Quit smoking recently and now im coughing? -

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Quit smoking recently and now im coughing? -

I-m guessing its just my lungs and throat recoiling in terror since they haven-t got their daily coating of tar..any suggestions? i-m on my 4th day cold turkey and i have no desire to smoke but my throat is so raw i can barely talk.
When you smoke it paralyzes your cilia, the little hairs that move mucus and junk out of your system. When you stop smoking the cilia start to -wake up- and have to work overtime to move all the crap out of your lungs. That-s why a lot of smokers cough so much in the morning, they haven-t been smoking while sleeping so their cilia finally get the chance to work. Congrats on quitting! Maybe some tea and honey would help soothe your throat??
That-s perfectly normal and will go away with time. You-ll start noticing a lot of changes in your body over the next three months. Just to give you a preview, here-s the changes I experienced in the order I experienced them: coughing/sore throat, sore lungs, depression, sleepiness, chocolate cravings (and I normally don-t even like it), anxiety, increased capacity to taste, and less shortness of breath/better lung capacity (you-ll notice this gets better over the next six months or so), weight gain. If you-re careful, you may be able to avoid some of the weight gain. If you are chewing nicotine gum, this could be causing the sore throat. Additionally, you may get heart burn chewing it. But, the gum helps a lot, and I recommend it when you start getting cravings.

Good luck!
congrats on your will power to quit. i hope you stay stong.

yes you lungs are weak right now from the lack of nicotine. its easy to catch something as simple as a cold. if it gets persistantly worse i would go see a doctor and tell them about it.
the coughing is your bodies way of trying to cleanse itself of all the build up. congratulations! try a spoonful of honey, or hard candies, or cough drops.
Quit smoking recently and now im coughing? -