If you managed to quit smoking, how did you do it? -

Friday, November 13, 2020

If you managed to quit smoking, how did you do it? -

The longest I-ve gone is 6 or 7 weeks before I get angry and start smoking again. If you were able to quit, how did you do it?
In 1995, after 30 years of smoking 1+ packs a day, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and aditted to the hospital for surgery. Since smoking was banned in the hospital, I had my surgeon order the nicotine patch for me while I was hospitalized. I continued with the patch following discharge and after another 3 weeks of patches, I had no more cravings and have been nicotine-free for 14 years. Cigarettes are probably the toughest addiction to overcome. Good luck!
I guess this depends on how heavy of a smoker you are, but I did this:
1. Consider the amounts of nicotine in mg of your tabs of choice. Double this.
2. Buy cigarettes that contain twice the nicotine to your previous brand. You will notice that if you try to smoke as many as you did before, you start feeling quite sick and nauseous.
3. You will be able to cut down due to the reason stated above. Start by little, smoking only one tab less every day.
4. In about two weeks you should be able to stop.
Note this only works if you don-t already smoke the full strenght and have good self control.
I was ill when I came back from holiday in 2005 and every time I had a ciggie, I coughed which was very painful as I had pleurasy. I had thought that I should give up while I was under the weather before, but this lasted for a couple of weeks, it was also getting so antisocial (the indoor ban had just started in Ireland and they were saying they would bring it in over here very soon) that I thought it probably best not to go back to it. Now I am so glad I didn-t especially when I see people having to stand outside in the rain!! Its not easy but -cold turkey- worked for me but my hubby wasn-t going to be -dictated- by me so didn-t give up for a further 6 months and he had all the duty frees that we had bought back too..
I have tried those tablets that send messages to your brain and they worked in that I could stay all day at work and not want a cig once but the minute I came home I had to have one. I have now managed to give up though 31st March this year using patches and having one of those inhalators in my hand permanently.i don-t want a cig but if i go past where someones smoking I still like the smell.
I quit - cold turkye -, so no cigarettes anymore ... every time I felt I wanted 1 I thought of the bad taste and smell . That helped a lot
Good luck, I know its very difficult to stop smoking
I just decided one day I wasn-t going to do it again - no matter what. That was in 1978 and I haven-t smoked since.
If you managed to quit smoking, how did you do it? -