How can I convince my father to quit smoking ? -

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How can I convince my father to quit smoking ? -

Help he-s smoking more than a pack in a day
All the people gave you good advice, tell him you love him and want him around a long time smoking will only shorten his life. Tell him from me that having cancer is no way to live smoking is like each putting nails in your own coffin
you can-t make someone stop smoking. they have to want to. but you can let him know how important his health is to you. make sure he knows that he can die from COPD, lung cancer, or heart disease. if he doesn-t stop now. maybe it will make him think about it.
tell him that if he doesn-t stop, he-s going to have serious health problems and that you want him around for a long time. Tell him that quitting smoking will improve the quality of life for not only him but the rest of your family as well, and that if he quits, he-ll most likely live longer. Just be real with him and hope he listens.
tell him how you feel. tell him the important parts of your life and his loved ones- lives that he-ll miss out on if he keeps smoking.
How can I convince my father to quit smoking ? -