How Can I Get My Dad To Quit Smoking? -

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How Can I Get My Dad To Quit Smoking? -

He says he wants to quit, but he can-t. He-s been smoking since he was 15 (now he-s 47). He quit for three years in his late 30s, but started again and hasn-t been able to quit since. I-m afraid for him because his triglyceride and cholesterol levels are extremely high. What can he do to make quitting easier, what can I do to help?
I highly reccomend Chantix, available by RX from your doctor.
I don-t think that there is any magical way to get him to stop smoking. Smoking was a personal choice that he made, so only he can quit smoking if he wants to.

The best thing you can probably do is educate him about smoking and ways you think might help him. You can even point him to some places that specialize in this area:…

Like I said though, the decision to quit is ultimately his and HE is the one that has to do it. Don-t throw his cigarettes away because that will make him mad. You got to understand that he needs the cigarettes for at least another short time. Hardly anyone can quit cold turkey.
Try searching on websites or forums that discuss quit smoking. Hope you can get some good ideas. Or..

Here are some tips to help you stop smoking:-
-Throw away your cigarettes, ashtrays - lighters
-Break all habits associated with smoking e.g. if you have a cigarette after dinner, go for a walk instead
-Occupy yourself with activities when you feel the urge to smoke.

Most people stop on their own, but being a heavy smoker for many years, you may need help from doctors, clinics or organised groups.

That-s a tough one...

My parents had quit by first replacing the bad habit part of the addiction. This is the psychological part of smoking. For examples they chewed on straws for 3 months. There are a lot of replacements. Some people quit by eating a specific snack that for some reason eases their urges. Then once you find out the game plan you cut cold turkey. If that doesn-t work try hiring someone to follow him around and take away his cigarettes.
i dunno, i have the same problem but the best thing is to #1. try to be understanding of how much of a struggle quitting is and #2. keep positive encouragement, tell him to try this Chantix prescription to make it a little easier, it has a whole program and support line and stuff
I just saw something on tv about a series of shots you can get that is suppose to help to restrict whatever it is in your brain that makes you crave nicotine. It is a very new vaccine they are talking whether it is actually in use or just in the testing stages I am not sure...It wouldn-t hurt to check into this.
make him little notes everywhere, saying dad don-t do it. i know you can quit and i believe in you. something like that. you need to get him to believe that he can quit. because NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. it may take some time but NEVER GIVE Up.

GOod LUCK to you and your father, i hope he quits ASAP
You can-t make him quit, he has to want to quit. Trust me, my dad has been smoking since I was like six years old. Thirty years and up man!
my dad smoked. we sort of forced him. not force force but force. lol whenever he took out a cigar we took it off him and threw it on the ground. after a few weeks he quit cuz he was wasting money. and of course health. hope i helped
tell him how it makes you feel, and how you want him to be around for everything that happens in your life and tell him you will help him w/ his cravings and watch so that he doesn-t light up.
my dad used to smoke also.
just have a talk with him and tell him how its affecting you.
Patch, gum, or another addiction like coffee
Nice question. I-ll check in now and then to see what suggestions others come up with because in the end it-ll all be up to him
steal a pack of his ciggerettes , un roll it, lace it with somme pcp and roll it bak up and give it to em
Let him know how you feel about it.
Tell him that you want him at your wedding someday
Tell him you are dying from some avoidable illness. See how HE feels!
start taking all his cigs and throw them away
guilt trip him?
How Can I Get My Dad To Quit Smoking? -