What side effects did you go through when you quit smoking? -

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

What side effects did you go through when you quit smoking? -

when you smoke you get mouth cancer and your lungs turn black so even though you been smoking for 2 years your lungs will also be black causing you to be ugly and have bad breath. you will also get black Bogart.

in second hand smoke you get cancer.

imagine if there are like 50 people in a room and 25 people are smoking in a same room. ONLY 5 hours those people who doesn-t smoke gets second-hand smoke and get cancer. so when the looking for a job and they look for your x-ray they will find that you are smoking even if your not because of second hat.

my advice: If you have kids don-t let them see you smoke or don-t smoke near them they get second-hand smoke, and dont soke ever again! it destroys ou land!
i dont smoke but a nice side effect is death.
You cough, which is the gunk coming out of your lungs. Oh, and you can feel the blood rushing up and down your arms and legs and you just want to punch a hole in the freakin wall for about a week.
vomiting ,diarrhea,anal leakage,swelling of the plouwi region. Oh yea and night terrors.
Insomnia and irritability.
I remember having very tempting dreams of smoking while watching a Dallas Cowboy football game, where the cigarettes simply floated in the air from the packs of cigarettes in single file into my mouth, and I smoked them -hands free-. When I was through, that one automatically went to the ashtray and the next one simply moved into my mouth and was somehow automatically lit. It sure made me feel good in dealing with the tension of quitting smoking, even though I felt upset for having -failed- to quit smoking, but since it was just a dream, I realized I hadn-t failed, and have successfully quit smoking for years now. God Bless you.
slight head ache, craving when I-d smell my brand being smoked by some one else. it been well over a year, and I have no problem now. I quite cold turkey.
light-headedness, almost dizzy Antsy, easily irritated, mouth waters Not fun.... also, tend to dream about smoking.
Terrible, you name it you get it!!! Cravings to smoke, cravings for food, IRRITABILITY, it-s a terrible habit - I-ve tried pills twice that made me so sick I had to get off them, tried hypnosis, gum, you name it. Just can-t quit...
I didn-t have any! Just missed -em for a couple weeks. And I had been smoking for 13 years. Same with my husband. You just have to WANT to quit. You should be proud to say, -No thank you. I don-t smoke.- Just do it!! Good luck. :)
What side effects did you go through when you quit smoking? -