What is the fastest way to quit smoking? -

Friday, September 6, 2019

What is the fastest way to quit smoking? -

Tell your wife to dip a butt into pi$$ and not tell you which one. Trust me ,you wont wanna smoke again.
Have you heard of the new electronic cigarettes? There was a story about them on Yahoo about a week ago. I-ve been smoking for 30 years and have tried everything to quit smoking without any success. And, then I just bought two packs of cigarettes that cost me more than $12. That-s ridiculous. I will be ordering my electronic cigarette starter package this week and I-m very excited about it. They simulate a real cigarette which none of the other quit smoking aids have done. They come with a rechargeable battery, when you inhale, you get a burst of nicotine for that craving and it actually looks like you-re blowing out smoke but it-s a water vapor mist. The tip of the cigarette even illuminates. So you get the nicotine you crave, the hand and mouth fixation is covered and exhaling the vapor mist looks like smoke.

The beauty of it is you still get all the stuff you crave from smoking without all the negative side effects or harmful additives found in tobacco. The starter kit comes with the electronic cigarette, battery, and five nicotine cartridges. Each cartridge is supposed to be equal to 1-2 packs of cigarettes. The kit is $79 and the cartridge refills are around $13 for a pack of five. I will be ordering from the site below.
The fastest way to quit smoking is to use nicotine chewing gums. They have a very good impact. My friend tried them and within a week he was away from cigarettes. Most of the time you can get free samples for trial. Nicorette is one of those chewing gums.
A fewpointers from my own experience.

1) Ask yourself honestly, do you want to stop? What would life be like without cigarettes? What will you do to cope when you want a cigarette?

2) Don-t cut down and don-t go for patches, gum, etc, just go cold turkey. I went from 20-per-day to zero. Expect it to be hard. It will get easier.

3) Don-t tell people you-ve given up smoking, or you-re an ex-smoker, or you-re trying to quit, or any of that nonsense. Just say either -I don-t smoke- or -I am a non-smoker-. It makes a lot of difference to the way you see yourself and to the way people react to you, especially smokers! Try it and see.
Chantix worked for my husband. He quit after 3 weeks! Smoke free for almost 3 years!
Big $$$, even with insurance, but worth it.
the fastest way?well its quite easy..
Go visit a lung cancer ward.If that doesnt do it you are beyond help.
What is the fastest way to quit smoking? -