Im looking for effective ways to help someone quit smoking.? -

Monday, November 25, 2019

Im looking for effective ways to help someone quit smoking.? -

my mom has been smoking cigarettes since she was pretty much a kid..and she is so unhealthy, she can barely breath without coughing and sounding disgusting..and she also has lung disease. more than anything..i want her to quit because i fear that she wont be around much longer. any suggestions or methods i can provide or present to her? thank you!
Get her elected President of the USA.

Really, she has to want to quit before any program can work. Let her know your concerns. When my son looked me in the eye and told me to quit because he loved me, I quit the same day. No smoking for 7 years now. But, you have to support whatever happens.
I have a good friend who recently became hooked to the terrible habit. He keeps saying he will stop on that pack, but never does, and always finds an excuse to go have a cigarette. The thing that bothers me is how they have absolutely no benefits at all! Why would someone just do something to harm themselves like that? Like I might as well carry really fattening chocolate bars with me everywhere and eat 15 a day and every time I step outside! It-s so dumb and costs a lot of money. I once saw a good idea to help people to stop smoking. It starts with figuring out how much the smoker smokes a day, and then finding out how much that cost them per day. Once you find that out, find out how much it would cost them per year, and show them what they could buy instead with that money being wasted on cigarettes. Usually it totals up to a few thousand dollars, which could get them a trip to the other side of the world if they really wanted to! Try that method. I hope it helps. If it doesnt, just do what I do, I try to flick the cigarette out of my friends hand or mouth every time I catch him having a smoke lol. I just kinda sneak up and flick it, but it hardly ever falls out, he has an iron grip on the thing I guess lol.
My husband - I quit smoking and we did it by cold turkey. It was the easiest way for me. Harder for my husband. My mother has smoked for like 25 years too and now she is borderline emphasema. If cold turkey isnt an option for her, as everyone has their own way to quit effectivly, there are nicotine patches, nicotine gum - there is even hypnosis. To be honest, i have never personally known anyone to quit without just going cold turkey. My mom has went on the gum - patches for 10 years on and off.
Good luck and i hope your mom can kick this habit.
I quit four years ago; My husband said I didn-t want to quit because I would miss smoking to much. I tried everything and thought I would smoke for the rest of my life. One day my husband heard this web site advertised on the radio and I took a look at it. I made an appointment with the doctor a week later. Smoked my last cigarette before I walked in to his office. I think there is a doctor locate-tor on the web site; otherwise call the number to see if there is doctor in your area.This procedure is alitte pricing but well worth it!
She needs to be educated. There appears to be a correlation between a country-s standard of living, level of education, and income on the one hand, and the number of people who have stopped smoking on the other. The more educated and better informed people are, the more likely they are to stop smoking.

First thing your mom has to want to stop. If she wants to stop she could start by not smoking in the house and car. Another words step outside snow or rain to smoke. Some people suck on hard candy instead of the cigarette.
Hopefully she does something very very very soon. Her health is in danger as you all ready know. Good luck!
A friend of mine quit cold turkey by having his wife basically be the -smokiing cop- to bust his chops if he tried to cheat. He fell off the wagon a time or two, but except for that he quit smoking. His case was a pretty desperate one too. Very poor lungs.
Chantix , It worked for me , I have been smoke free for two years now after having smoked for 30 years. I used to smoke 2 packs per day and now I-ve saved a ton of money. Cigarettes are $7.00 per pack in Albany New York so I-ve saved just over $10,000.00 in two years.…

if she doesnt want to change she wont. it has to be her call. tell her you want her around and want her to see her grand kids, but there isnt much you can do
i think it-s going to be hard after all those years... as myself, not a smoker, even consider hard to quit...
so, i think effective way is to chew gum or exercise...
but before that, your mom really have to make a commitment not to smoke.
my dad smoked for like a day at age 25 and he stopped after a day cause he tried gum called nicotine gum it tastes like a cigarrete but it isnt bad for you at all. you can get it at walgreens and it works!


and give her something like a cigarette into her hands so she can get used to not having a real cigarette in her hands.

She needs another addiction instead? Perhaps coffee? xD
Im sorry for your mom :(, hope she gets better and quits

Best yet sexy way is....have her start a ******** convention, she-ll forget bout cigarettes ;););)

Hit me up when she does, I need one
check with president obama he is for hope and change and has been very successful in quiting.

have her drink alot of water and chew sun flower seeds.

Make her want to quit for herself not for you.
Go to stop smoking group
yea here is my answer go to stop smoking group
Im looking for effective ways to help someone quit smoking.? -