What is the most effective way to quit smoking without spending too much money? -

Friday, September 6, 2019

What is the most effective way to quit smoking without spending too much money? -

I know that I need to quit and I have tried many times. What have you tried and found to be the most successful solution?
Go Cold Turkey.

I smoked since I was 15 years old. When I found out I was pregnant I just stopped but started again when my daughter was 1.5 years old.

Then, I started to think about not being around for her if I kept smoking so one fine day, I just stopped. I think I scared myself enough.

That was in Sept 2005 and I haven-t lit up since.
I was a smoker for 25 years and I had quit smoking for over six times ,but never really quit smoking before.Just after I read that quit smoking program, I realized how easy quitting smoking was.I am a non-smoker now! I highly recommend this program to you.It really works.You can check out

Good luck!
Well smoking makes you get horible wrinkles around your mouth and face and make your skin look like crap. Seeing this on other smokers made me quit. Does that help? Hope I am not too late.
I tried a lot of stuff, but I finally quit cold turkey, that-s free, and haven-t had one since January of 1990 and I smoked for 30 years.
I-ve attempted to quit smoking a few times and it is very difficult. I know there are quite a few things out there that supposedly helps, but I think it has to do with you really wanting to quit. I-ve been told several times that medication (Chantix-the new one that-s out) or gum or that other stuff won-t help as much without having the WILL to quit. Good luck to you! :-)
There are multiple programs put on by the gov-t that are free for you to stop smoking
I would call your local hospital and talk with the social services division. They shoudl be able to guide you to the right phone #-s for your area.
Wellbutrin - your insurance may cover it. It is a mild anti-depressant that has been found to help people quit smoking. It worked for me 18 months ago.
Cold turkey. Just stop. Very cheap.
think about it this way, u may spend 20 bucks a week on smokes, well if u quite on somthin a lil expensive now u will win in the long run :)
good luck i quit smoking a few yesrs ago
Don-t buy cigarettes, don-t ask people for cigarettes. Don-t even touch a cigarette and you won-t be able to smoke anymore. I gave up trying to quit. Still smoking. Good luck!
Quit cold turkey.
I have told several of my patients this method and they have all had sucess with it.

The problem with quitting cold turkey is that depending on how much you smoke now, you body has a craving for the nicotine. You need to wean your body off slowly. So here is what you do.

Start out with the normal amount of cigarettes you smoke in a week. Take 2 away the first week.

Every week after the first week, take away 1 more cigarette from what you normally smoke until you are down to none. This way your body is easing itself off the nicotine addiction, you don-t have to spend money on expensive patches or gum, and you still are able to maintain the oral fixation, which is easier to get rid of than the nicotine addiction.

Hope this helps!!!
when you lite up a cigarette, just get one puff only then throw the cigarette away. if you still want to smoke then lite up another one, have one puff and throw it away. if you stick with it, you WILL quit!! Or when you lite one cigarette, throw one away!! trust me. stick with it and it will work.
well i know that its a big turn off just the smell in ur closths house hair breath everything n it really hard 2 get out almost n possible,,,,,,,,,,,my mother smokes n i cant stand it.........it makes me want to get away from her...............which isnt a real good thing lol......so think of it as if u smoke the people u love wont want 2 b around u...........or how dicusting it is when u smell it on a person.....no hard feelings k? and good luck
What is the most effective way to quit smoking without spending too much money? -