I quit smoking a month ago. why am i breaking out!? -

Sunday, December 1, 2019

I quit smoking a month ago. why am i breaking out!? -

seriously. i didn-t think i was a vein person until i quit smoking gained weight and broke out. my friends said im detoxing, if that is so why just on my face. i quit smoking to be healthy now im just self conscience and depressed as hell. i feel fat and ugly. wasn-t worth quiting in my book but im too stubborn to go back to smoking. this sucks.
after a month you will still be experiencing withdrawal and it will be your mind lying to you to be depressed and feel fat etc...hang in there ...the end result will be worth it....
The weight gained isn-t from the lack of nicotine, it-s from the extra eating you-re doing to keep your hands moving to your mouth (it-s like replacing one bad habit with another). The acne could be from the extra chocolate or sugar you-re ingesting as well.

Cut out the -non-smoking snacking- and you-re problem should subside.
I quit smoking a month ago. why am i breaking out!? -