What is the best way to quit smoking after 31 years? -

Friday, December 13, 2019

What is the best way to quit smoking after 31 years? -

I really want to quit smoking and I am on wellbutrin, and it helps, but how about replacing the habit? It is so hard! Has anyone been through this?
Give the wellbutrin some time. It helps so much. You don-t have to replace the habit as much as get new habits. I think it takes 2 months to develop new habits. So, when you get in the car, get in the habit of turning on the radio rather than lighting up, etc. After dinner, take a walk or do a puzzle - anything NEW.
try herbal pill

how it helps is when you have this pill in the morning after you try to smoke you feel bad taste in mouth and you hate cigarrettes smell so ultimately you end up in quitting. but for this you need to try for more than a month. these pills dont have any side effects they just react with smoke and create bad taste in your mouth. try visiting some medical shops you will find it.
Cancer will cure it. Stand by.
get some good snack around you, and grow a new habit to grab one when ever you think of that thing....and throw those out of your way....good luck...it-s a good decision to say - quit-...good job..keep up
Yes i have been through this..It is so hard but the best way is to keep a pack around so you can face it.Once you can resist what is right in front of you then you will be forever successful ,otherwise you will fight this every time you are around a smoker.Don-t ever smoke that first morning cigarette.Forget the patches you just need to stop cold turkey,that-s what i did .I think it takes 7 days to get the nicotine out of your system so after that it gets much easier!!
great will power
try caladium 30 one dose 3 times a day for one month
homeopathic medicine
Yes and the way I quit was very easy for me. This is what happened, a male neighbor of mine who hates women told me I couldn-t quit smoking because I was a woman. Never had a cigarette again. It-s been 28 years. He didn-t know it but he did me a favor. May not help you but might give you a bit of an incentive.
I smoked for 23 years and i quitted 3 months ago.

I took 3 weeks holyday and used poultice ( nicotinel ).
The first week was hard I just lied on the bed, after that it was getting easier and easier. I dont have any lust to smoke anymore.

It was much easier as I expected.

When i wanted to smoke I just said to myself that if I would do that I would never quit.
I don-t smoke but my father and mother did. Daddy died of emphysema and Mother quit after she had a heart attack in -03.

Daddy quit by going to a smoking clinic. Mother says she still wants a cigarette but knows she can-t smoke. Both my parents were much more calm after they quit smoking. I was surprised by that.

When you want a cigarette, say a prayer and say-please don-t let me smoke this-.
Then that night congratulate yourself on the number of cigs you didn-t smoke that day..
Don-t beat your self up if you smoked.

Each time you want a cigarette, also do something you love doing besides smoking.

Do it one day at a time coz smoking is highly addictive and hard to quit.
If you-re not able to, then see a therapist who does hypnosis. That can be very helpful.
Good luck to you!
chew gum insted
Here-s a tip -carry an unopened pack of cigarettes with you[we want most what we don-t have]. It helped me quit after 33 years.Use the money you save and buy yourself some toys.
stick a miniature firecracker into each cigarette before smoking. I guarantee you-ll stop soon enough.
Yes I have quit smoking and the only real way to do it is cold turkey. It is hard to do and you might not make it the first time you try but it is so worth doing. Just tell yourself that you will not light the next cigarette. You can try gum or someother thing to replace the habbit but in the end it is gonna come down to you chosing life over death and chosing to smoke or not to smoke.

I could tell you about how my husband died of lung cancer and how he lost 140 pounds and all his hair and his voice to the chemo treatments and how he was in and out of the hospital to have fluid drained off his lungs and how we had to raise the head of the bed with books because he nearly drowned in the building fluids. I could tell you how he looked older than his own father and about how his legs swoll up to over twice their size. I could go on and on but I will stop with telling you that he smoked 2 packs a day for 30 years and that he died last November at one month past his 50 birthday. will that do it for motivation?
Become so busy with volunteer work for the unfortunate that you don-t have the time or opportunity to smoke. Ideally this might be cancer victims.

Buy a pack of cigarettes for each of your kids and/or grandkids so you can take a close look at the future you are giving them. Autograph the packs so they will remember you.

Draw a picture of your own tombstone and write on it the way people will really remember you. Make tombstone drawings for each of the people you have poisoned by either smoking around or teaching them how to smoke by example.

Take a close look in a mirror and make up your own mind whether you really want to smoke or not. Then live accordingly.

try nicotine patches. or get a girl u really love encourage u to quit! :D
I don-t smoke, but was told that smoking is a brain addiction as well as a physical addiction. This has worked for other people.

1. Get the nastiest/unfiltered cigarettes you can find, then put them in a very inconvenient place. They go in the trunk of your car, or in the basement/attic where you have to reach/crawl to get to them.
2. You are not allowed to carry cigarettes, or a lighter/matches on your self.
3. You can only smoke outside, and you can not stand under any form of shelter. The only exception is that you can have an umbrella if it is raining.
4. When you are done smoking, you have to put the cigarette out and save it in a plastic bag, which you will then return to where you are keeping your cigarettes.
5. When you want a cigarette, you have to finish the one that you have in the plastic bag first.

The point of all of this is to reprogram your brain. You will have to really want to smoke to go to all of the trouble of doing it. This will also help separate the physical addiction from the brain addiction. Give yourself 6 weeks, and see how it goes.
If you have had it for 31 long years, i dont think you have what it takes to leave the habit. Just dont get into guilt traps and try to reduce the frequency. Enjoy your smoke when you do
when you find out let me know. i need to quit too. i-ve been looking into the shot.
my dad was hypmotized and it worked it has been 9 years and he smoked for 42 years!!! Good luck, dont knock it until you try it!!!
cancer cures smoking
That-s a lot of years of dependency, so I-d advice you get some professional help.
It-s not an easy path at all. I am trying to quit after just ten years and I have already quit and come back to it three times. It-s a nasty one. I just read in paper yesterday that nicotine in cigarettes is up 10% since 1998. So they are even worse than before. Damn I should have quit in -98. I suggest trying to find something you can do with your hands, like maybe a crossword book or if you like it soduko. Keeping your hands and mind busy is very helpful but you will also come across the want for your mouth so try to keep lots of good vegetables and fruit on hand, I like grapes because you are doing something with your hands and your mouth, two cravings taken care of in one healthy snack. Also check out quitting smoking aid websites like these ones and see if they have any ideas that you feel are right for you. And find a great reason to quit. Mine is to think about not being around to meet my two toddler son-s wives and babies. It-s the only thing that makes me want to stop. Good luck with this and stick with it, it-s worth it and you can always email me if you need moral support from someone who-s going through a similar thing. Take care.
Yes, I quit smoking in April of 2003...after 34 years. I used Wellbutrin and Commit lozenges. It was my fourth real hard try at quitting. The first try only lasted a month. The second try lasted three months. The third try lasted about 6 months. I-ve tried the patches, the gum, etc. The best advice I got was -don-t stop trying!- It will take a commitment on your part, and a really sincere desire to be a non-smoker, but if you don-t stop trying, you will succeed, just keep on looking for a way that will work for YOU! Good luck!
Take lesser and lesser stick each weeks.....slowly and gradually. If you quit too fast, you may died
go see the doctor. your lung cancer treatment will keep you busy and will keep your mind off wanting to smoke.
What is the best way to quit smoking after 31 years? -