Any tips on curving the emotional issues tied with quitting smoking? -

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Any tips on curving the emotional issues tied with quitting smoking? -

I am attempting to quit smoking, again, and using the patch as a nicotine replacement. I am finding that even with the patch the physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms are still quite strong and almost unbearable. I am experiencing alot of edgyness, irritablilty and anxiety to the point that is effecting my relationships with others. Do any past smokers have any tips or maybe even a timeline in which to expect these symptoms to subside?
I went cold turkey. I think the most painful part was the first 2 or 3 days. maybe try explaining this to your friends/ family, so they-ll be more understanding. a BIG help will be for you to start exercising, like running. that-ll help clear your lungs, and calm your nerves. weight lifting is good for nerves, too.
Try what I tried:

Just for a couple of weeks try to avoid your usual schedule and routines, Dont frequent the places where you smoked, Dont hang with the smoking buddies of yesterday until youve kicked the habit ! Doesnt mean they are no longer your friends but they are your temptation! To take your mind off smoking by going to places where smoking is banned, Do things that you usually dont do as you will see your mind is more focused on -WHATS NEW- and not -WHAT OLD-,good luck and my prayers are with you as this is a battle you can win! Mind over matter!
Keep a packet of Rowntrees fruitgums handy

When you feel a craving stick some on your tongue and drown your tastebuds.

it worked for me 36 years ago and no looking back.

Do not keep any cigarettes at home or in your car or anywhee. get rid now.
Any tips on curving the emotional issues tied with quitting smoking? -