Has anyone gone for hypnosis to quit smoking? If so did it work? -

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Has anyone gone for hypnosis to quit smoking? If so did it work? -

I did last Friday and it did not work in the slightest and I did keep an open mind about it.
Yes, I tried that years ago. I should have saved my money for cigarettes. Some things that do work, however, are the nicotine inhaler (need a prescription) in which you insert the little tube, then puff on it like a cigarette. It satisfies that need to -do something- with your hands. Also, -Chantix- is a new prescription drug that blocks nicotine receptors in the brain. After about a week, you don-t enjoy smoking, and the feeling that you need a cigarette fades away. It-s not terribly expensive, but it-s not cheap either... then again, neither are cigarettes. When used in combination, they worked great for me! (btw, they say not to use in combo, but it-s no worse than smoking a cig while you-re on the med.)

Good luck, hope this helps! : )

Hi Cinaedma, Phew some name ,

Perhaps I can help you :

Would you like to know how to stop smoking in a positive and easy way?

How about starting right now by making a list of all of the benefits you will enjoy as a non-smoker? Imagine yourself in the future, say six months time from now.

How good is it going to be when someone offers you a cigarette and you find yourself saying -no thanks-? Perhaps you can imagine how proud you are going to feel and how positive you will be about yourself.

Hypnosis is not the mind control technique that is often represented on TV and in the media. In fact, you cannot make people do anything using hypnosis. Quite the opposite, if someone doesn-t want to stop smoking, they will be even more definite about that in hypnosis! Did you realise people can lie in hypnosis as easily as they can out of hypnosis?
So think what I have said above.
Good luck.
I did it and it was partially successful -- got me to cut down to five but it wouldn-t work beyond that. I-ve heard others say that it worked for them, though. Not everyone is equally addicted or equally hypnotizable, so it doesn-t suprise me that it wouldn-t work for everyone . . .

BTW, those who claim that hypnosis doesn-t really exist or is -black magic- haven-t the foggiest notion what they-re talking about. Neither do those who claim that quitting smoking is -just a matter of will power.- That theory went out with the dinosaurs: we know now that the persistence of addiction depends on genetics a lot more than it does on will.
Yes, I have gone for hypnosis to quit smoking, because my Mom had successfully quit after smoking for 30 years going that route. Hers worked after 3 times, mine didn-t work after 1 visit. It-s in my opinion the reason hers worked is because she really really wanted help to quit smoking, whereas I really didn-t want to quit.
Quitting smoking does not require any patches, gums or hypnosis especially. These methods are expensive, time consuming and simply do not work. All that is required is a bit of motivation, self belief and determination.

I agree that to quit smoking you need to deal with the psychological addiction more than the physical addiction. But do you really need information to be force feed into your brain, I highly doubt it.

If you really want to quit you must discover the reasons why you smoke and then eliminate or change these thought processes. You can do this yourself, it is totally unnecessary to pay someone a ridiculous amount of money to do this for you.

Visit our blog for more information and to download our free book.

Good Luck and Good Quitting

My hubby went to a hypnotist who made my hubby turn his back to him whilst doing so this hypnotist laid his hands on hubby shoulders and told him he would not smoke anymore....that was 12 years ago and he never has smoked again after 30 years of doing so.

This man never looked my hubby in the face or into his eyes he never gave him the usual clap trap of putting him under he just faced him away from him and spoke just a few words.

Amazing....it was truly mind over matter. And if you knew the sort of person my hubby is with an additictive personality you would have never have believed it possibly for him to kick the habit. He was a social smoker who always smoked when he had a pint with the lads.

I did quit smoking for good after my company brought in a guy named Carleton Kendricks, a Boston area Clinical Psychologist and Registered Hypnotist who hypnotized a whole meeting-room full of people at our workplace as they were going totally smoke free and offered this program around 1987. He worked at that time with terminally ill children and adults at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute there in Boston to help them to cope with their own demise. I was a 3 pack a day man when I quit -Cold-Turkey- after 7 sessions of recalling and writing down all of the negative affirmations about the drawbacks and dangers of smoking as well as the great expense and wasted money spent on that habit and the positive affirmations for quitting and being healthier again and possibly doing better things with that saved money. The last 3 sessions before my self-selected quit date were the actual hypnosis sessions that has made me a non-smoker since age 26 and I am now 50 and still do not desire a cigarette in any way. I started smoking at age 11 and by junior high school I was a 2 pack a day man already. By age 26 I was smoking 3 and hating the filthy habit so much. I never should have been a smoker at all and I believe I may not have except that my older brother and his older friend dared me and I had to prove to them I was just one of the guys. My advice to this younger generation is to say to heck with what everybody else is doing...... dare to be yourself and do your own healthy things!
Why don-t you try a program of self hypnosis?

I took out a self hypnosis program and it definitely helped me to stop smoking. I know many who did too and there-s hardly any expense except to spend time on it in your free time. If you go for one hypnosis session, its unlikely to work immediately.
its doesnt work for everyone (or so i heard) but honestly, good for you! you are a smart person to try to quit. im not a smoker, but i think this will help. only smoke 3 cigs (or however much you naturally do each day), and gradually decrease the number each day.
Maybe your hypnotist didn-t know what he/she was doing? I-d try it again. Or just try cutting down your cigs each day until you cut them down to two or three, or just one, and then just stop. Just weed them out of your life. Try a patch or something too.
my dad used to go.
he went and it lasted about a week.
i say use your own will power because thats all it really is anyway

good luck =] keep our air clean


Hypnosis can work. But not everybody is willing to try it due to prejudices or lack of understanding.

My dad refused but I got him to stop after I gave him this book.


for hypnosis to work, you have to want to do what you are trying to accomplish...it is, after all, just simple suggestion. So, if you do not really want to quit, hypnosis won-t help.
My sister tried it, she is smoking again now. I stopped using the patches but their is no secret to how to stop - you just have to really want to.
keep an open mind about this and try again. Ir worked for me...

I took hypnosis to start smoking. I am up to four packs a day. So, it is working.
My stepdad did and he smoked about 40 a day for most of his adult life
.He hasn-t smoked since and that was about 15 years ago. But i guess it will suit some but not others.
I have never been able to -go under- by hypnosis. It-s fake. Just quit smoking, your lungs and breath will thank you.
I haven-t, but a guy I work with has had hypnosis to quit smoking, and it-s been 2 years since he touched a cig.
Hypnosis is for wimps. You have to be strong minded about these things!
My friends mom did it
and it worked for her.
It does work- you may need to go a couple more times
probly not
try nickorette
hypnosis or any black magic are FAKE!
dont bother trying them.. youll just waste ur $
Has anyone gone for hypnosis to quit smoking? If so did it work? -