People who have quit smoking weed, does it get better? -

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

People who have quit smoking weed, does it get better? -

I have been smoking for about 14 months now and I-m tired of it. I gues I-ve kind of become a burnout and im depressed. My question is when i stop smoking will things get better and will i be happy again, or am i just gonna stay all upset.
I-ve got to say, after banging my head against the wall for months with stupid questions about pot by pot users who can-t be bothered to think, this is one of the most amazing set of answers I think I-ve ever seen on Y!A.

As for the question, like most others, I will say yes to both parts.

Can MJ cause depression? Yes.

It does this because the mechanism of getting high is based on a substance called a cannabinoid. THC is a cannabinoid. It is plant based, so it is called a -phytocannabinoid-.

Your body also produces cannabinoids. These are called -endocannabinoids-.

When these chemicals enter your brain, your body thinks that it can produce less endocannabinoids.

Now the average person may not notice, but if you are already somewhat predisposed towards depression, you will very likely notice. This is also the reason that so many people say that you cannot be chemically addicted to MJ. While the effects of withdrawal are generally minimal compared to other drugs, any serious medical practitioner will tell you that this is _false_.

Of course, what you are experiencing is not addiction, it-s tolerance. Specifically, tolerance to your body-s own cannabinoids. Your body isn-t making enough to control mood properly because production is decreased due to MJ use AND because it is becoming used to higher levels of one of the neurotransmitters that helps control mood.

The fact that depression itself is actually pretty widespread probably has something to do with the large number of answers for this question compared to many other MJ oriented questions.

Does this mean that it will get better?

Actually, it will probably get worse for a couple of weeks. Maybe even a couple of months.

Then it will start returning to normal.

The problem is that what is normal for you may not actually be happy.

Pay attention to your mood and if you don-t feel in control after three months of abstinence, see a psychiatrist.

Don-t be afraid of a psychiatrist. Remember, you have already been taking a form of drug to help control your mood. There-s nothing at all that is -weaker- or more -broken- to taking something that actually has a prescription and making use of trained medical supervision.

It may well be that the source of your depression is not the MJ itself, but it-s very likely that it has been worsened by it. In fact, you may even find that you have to keep tabs on your mood for a very long time, perhaps the rest of your life.

that-s OK though and you will be happy again one day.
It will, but I know from personal experience that it can feel like it-s never going to. If your like I was, then every time you smoke now all it does is return you to happiness levels that you used to be at naturally, and maybe a little higher. Because of this, it can feel like smoking is the only way you-ll ever get to feel happy again, but if you do quit, after a long enough period, you will start to heal. The brain is a fascinating organ and it can often mend even in circumstances much more extreme than anything it was subjected to during your smoking, it just needs time.
When i started smoking weed I had a lot of fun. Than all of a sudden I started getting paranoid, depressed, confused, and angry everytime I smoked. When I decided not to smoke anymore my life got so much better. Dont even do it once and awhile or with friends just completely stop.
I still drink when I go out and stuff but I dont smoke weed anymore. I think everyone eventually grows out of it and it sounds like your going through what I went through. You just have to make sure that when you decide not to do it anymore that you need to focus on ridding the things in life that are in the way of your happiness. Focus on bettering yourself in every way possible because you owe it to yourself.
Yes, stopping smoking after large amounts for a long period of time causes stress/depression because it has depleted/gotten rid of the chemical dopamine in your brain which triggers you to feel happy. It will take a while though. We also learned you are supposed to get help for depression and most people don-t because it seems like it will go on its own, but it-s really a chemical imbalance in your brain which can be treated with meds from your doctor, so..... seek a doctor when your down for at least 2 weeks
well i haven-t smoked but one of my best good friends went sober about a year and a half ago, since quitting he has gone back to school to get his bachelors degree in business management and is now engaged to a lovely girl. He worked at my work but upon quitting he admitted to me that he felt more drive and now he is applying for a supervisor job. We used to joke about him quitting would change him, but its true. i believe that him quitting finally kinda set him free. I know this sounds cheesy but its the truth, i understand that many smoke for various reasons but for my friend this finally allowed him to be himself instead of someone who couldn-t wait to get high. He has thought about smoking since (he-s told me in confidence) but hasn-t because his fiance and career mean more.
-i hope you can stay sober, my friend did and i do believe it changed him for the better
dude, you-re abusing and you-re depressed. if you don-t do anything you-ll probly be dead on the floor of your basement with a gunshot wound to the head because of your depression in a few months. what you need to do is tell someone who can help you, quit the weed for a month, the go and see a doctor about getting some meds for depression. in a few month-s you-ll be right as rain 8D
the many stages of smoking that Mary Jane... you are now at the point where it-s going down... then if you continue you-ll go back to just being plain addicted and treat it like its part of life...

It depends on your capabilities to stop... I-ve told my friends to stop but they do it for 6 months...2 months... 1.... 2 weeks...2 days... and fall off.... once you do it for a long time... you are just part of its cycle.

So if you quit... make sure your friends understand that because they will get you back on it...

I don-t do that ... I-m happy without that ... so Good Luck
Well darlin-, it may not be the best idea to be using marijuana as an anti-depressant. While it does help you not care so much about what-s going on, it doesn-t help motivate you to fix the issues. And it certainly doesn-t help you process your emotions better. It-s more of an avoidance tool.

If you-re feeling down, try talking it out. I know it-s hard to do sometimes, especially depending on what-s making you feel that way, but it-s really worth the effort. Sometimes getting just one other persons perspective on a situation can change your whole point of view, and help you cope.

