Help! I quit smoking and gained 45 lbs? -

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Help! I quit smoking and gained 45 lbs? -

I-m not eating any more than I used to, but I quit smoking in November and I have gained 45 lbs. Everything I read said that the weight gain from quitting smoking would even out over time, but it hasn-t. I also seem to retain a lot of water, to the point that my weight can fluctuate by 10 lbs overnight. Is there anything I can take to boost my metabolism? And what would help me to quit retaining water?
you probably retain a lot of water because you eat salty foods, so you can cut down the salt in your diet, and to boost your metabolism you should do some cardio right when you wake up in the morning, just something to get your heart pumping, not too much, just like a 2 minute jog in place or something in the morning, everyday, and another thing you could do is eat every 3 hours, but make sure they-re small portions, and drink lots of water, this is because if you dont drink a lot of water your body starts to retain it, its like a survival mechanism
take water pills but make sure you drink alot of water also eat carrots to kept your weight down. stay away from sweets if you can and dont drink so much pop because that will make you retain a lot of water in your body. so water pill and drinking lots of water will help. and no sweets nor pops (coke, pepsi, ect)
Help! I quit smoking and gained 45 lbs? -