How to quit smoking weed? -

Sunday, September 20, 2020

How to quit smoking weed? -

i dont need to go to doctor but i any suggestions, Please help!
plz dont say stuipd stuff cuz i really want to quit smoking i m 16 years old i used to do good in school now i dont. i have a bad rep in school n i m really stressed out .
if your really stressed about it,
then stop smoking, turn things
around for yourself, you can do
it, i dont think its possible to get
addicted to weed i think thats all
just in your head. But you can
change things for yourself. my sister
is the same way, and since she was
i was, but everytime she still asks
me i tell her no because i dont want
to ruin my future plans and that i
want to do good in school and dont
want a bad rep.
Just stop, cold turkey. Find something else to do with your time-- run, bike, shoot some hoops, pick up a book and read. Stay away from burn-outs who encourage you to keep smoking. Focus on your school work! That is what-s important. It-s not too late to get your sh*t together and turn yourself around.
take all your weed and bury it or toss it in a river or something. and then yuo wont be able to smoke any. and put your money somewhere where you cant get it (have a friend hole onto it or something) so you cant buy anymore. and just wait it out.

i dont know if that would be bad for your system or not quiting that abruptly but thats just a suggestion. i donno i never did drugs before.
start lifting weights. This in turn will inspire you to eat healthy and do healthy things.
You should have never started. First of all, you-re only 16. Second, it can kill you. Third, it-s extrememly illegal.
Clearly the side effects of smoking marijuana are showing, your progress is declining. Motivate yourself and set a goal. When you quit for sure, treat yourself to something nice.
One day at a time.

One hour at a time.

Just don-t smoke today. Don-t worry about tomorrow.
Quit that s**t, cold turkey. Don-t sit in on sessions, don-t hang with stoners, don-t go out for fresh air during parties. Remove yourself completely and utterly from that atmosphere.

Yeah, life without weed is boring at first. So find something to keep you occupied - not passive, but active. Passive=watching tv, just sitting around, playing games=bad=more weed. Active=exercise, relationships, clean friends, housework, all that=good. You just need to occupy the hands and mind long enough to get back into the old routine. And you-ll be able to get your life back on track pretty soon.

Whatever you do, don-t look for a substitute or something -lighter- to take the edge off. The headaches and shakes, and the boredom, will pass soon enough.
The best way to quit smoking weed is cold turkey. Try not to hang out with people that smoke it. Put all the money you spend on weed aside and save up for something you really want. Once you stop smoking, you will notice an increase of energy and your grades will start going up. I know weed helps you -relax-, but in the long run, it really does not. If you are around people that smoke, leave the room and/or go somewhere else. Only you can quit smoking. You have the power to quit. Think about all the things that really matter to you most.

Reward yourself every time you pass up the chance to smoke.
How to quit smoking weed? -