If i quit smoking, will the damage done already done to my lungs improve or is it too late? -

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

If i quit smoking, will the damage done already done to my lungs improve or is it too late? -

It depends on the damage done. Ask your doctor if you have a chance to better your lungs. Tell them that you are planning on stopping and would like to see a lung specialist to see if its possible.

Please don-t smoke around others. Lots of people smoke in the streets and they have no respect for the person behind them or next to them. When they turn their face away, it still blows to our face.

THe damage depends on your body-s ability to handle it!
I smoke years ago for a month! I regret that day! I couldn-t sleep at night. Shortness of breath for over a year. Coughing and Coughing. Now asthmatic for 3 years.
As you have said, the damage has already been done but when you stop smoking, your lung-s condition can definitely improve. You also lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, and other fatal diseases. When you stop smoking, you will also feel better with yourself and you can do away with bad breath and yellow teeth that you had when you were smoking.
It really depends on how long you have been smoking. If its been under ten years I would say no the damage is not permanent. Your lungs will regenerate and heal in about 15 years. I will tell you this, once you quit you can feel the difference and the health returning. I have been smoke free for a year and I smoked for 10. I feel so much better, my depression has eased off too. I can take deep breaths again and I overall feel good about not being tied to the habit.

Eating apples is good for lung health. I quit by replacing cigs with apples. Instead of smoking on my work breaks I ate an apple during them instead.
If you have smoked ten years or more, there is damage to your lungs; it may be only a small amount or it may be much more. Although you will probably get all kinds of opinions, scientific evidence proves that the lungs begin to heal and/or improve when you stop smoking. If you have not developed emphysema, your lungs will heal completely within about five years.

I smoked for 17 years and stopped, cold turkey, and could tell the difference in my breathing within a week. I started running and was breathing deeper. That was twenty-five years ago (in 1984). Pulmonary function test showed my lungs to be the same as if I never smoked.

The downside is that, although a person stops smoking, they still could get lung cancer at some point in the future, BUT the chances are greatly reduced. The smoke will clear out of your lungs and your breath will not smell like a burned trash pile.

You never go wrong by tossing the cigs. Go for it!
Quitting smoking is always a plus.(Wish I could)But to answer your question,yes.It takes quite awhile,but eventually some of the damage will heal.Now scarring from other stuff,no.I have -burn- scars on my lung lining from being young and dumb,and spraying Em iron paint on motorcycle frames about 30 yrs ago.The way it was explained to me was ,it formed almost like a plastic type scarring.This my friend will never heal.If your not sure how much damage has been done,ask the doc to do x-rays.And please.if you do any commercial spray painting or stuff that puts lots of dust in the air,Wear appropriate respirators.
God speed.
It does depends on how long you-ve smoked and whether or not you have lung disease already.

Generally: Risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker. Risk of heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked.
NO the damage to your lungs will not go away,BUT by quitting now it will not get any worse.I have been smoking for 46 years, hae lost 90% of my lung function. I will be dead by the end of the year,and quitting willn do me no good. I implore you, if you can give it up DO....
The sooner you stop the better. Your lungs may already be damaged but when you stop they will eventually improve but it will take time.
Good luck with quitting if you decided to :) xxx
If i quit smoking, will the damage done already done to my lungs improve or is it too late? -