Best way to quit smoking?? -

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Best way to quit smoking?? -

Im 23 male, ive been smoking since the age of 17. I just had a baby almost 6 months ago. I want to quit smoking but i really cant, what is the best method out there that you have used and suceeded? i prefer natural methods.
sun flower seeds
I work in a doctors office and the drug chantix has really helped our patients you should deffinitly ask you family doctor about it.
I used patches, it took quite a long time, and a fair amount of money, but it worked! I had been smoking for 30 years, so was a little surprised, but obviously very pleased! If you want to offset the cost of whatever assistance you choose, I would inform the media of your giving birth, I-m sure they would pay for your story!
Good luck!!
Quitting smoking is all about will power. If you really want it, believe it or not, you have the ability inside you to quit right now. Let your new baby (congrats!) stand for inspiration to quit. Use the patch but make sure you control yourself. If you dont smoke for 3 days, you will stop about 85% of the cravings. Also, try keeping yourself busy. Chew gum, eat, tap your feet, etc.
Try sitting down and smoking a whole pack without stopping. You will become so sick you will not be able to smoke again.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I would have to say cold turkey. Try using gum, that helped me.

And did you mean your partner had a baby or are you trying to be funny?
As a smoker, i find it very hard to stop also. Not sure of any natural methods, but i know alot of people stopped smoking using Zyban. You do need a prescription but it-s worth it! Good luck, also with your new baby!!
Fight it!! stop smoking.. chew gum instead. And not nicotine gum.. regular gum..sugar free:) And think of your child. Do you really want to fill his little fresh lungs with your smoke?? theres enought smog as it is.. dont add to it.
Chewing gum, biting your fingernails, switching to prime-times, or the feared cold-turkey.
Hats off to you for wanting to quit. I-ve heard Chantix works well if you follow the whole program.
I went for hypnosis and quit for 7 years.
cold turkey. write a list of reasons to not smoke and put it on your fridge. lung cancer, second hand, stinks, bad teeth, costs lots of money, make you die quicker, ash trays are icky and dangerous, not a good role-model, etc. etc. and just be proud of yourself for doing it!
My boyfriend is 22 and he has been smoking since 15, I been wanting him to quit so bad..but he isn-t ready. You have to wait till you-re ready and if you are then I suggest:

1.Put mustard seeds on the lungs and tape them with plaster, also rub the spot.

2.Drink a lot of water, that will help you to quit smoking and will clean your body from the toxic.

3.Every time you have the urge to smoke, put some salt of the tip of your tongue. Repeat for 1-2 month.

4.When you feel an urge to smoke, take a gum or a candy.

5.Drink a lot of celery juice and carrot juice, that will reduce the urge for cigarettes.

6.Work out daily.
Take 200 mg. twice a day of coenzyme Q10 this is a powerful antioxidant that protects the lungs, the heart and increases oxygen to the brain.

Take grape seed extract to repair lung damage.

Smoking breaks down vitamin C therefore it is very important to take 5,000-20,000 mg. of vitamin C a day.

Vitamin E is a very important antioxidant needed to repair cell damage cause by smoke.

Vitamin A helps repair the mucus membranes which are damaged by smoking.

For cravings take cayenne desensitizes the respiratory linings to tobacco and chemical irritants. It-s an antioxidant that stabilizes lung membranes preventing damage. The warm peppery taste reduces cigarette cravings.

Ginger and lobelia prevent nausea and helps quitting reduces anxiety ginger produces perspiration which helps to shed toxins generated from smoking.

Lobelia Relieves withdrawal, including irritability, hunger, poor concentration. It contains alkaloids similar to those in nicotine, occupies same brain receptor sites and exerts nicotine like effects without the damage that nicotine causes, this reduces cravings, and creates aversion.

Oats reduce or eliminate tobacco cravings, also, they reduce number of cigarettes desired even in those people not trying to quit.

Drink orange juice

I wish you the best. God Bless!
Acupuncture combined with hypnotherapy is what worked for me. Chewing on real black licorice helps. A pharmacist once told me there was something in it that mimicked nicotine.
First figure out how much you are smoking and when. Then VERY slowly cut down.
So say you are smoking 7 cigs a day, cut it down to 6 a day and keep it at that until that is no big deal. Then cut down to 5 until it is no big deal.
The time period is different from person to person but it could be a week, a couple of weeks or a month or two.
You really have to shoot to succeed with this.
So when you are down to one a day, the next step should just be going a day, then maybe two days and working for multiple days in a row before reaching a week.
Also, figure out if there is a trigger such as smoking while you are drinking alcohol or drinking coffee.
See if you can cut out one of those. If you can-t, then make sure you don-t get to drunk -- inhibitions will be down, and try to be very aware of your weakness while partaking in these activities. If it is standing around others who are smoking, remove yourself from that, and make smoking a solitary thing. Don-t allow yourself the social aspect of smoking. Once you quit for a while, the smell will be gross. But at first, it might be a bit inviting. Don-t be tempted, walk away.
remember the goal, you want to quit for yourself and your child.
It will be very hard for a while. Especially after you are down to no cigarettes a day (whether for just a couple of days or all the time, see above) For a while you will still crave cigarettes. But it will get easier.
The hardest thing is to not slip. Keep the goal in mind. The longer you have gone without, the easier it will become.
Always remember what your triggers are, and remember that if you want it and have been off for a while, you don-t want to step back to having to quit again.
This is tough, but if you want to -- you will do it. But you won-t be able to succeed unless you want to, and you recognize it is difficult, but something that is do-able.
Good luck
Find something that will take the place of a bad habit. Some ppl. say that it is habitual and non addicting. I say that is B.S.! I am on Chantex. I don-t have insurance. But , what you can do is contact Chantex manufacturer and they can assist you with your perscription cost. Mine is free. Good Luck. This works wonders. I have been smoking for 17 yrs. and just quit.
by far chantix i stopped in a week been smoking for 16 years
Chew gum.
Best way to quit smoking?? -