How do i get my mom to quit smoking? the patches and gum wont work!!!? -

Monday, February 6, 2006

How do i get my mom to quit smoking? the patches and gum wont work!!!? -

start smoking....and if she gets mad at you, tell her you are following her example, she-ll get the picture.

Honestly though, people who smoke cannot quit unless they want to and then the best way to quit is cold turkey. Thats how I quit. I waited until I got the flu then I didn-t feel like smoking so I didn-t smoke for a week. When I got better, I just decided to keep it going and so far so good.
You cannot get your mom to stop smoking until SHE is ready to quit. Once she decides to quit for real then have her see the doc for help.
She has to want to quit. On her own. And if you are pestering her about it all the time, I would bet that it-s just making her mad, right? She knows how you feel and she knows the dangers of smoking. You have to let her do it herself when she-s ready.
She has to want to quit. When she is ready tell her to ask her dr for CHANTIX it-s new - my husband smoked 21/2-3 packs a day till he started taking this medicine. He quit 5 months ago. He tired to have a cigeratte last night - choked for 5 minutes. It is a 12 weeks system the first 4 days you take .5 mg tab once daily, then on 5 you take .5 mg tab 2x daily for 2 days. Day 7 you take 1.0 mg twice daily for the next 11 weeks. My husband only took CHANTIX for 8 weeks before he stopped because he no longer had the urge. He stopped cold turkey. This medicine causes you to get nausas if you smoke - take the medicine at the same time. Good Luck!!
just look at her and tell her that she will be missed so much when she gone.....And when you have your family and kids and have questions that you need to ask your mom and she has passed from -smoking- or a related to smoking death ask her who you could go to ask.....My mom passed away in 1990 I went into labor with my only child 2hours after she died.... I was 24
You can-t.
She has to want to quit on her own.
I only quit because I got pregnant, I tried the patches and gum a thousand times and couldn-t kick it.
I just watched my mom die from emphysema and it was a HORRIBLE, SLOW DEATH that I wouldn-t wish on a soul. If you can convince her to quit, you would be doing both of you a huge favor, but mom really has to want it. The doctor can give her Wellbutrin or they may even have something new now, that will make the cigarettes taste horrible, and that might help.
Also, when I was quitting with the patch, it helped me a bit to suck on a Jolly Rancher Cinnamon hard candy........ and to -smoke- on a straw. She might try these tricks and see if they work.
Good luck to her, it-s very hard.
Try to get her into a program through a hospital.
tell her that you would like for her to be there to see your grand kids. hope this works good luck.
You can-t -get- someone to quit smoking. It has to be a decision they make for themselves, otherwise it will likely be a temporary cessation.
Don-t shame her and nag - offer suggestions. Tell her to think of it as a bad habit that-s affecting you both and habits can be changed, then suggest ways to look at the possibilities of this change.
She wont die or have a heart attack or lose a limb or go into respiratory arrest or suddenly grow out of control cancer cells - if she quits. But she has 50% more chance of these effects if she continues smoking.
And maybe, maybe not, some miserable temporary quitting symptoms, but always bearable and the absolute relief to be free of that hassle is worth it.
She can get her instant gratification a heap of other ways - that-s what you can suggest and support her with. When she knows she is not alone and that you will work at this together, then fobbing you off with excuses is not fair, to herself and you.
Keep talking to her, tell her you will help all the way.
You can be sure she wants to quit somewhere in her mind, but she-s scared - scared to lose her comfort friend, and scared it will be painful, and scared she will fail - so maybe try and talk to her about all these things and tell her that it-s ok if that happens, but it-s worth it for her future self-esteem, health and happiness, and for you and future kids. There-s a lot of help and ideas at…

Unfortunately YOU cannot get your Mom to quit. They do have a new med that has been very effective for people who have been unsuccessful thus far. The best you can do is to support Mom in her efforts. It is like those commercials where you should not beat yourself or others up because they have not been successfull yet. Gotta just keep trying. Support Mom no matter what and remember...if it was easy nobody would still be smoking. Also i have never met some one who is glad they ever started smoking so...keep in mind that quitting is a desireable thing for most people it just takes time and patience from those around us. Good Luck to you and your Mom.
chantix. its a new prescription drug that is having a high sucess rate! tell her to talk to her doctor!
hypnosis is mentioned to work?
well, when she gets that hole put in her neck she might get the thought in her head to quit.

My mom said she will quit only when she is dead... so since she-s been smoking since 1965, I give her under 10 years before she quits, her way.
Nothing will help, unless she wants to, most of us have said that we wanted to quit, but then there is a little voice that says, just a few a day, It never works. I ended up, with severe breathing difficulties before I did. They say there is a pill out now, that is suppose to do it. If she is serious maybe she can ask her doctor.
How do i get my mom to quit smoking? the patches and gum wont work!!!? -