next, do cardio 2-3 times a week and weights (you can do light weights and high reps to tone and not build muscle) 2-3 times a week too.

Download or find the Canada Health Food Guide (or something equivelent) and write yourself a meal plan including healthy portions from all food groups and for the right amount of calories that you need. Write down everything you eat so you are aware of what you are putting in your mouth and how many calories it has.

The exercise combined with the reduced calories will cause you to lose weight. Cardio will help you train and lose fat all around while weights will help tone lose skin and boost your metabolism.

It takes 3500 calories to lose 1 lb, so you need an excess of that in 1 week to lose weight. Once you know your BMR rate, you multiply it be a specific number that represents how active you are.

For example, my BMR is 1434.95. I exercise 5 times a week, so I multiply that by 1.55 (the numbers you need are on the same website), which gives me 2224. So basically my body burns that much in 1 day ( providing i exercise 5 times a week). I eat 1400 calories a day, so that leaves me an excess of 824 calories a day. Multiply that by seven and you get 5768, which is approx 1.5 lb loss per week. Make sense?

Also remember that losing and keeping weight off is a lifestyle change. You have to be willing to change your life and find a diet that works for you for the rest of your life. If you force yourself to eat only certain things for x months, you will gain the weight back when you stop. Also, allow yourself the occassional treat--it won-t kill you. But if you are too strict, you are likely to crack and binge.

As for quitting smoking, I can-t really help you there as I-ve never smoked myself.
Well first of all its hard to make a life change, and making three all at the same time is even harder. Not to say it can-t be done.

-Smoking: obviously hard. you may have to invest in gum, patches, or at least find some support system. Do you have a friend that quit smoking in the past several years? They could help you out. I think, set a date to quit, Next Thursday, for example. You-ll probably freak out, but one month from Thursday you can celebrate that victory. Also, do not engage in -just one won-t hurt- mentality. It will. One cigarrette will hurt. A lot. Each time you cheat in this fashion, the next time will be easier and you will start smoking again.

-Exercise: Exercise is hard at first if you are out of shape. Start small, work your way up. At first you will cough a lot from quitting smoking and from your lungs getting the extra work to do. BUT after two or three weeks of working out you will really be able to tell the difference. Do elliptical machines and jogging for the highest calorie burning. Spin classes are great if you have access to them. If you can-t do a full 30 minute work out, do 20. If you can-t do 20, start out with 10 three times a day. Or two times a day. Start as small as you want, is what I-m trying to say. You-d like to work your way up to 3-4 days of cardio. 4 especially if you are trying to drop any significant amount of weight.

-Weight training: if you have access to the weight room, going twice a week would really be beneficial. Even if you are lifting the smallest weights in the room, doing more reps will help you look more toned. Also, muscle burns more calories than fat.

-Eating. Count your calories, balance your food intake. There really has to be some veggies you do like- take a stroll around the produce section. Keep track of what you are eating ALL DAY EVERY DAY. After a few weeks you won-t have to write it down but - at first it will help you to see where you are going wrong. Also it will keep you busy- and people that are quitting smoking really need to be busy.

Here are two websites I like to read, at first it can help you to understand the basics of dieting/calorie counting and then every once in a while its good for a little motivation.


Good luck at your audition, and at all of your other goals!
Okay first and foremost it is important to understand that losing weight is a long term goal and to get there you will have to take baby steps which would be your short term goals. Pick what step you want to take first. So you don-t like most veggies-that is fine, you can consume the fruits on a higher dose since it is also a good source of fiber. I am not sure there is such a thing that grapes are the best. I know for sure that berries are the best because they have antioxidants to strengthen your immunity, high fiber and tons of Vitamin C. So those are the ones you should consume more.
More importantly start thinking about curbing your eating pattern. Eliminate white carbohydrates like white bread, white pasta, white rice. Choose whole grains like whole wheat bread, multi-grain wraps/bagels, brown rice, whole wheat pasta. This will perk up your fiber intake and you will not be consuming empty calories.
Once you tweak your eating pattern, make that your routine for 2 weeks and then gradually start exercising which can include anywhere from walking 20 min a day to going to the gym 3-4 times a week.
Belly fat is the worst since that is the last part of the body that shows result. Avoiding those white carbs will definitely help. Choose lean protein since your muscles need it: Lean cuts of red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, beans, soy, nuts.
With the smoking, once you start exercising, you will feel absolutely different- that will help you to motivate yourself to quit. Of course there are patches out there that do help and also i have learnt from other people that when they constantly chew gum, that distracts them to think about smoking.
Hope this helps you.
Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body fats.

It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.

Details such as my experience, meals, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in my blog.
Grapes, grapefruit, hummus, wheat bread are all very good foods to eat for what you want to do. But if you want to get in shape, it will take more than that. First of all, eat three balanced meals a day with little to no snacks in between. Start looking at nutrition labels to make sure the foods you are eating are low in fat. For instance, a Dunkin Donuts muffin has about 50% of your daily fat, and a McDonalds meal can have over 100%. Avoid eating this kind of stuff, as well as all fast food, and fried food. You will also need to do cardio for 30-60 mins a day. Maybe run one day, play basketball the next, swim the next. A routine like this is more effective than doing one exercise everyday. Weight loss products usually have bad side effects so don-t try those, but I use this kre-alkalyn which has no side effects and boosts energy during workouts to make you less tired and more toned. Those are the basics, but I am starting my own website that will have a lot of what you are looking for--biological aspects of weight gain and loss, reading nutrition facts, personalized diet plans, diet challenge, BMI calculator, message boards, etc. Message me if you are interested. TimKita@rcn.com
okay first of all...u need to eat only veggies/grapes/fish do not take meal that is oily or,fat such as beef ,muttons or milk and such that.....and do that in 1-3 months..then u need to do crunch and sits-up everyday to built muscle in ur stomach so it dont get fat or big .....or cycling everyday...or even easy exercise...but please..if u feel tired or dizzy by doing this kinda diet at the beginning..u-ll need to add carbs in your diet..so u will have the energy to carry on. . . with your daily activities and exercise..and if u feel u can cope with it..then only u continue with the veggies /vegiterian diet!!or grapefruits diet

try it..for 1-3 months..i promise u..u-ll loose some weights..

my previous weight is 75kg and now its 65 in just only 3 months..ive lost 10kgs!!:Dit-s normal right?lol

i learned this diet from Kylie Minogue and VIctoria Beckham.;) happy dieting!
fresh jucies will help you to burn your fat.but i think that the below website will help you to find the right solution.for reducing belly fat and know about exercises..
What is the best food to eat to get rid of belly fat, exercise and quit smoking? -