How many of you have successfully quit smoking? -

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How many of you have successfully quit smoking? -

im trying to stop its been almost 2 days since my last cigarette and i feel depressed
how long have you been smoke free and
how long did the cravings last
Well done! Try Alan Carrs Easy Way To Stop Smoking book and CD. You have got to try it too - let me know! Amazing. My friend smoked 50 a day and worked in the restaurant trade in the time when people used to be able to smoke in public places. He and I both quit by reading that book and it never occurs to us to smoke even 10 years later.
Most people say that however long you-ve been smoking and however manage to quit, after 2 weeks its much easier and within a month you definately lose the urge to smoke. Give it several months and you-ll hate smokers lol!
Please try that book - it-s great. He even tells you to smoke while reading it!
congrats on those first 2 far as cravings last.. i cant tell you becuase thats an individual thing.. i will state that they do go away.. i have been quit for a littl over 5 years using the nicotine anonymous program..

we have meetings in most large citys, and on the internet
i stopped smoking because i got pregnant and i was going to start back up after the baby, but with the taxes and everything i highly doubt that. it has been really hard on me especially since it seems like everyone around me smokes. i-ve been smoke free for 3-4 months now. the cravings last awhile i won-t lie...i still get cravings, but i think about it hurting my baby and i won-t take that chance.
A little off topic but,..I wonder how many people would quit if they were given free x-rays of their lungs.
I had a cat scan that caught a small spot of emphysema even though I was never much of a smoker.. and you can be sure that I never will be again.
I guess you know that they sell gum to help the transition.
Good luck.
been quit for 2 1/2 years . used chantex. used suckers to fill in for the need to have something in my mouth and hands. the cravings were gone in about a week.
As the old saying goes, it-s easy: I-ve done it a dozen times. Good luck!
How many of you have successfully quit smoking? -