Quit smoking? -

Monday, December 16, 2019

Quit smoking? -

I have been smoking for the last 6 years and finally decided go cold turkey. How do i take out the -bad thing- that-s there in my body caused due to excessive smoking in the past days.
I mean to ask how do i make sure that my past habbit has not caused any damage and clean my body ... Please suggest ...
The first priority should be to overcome the addiction. That-s the toughest component.

Your body will heal itself, and therefore eventually rid itself of the toxins introduced via smoking.

Cold Turkey is pretty rough, but if you can make it a week, you will already have begun to heal and therefore feel better.

Best of luck. It-s a major thing to kick.
I know what wasn-t the question, but i HIGHLY suggest that you get on some form of nicotine substitute. Such as nicorette gum, patches or lozenges. The success rate of quiting is very low as compared to using a substitute. But since you are deciding to quit -cold turkey- here-s a few hints that may help you. A nicotine craving really only lasts 3 minutes. If you can get past that 3 minutes than you should be fine until the next craving gets to you. Try chewing gum or exercising, just something that won-t make you think about it too much. You-re body starts to heal itself immediately after you smoke your last cigarette. Minutes after your last smoke your blood pressure will begin to drop, days after your last your lungs will start cleaning itself of all the tar in them. The longer time goes by, your body will repair itself to that of a non-smoker. The risk of heart disease is also that of a non-smoker after about 2 or 3 years. By about the 3rd month is when they say you-ll be in the clear and your chances of permanently kicking the habit are greater at that point. For now, to clean out all of the toxins, make sure you are drinking a lot of water to help flush out all of the chemicals in your system. Good Luck! It-s a very hard thing to do, but it-s very rewarding in the end and a great feeling of accomplishment.
Just stay off the smokes I quit too but only after I got larynx cancer and became a laryngectomee You can-t quit too soon so just hang in there...
go to a natural vitiam store they can sugest a going thing to help clear your body of the toxic left behide.
I quit January 10th. It was easy for me with hypnosis and then the patch. I am off the patch for over a month now. I think your body will take care of itself. The cilia grows back in your nose, your lungs will clear up (more than u realize...soon you-ll be able to hold your notes longer when you sing, etc.) You can also go into a sauna and breather the steam to help clear out your lungs. Good luck with that. Stick to it. Nothing in the world is worth smoking for once you successfully quit.
Quit smoking? -