How can I quit smoking? -

Saturday, July 20, 2019

How can I quit smoking? -

I need an effective method that really works.
I quit around Christmas and I sort of combined loads of different methods.
To help with the cravings I find something to chew on, like a straw or chewing gum which helps with the oral fixation part. If you need nicotine replacement then nicorette inhalators are really good (they are around £15) as they keep your hands busy as well as providing a nicotine fix. The gum never really did it for me (and I didn’t like the taste), but really worked for my friend and I haven’t tried the patches, but make sure you don’t get one that is too strong as too much nicotine will make you feel like sh*t. Also I’ve seen (but never tried) electric cigarettes on the internet, and ive wanted to get them, but they are like £50. They basically look and taste like real cigarettes (and contain nicotine) but they don’t get smoked.
It also helped to tell my flatmates that I was quitting, so if I mention really wanting one, they keep me busy and take my mind off it. Also if you have any cigarettes left over, give them to someone you live with or hide them away somewhere, so they aren-t easy to get one but if you feel like you really really need one, it takes you a while to find them, and by that time you might have changed your mind. Also it helps me to know that i have them around, as it stops me thinking about how soon i can go and buy some.
If you do have one (i lasted 3 weeks before slipping up) it-s not the end of the world, just write it off as a mistake, don-t think you-ve ruined it.
It sounds really cliche but keep yourself busy, i find when im in the middle of something i don-t really think about cigarettes. Also write down the date since you had one. I have it above my desk and it helps remind me that i-m doing a good job and how hard it would be to stay cigarette free for this long again if i give up and have one.
Go to your doctor, ask him about Champix.

Champix works primarily in two ways. Firstly, it reduces the smoker-s craving for nicotine by binding to nicotine receptors in the brain and reduces the symptoms of withdrawal. Secondly, it reduces the satisfaction a smoker receives when smoking a cigarette.

In trials, 44% of the group treated with Champix had stopped smoking after being treated for 12 weeks, as opposed to 11% of smokers taking the placebo. Over the same duration, it was also shown to be twice as effective as Zyban (bupropion), the other main anti-smoking drug treatment.

My boyfriend tried this and it really works.
I think thats fantastic that you-re going to quit smoking!!! Being a respiratory scientist, I come across a lot of patients who have quit smoking: here-s a couple of suggestions:

Generally smoking is in conjunction with a habit - like, getting up in the morning, making a coffee and having a cigarette. One patient has told me that she has eliminated as many habits as she can that she used to associate with smoking, and that stops her from being tempted. It won-t stop the craving completely but its a start.

There-s always the Nicobate products, but it would be good to speak to your doctor or pharmacist as far as which product would be better for you.

Rewarding yourself for lack of cigarettes you-ve had per day is also a good idea. I would probably advise you to not cut all the cigarettes in one go, just gradually wean youself off just so it gives your body a bit of time to get used to the idea of no nicotine. Keep yourself busy, take up some kind of project that you-ve wanted to do perhaps.

It-ll be hard, but, i assure you - there are far too many people that I have come across that have said that they wished they had quit smoking earlier. You-re doing a really good thing! Try your best!! You-ll feel so much better in the long run!!
Now that-s not something really easy..

Myself, I tried gums, patches, and all kind of stuff. But what really helped me and how I managed to quit was with hypnosis. It may sound strange but it really helped me.

I looked around the internet and found this website where a guy shares his story and how he managed to quit smoking through hypnosis and it-s a pretty useful method. You can check the website here:
I did it with Chantix. Took it for 4 weeks and I have been smoke free for 18 months now. You need a prescription for it. Works very for the withdrawl symptoms. My husband quit as well so for us this has been a miracle drug. I think you can take it for up to 6 months if need be. If nothing else has worked, you should give it a try.
Don-t smoke in the first place
How can I quit smoking? -