The best way to quit smoking? -

Monday, February 6, 2006

The best way to quit smoking? -

I sincerely seek your suggestions for quiting smoking. Please help
pledge that you will touch a single piece of cigarette,pipe or bidi
I can only tell you how I quit, and it has worked now for 5 years as I have never smoked again since:

Put constant daily effort into reading up on quitting (like Allan Carr etc) and speak to people who you can count on to support you. You will develop a constant voice in your mind that wants you to quit. One morning you will wake up, and you will know which morning this will be when it comes, and you will simply and effortlessly stop. By choice of course. Dont cut down, or take subsitutes for it - stop right then.

As time went on, I got all hyper (you know, tapping things, walking around, biting nails) and I was so tempted to cure the desire - but I simply got up each time I had that feeling and threw myself into something else. I developed new talents and hobbies as a result (going to gym was one - but that we will take some time for the lungs to be ready).

Oh, be prepared for slight mood swings, feelings of emptiness, regular morning coughs (which may include unsavoury black fluid).

But really, its not impossible and you will feel like a whole new person. Wait until you can smell your clothes again, food will taste better and when you walk past a smoker - prepare for a shock
There is no fool proof method to quitting, however, smokers can turn to the natural side of things to soothe some of the symptoms and side effects of nicotine withdrawals which take effect when they stop smoking cig arettes. St. John’s Wort is an excellent herb to start with because it’s known for helping fight depression and calm nerves. St. John’s Wort can also help fight anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia and inflammation of the stomach. Smoker’s often take St. John’s Wort as a means of calming their nerves and anxiety over quitting smoking.
hi some1

i can only tell you what worked for me.. after 40 years of smoking, i have been free from tobacco for over 5 years now.. having tried many of the methods available, i found no solution.. the missing ingredient proved to be participation in a support group.. i attend nicotine anonymous meeting both locally and online.. there are over 30 meetings a week as close as your Computer.. you can attend before attempting a quit, a desire to stop, is the only requirement.. as always there is no wrong way to stop.. good luck on your struggle!!

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine
My suggestion? Skip the fads and suggestions from people who are not experts and take care of this by going to the professionals. You can start by visiting your family doctor and discussing this. I don-t know a single person who smoked for more than five years that quit without going to their doctor.

Good luck!
The American Cancer Society has a great mail out; just call. Everyone smokes for different reasons. You need to figure out why you smoke, and what could help you quit. Positive substitutions are great. Exercise is wonderful. Find substitutes for smoking, no matter how silly. Congrats to you!
Think..... your life is decreasing 5 Min. from each of Cigarette.
Quit smoking is only possible by strong will power , otherwise forget about any suggestion, they will not do.

Sorry gentleman.... to say but this is true. I was also a chain smoker and now I don-t smoke. I was a heavy drinker, now I don-t drink and finally I was a drug addict.... now I have not taken tea/ coffee even for last 30 years. If this can inspire you. Wish you all the best.
good question. ive been trying to quit for about a year.. and im only 16 :(
plan number(well lets just call it one) for me is to go to the gym
im hoping it will make me fell better and encourage me to smoke less, so i can work harder
but i dont know
i feel your pain, good luck
You have already taken the first step of deciding to quit smoking. Excellent. Control the temptation little by little and you will achieve it. Make up your mind and do not lose confidence. Wish you all the best.
Its Hard To Leave Such Habits.
You Need To Cut It Off Complete It. Go Visit A Hospital - Check Out The Lung Cancer Patients!
I Was A Chain Smoker, But One Day, My Dad Had A Heart Attack. We Were Out Of Money For The Treatment. We Somehow Collected The Money - Got Him Treated. The Heart Attack Was A Result Of Blockage Caused By Smoking.
That Incident Made Me Swear That I Will Never Smoke Again - Earn Money. - Here I Am Doing Just The Same!!
Suppose you smoke 5 cigars a day. Cut down to 4 for 1 week then for 3 in the next week and go on, smoke one cigar alternate day, next every 3 days once and then you can quit in the same way. Vist for further details.
yes, you can win
first thing which you have decided to quit .
2nd just increase the doses .and cut half them.
3rd you get away from Smoker.
4th dont think about smoking mold your mind in some other task.
I stopped 2 months ago 30 a day for 25 years.You really have to want to stop.I used nicotine gum and will power for the first week after that normal gum, worked for me anyway.
Try to stay away from people who smoke. Nicotine patches do help.
The best way to quit smoking? -