So to answer your question, I don-t think that smoking or not smoking will help you feel better. At some point, you-ll have to face the demons. If it-s really bad, talk to a counselor. There are a lot of ways to increase your endorphins and keep yourself flying high without drugs (prescriptions or otherwise).
I use to smoke bud ALL of the time my sophomore and junior years of high school which was -06 and -07. I haven-t really smoked since then other than a hit here or there once every like 7 months. The pot isn-t what makes you depressed, there are bigger issues at hand most likely. Figure out what it is that is really making you unhappy and try to fix it.
And smoking again won-t change anything, it just buries the problem and makes things worse. So don-t go back to smoking. I quit because you never know when some sort of opportunity will present its self that requires you to take a drug test. You most certainly will not want to miss out of something important due to failing a drug test, it-s a huge bummer. So keep off the pot, you-ll benefit from it.
good luck!
Smoking weed is like drinking alcohol. If you do it casually it is a fun thing to do with your friends. If you do it constantly it can be much worse. Luckily, weed isn-t physically addictive. The problem is that your problems are likely something else, and you aren-t likely to solve them by stopping. Be prepared to deal with your issues anyways (although you could use the extra money for therapy :P )
Definitely. I couldn-t get through a day without a joint a about 5 years ago and was horribly depressed i thought pot was making me happier but it was quiet the opposite for me. I still do miss smoking pot (probablly cause i was stoned most of my teenage life) and i-ll even answer peoples questions about pot. but pot isn-t for me anymore.
weed only amplifies the feelings that you have when you smoke it. if you-re happy, it-ll make you more happy. if you-re depressed, it-ll make you more depressed. don-t smoke when you-re depressed, and if you ARE depressed, you should just work out or go play some sports because that literally will always take your mind off things, which can help depression. be an active individual. and i think smoking weed wouldn-t be too bad if we could use our whole brains. we use less than half of our brain sooo that-s my point. good luck man u can do ANYTHING you set your mind to ;)
yes, it-ll get better, it did for me. if you think smoking weed is what makes you depressed, then definitely. but if you have other problems going on right now, then quitting won-t make those problems go away but you-ll actually start trying to fix them instead of just getting high. and i bet a lot of your current problems stem from smoking anyway
You get more energy, you feel more alert and smarter and you become more productive.
If you dont want to be any of the above, then you should continue to smoke weed…

Those are also stories of people who successfully quit smoking weed
I stopped after 6 years. and yes, weed is a depressant. I can-t guarantee you wont be depressed anymore. But I-m sure it will be helpful especially since you are more prone to being active. being active keeps your spirits up. or so i hear. It-s only mentally addictive so its not very hard.
Yeah, it-ll get better.
It might take a month or two, but it-ll get much better.

If you find a buddy who wants to stop blazing with you and you just chill with them all the time, after even just a few days you-ll notice that you guys aren-t as burnt out as you were before.

It-s a dope feeling of accomplishment. :P

good luck, man!
for me it did.
i mean, i felt more like a productive human being lol
i used to take 6 month breaks and those seemed to work.
but eventually i just got sick of it all together and i-ve been clean for awhile now.
good luck with whatever you decide to do :]
Firstly, you can-t get addicted to weed. And its not just weed thats making you depressed. A number of things makes people depressed, not just one thing. Look deep within yourself and your life, then fix it. Its not the weed.
yes. go to a doctor and get an antidepressant. i felt like you, before and after i quit smoking, and went on effexor, and antidepressant, and life is much much brighter. yes, trading one drug for another. but i would much rather have it this way
yes it will i had an ex husband who did it and it made him mean and uncontrollable and unfortunately weed is what caused our divorce so my point is is it will make you feel better once you-ve quit especially if you have depression problems!!
Well, in my opinion it-s not something you should do all the time just every now and then. Um, I think you-ll feel better if you don-t do it all the time. You-ll feel more vibrant and wanting to get more outta life
hhm not sure... i experience weed as sort of a pick me up. not really a depressant. i enjoy it ever so often...but ya i guess if ur becoming a burnout than u just over did it a bit! lef lay off... maybe smoke cigs.. i donno...ya i bet itll get better..but i mean id miss
if you-re upset just because of the weed, yes, things will get better. but if you-re really upset about other things, you-ll have to work on those issues to feel better.
It can be tough, but if it is causing you to feel depressed its definatey time to stop, or at least ease off. I felt much better after quitting. Good luck!
after your body is done pushing out all the toxins you-ll feel a lot better.

i know it-s hard to find the energy to but walking or working out helps you feel better as well.
When you quit smoking marijuana your life becomes a lot more boring. That is about the only issue worth mentioning, until you find something else fun to occupy your free time.
Yes, it will get better! I got pregnant and was forced to quit... Never picked up again after birth.... Life is good and I-m happy!!!! Find something else to utilize your time!

Good luck and be happy!
i think it will get better if ur depressd bc ur smoken wen u stop u will feel better n general bc ur actually livein life bein urself and nt bein high and disconnectd wid reality
I quit like a year ago its so easy!
since you cannot get addicted to weed only get a mental addiction from it
its so easy..
Self-loathing stoners like you are stupid. Its not the pot that makes you lazy, its you. You have no willpower, but go on and quit you quitter. Quitters never win though.
Yes. As far as your attitude; but The herb can stay i your system for as long as 1 year. Careful with the cops haha
People who have quit smoking weed, does it get better? -