How do I get my mom to quit smoking (even though she hides it from me)? -

Monday, October 3, 2005

How do I get my mom to quit smoking (even though she hides it from me)? -

Well, my mom is a smoker. I have seen her smoking, I can tell when her hair, clothes, and car reeks of smoke. She hides her smoking from my sister and I, so I don-t know how to tell her that I know and that she has to quit. All of my grandparents have died due to smoking related disease, and everytime my mom coughs it makes me sick. I just don-t know what I can do. Does anyone have any advice please?
Your mom is doing the right thing by not smoking in front of you. I remember as a kid everyone smoked ever where in the house , there never was a smoke free environment. I grow up in it. Your mom must feel some gilt if she is trying to hide it. She probably wants to quit , but it is not a easy thing to do. I am smoker my self and I am a mom. although I do not smoke in the house not even if the kids are gone. Like my mom did.
I don-t like the smell , so my children should not have to smell it where they sleep, I did quit for 2 years. The whole time I still craved cigarettes, but something very stress full happened in my life so it was easy to give in. I tried again to stop smoking it only last this time for 2 mounts. I gain 9 pound in that amount of time. I eat to replace the cigarettes .. Now that I am smoking again I do try to hide it from my children. I am not proud of myself for smoking again. I feel I have disappointed my children. My youngest will say are you smoking ? He knows , he smells it on me and he tells me I need to quit .It is heart breaking . So I guess all I can tell you is your mom loves you . she hides it, because she doesn-t want you to see her bad habit and the harm she is doing to her self and we as parents do not want are children to follow our bad habits. As far as telling your mom that she has to quit smoking, because you are concerned about her health. I would just say mom I know you are smoking and I am concerned because of our family history and it is just not healthy to smoke. I would really like it if you could try to quit, because I love you and I want you to be around for a very long time. and tell her beside you don-t like the smell. May you can came off a little easy, but give her some gilt , but not to hard. Remember it is very hard to quit , so a little gilt well help her try, but to much can be stress full. Best wishes and please do not ever start your self.
The fact that she hides it from you shows that she is ashamed of the fact that she smokes. It is really hard to get yourself to quit, so it is almost impossible to get someone else to quit. My advice to you would be to act like you don-t know. Once you reveal that you know to your mom, she will probably smoke around you, thus she would be smoking more often. It-s actually good that she is ashamed and that she knows it-s wrong because that means there is more of a chance of her quitting in the future. She doesn-t want to set a bad example to you as her children. Just remember that your mom is trying hard. Good luck!
I just had to go through cancer treatment with my father and it was the hardest thing I-ve ever had to do. Honestly if people close to her have passed and she-s still smoking there may be nothing that can stop her. My dad only quit because the doctor-s told him he had to. Maybe if you told her that you are worried that she won-t be there for you anymore and how hard it would be for you to see her suffer like your other relatives suffered. My dad has started to convince people around him that they should quit by describing the pain in his throat and showing them how for the last 3 months he has had to eat through a tube. Maybe go on the cancer society website and pull some facts about cancer. I know my dad would give anything to go back in time and give up smoking years ago if he knew the pain and frustration that waited for him down the road.
make it your goal. which means you have to take risks to get to it. you obviously are concerned about it so make a statement. if you see a pack of cigarettes take them and throw them out , do what you have to. get your point across and if you really talk to her also im sure she will take it to heart. be PERSISTENT! good luck

and , obviously it is extremely hard for smokers to quit. but nothings gonna happen if you just sit around and let it be. the desire does have to come from the smoker, but that doesnt mean you can-t do anything you can to help and support her , even if that means throwing out a pack of cigarettes, would you rather her smoke them?
Your mother is an adult and makes her own decisions. Although you can express your concerns about her health if shes going to quit shes needs to want to do it for herself. No matter how much someone may nag you when your ready to do it you will. Cut her a little slack shes your mom and lifes not always as aeasy as it seems.
Well can I just ask you to change your eye colour? What? you can-t? It is nice you are concerned for your mom, and you are right to be, but I am sure she doesn-t do it because she-s bored or something. it is extremly hard to quit. Tell her you know and that she has your full support but let her do it on her own time and her own will. it is the only way she will stop for good.
You can-t. The Desire to quit has to come from HER. Still, you CAN occasionally remind her that it really bothers YOU; both the smell - what it-s doing to her health... - HOPEFULLY, somewhere along the way, maybe she-ll finally give it up... :)
It-s gonna be hard, don-t nagg her!
i-m a smoker and it is the hardest thing to quit doing..
pray for her!
How do I get my mom to quit smoking (even though she hides it from me)? -