What is the most effective way to quit smoking? -

Monday, September 2, 2019

What is the most effective way to quit smoking? -

and please dont say cold turkey, I think I-d go crazy If I had to do that.
I quit using nicotine patches. For the first week on patches I allowed myself 4 or 5 smokes a day, then quit, and just went with patches. Chew gum or something, that helps.
You can usually get patches a bunch cheaper on ebay.
dont worry about gaining weight. if you do gain weight, then it is probably healthy.

the best way to quit would be to not start in the first place.(sorry, i know that sounds really insensitive, but trust me when i say...been there, done that. and im only 15)

if you dont smoke for two weeks, then the nicotine is totally out of your body and system, you just have the habit of smoking left...and once you find something to do instead of smoke then you should be totally off it.

you could try::
-brain teasers (cross words/suduku/find words etc)
-exercise (walking/running/gym/cycling etc)
-cooking (cakes/biscuits/breads etc)
-meet up with friends
just anything to take your mind off smoking and you-ll be fine
Good Luck, i wish my friend would quit
Smoking is a vice, get another one for the transition, chew gum, sip on tea. Cut down little by little, and substitute with some other type of vice, do this little by little and don-t focus so much on the quitting aspect, in time you will find it easier to quit. Good luck, I really hope it works out for you. Chamomile tea is a nice stress reliever too. You can do it!!!
Please go and see your private doctor. They are the experts to treat your addiction. Yes, all smokers are legal addicts but everyone can be treated but they have to want to quit. Good luck. Just remember -Your Health is your Wealth.-
the best way is not buying the box of ciggaretes
What is the most effective way to quit smoking? -