Have you successfully quit smoking? -

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Have you successfully quit smoking? -

If so, did you use anything or cold turkey? And, post some tips. I-m at the beginning of a quit right now. On the patch, and it seems to be going fine but it-s day one.
Quitting smoking is NOT hard. The physical cravings are actually embarrassingly easy to fight. All that is required is that you want to quit smoking. That’s all. No tricks, no gimmicks, nothing else to buy. You just have to want to stop smoking. That’s it.

Just keep reminding yourself the following:

You don’t have anything to lose: Except the foul smelling, disgusting tasting cloud of evil that is cigarette smoking and nicotine addiction.

You have nothing to FEAR: Fear is what stops most people from taking on the demon. Do NOT be afraid, the physical ‘cravings’ that you feel will NOT kill you, in fact, they really are barely noticeable.

Stopping smoking is almost purely psychological. But you have the ammunition to shoot down the demon every time it rears its ugly head.

This is the very worst it can do! It can’t actually hurt you. You are in control here. You are too strong and you will be able to overpower it armed with the facts.

You have a whole lot to regain: Freedom from ever having to feed the demon in conditions that in themselves could be hazardous to your health, freedom from the stench, freedom from clouds of poisonous gas that surround you when you light up, freedom from ever having to deal with the horrific diseases that it causes and painful, frightening early death.

Download the free chapters at the following website for more information.

Good luck, I-ve been there.
Cold turkey 15 yrs ago, one morning I had a sharp jolting pain across my chest and that was sign enough and have not had the pain since or a desire since, being able to breath easy is well worth it
It seems to me that the most important part is that you want to quit and are ready to quit. I quit 1 1/2 years ago with the help of nicotine gum. 3 months on the gum and I felt like I was too dependent on the gum so I did other non-nicotine gum that had a strong mint flavor and now I-m just kind of stuck on peppermints. The first 6 months was tough but it gets better, I still have cravings but when I do, I just find a smoker to hang around and after a short time I realize how disgusting it makes you smell and it reinforces my desire not to smoke.

Just keep in mind, if you don-t want to stop, you probably won-t be successful. If you don-t stop on the first try, keep trying. I am truly proud of myself for quiting and I am about 90% sure that I will not return to smoking, it-s best for me and the people around me. Good luck!
cold turkey 14 yrs ago
I used the patch and went down a dose every week then stopped. It did help but I still turned into a royal b++ch but I stayed quit for 3 years.
Have you successfully quit smoking? -