I want to quit smoking? -

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I want to quit smoking? -

I-m 31 years old and I-ve been smoking for many years. I know its bad for my health, so please spare me the lecture. What I want to know is how you quit. I-m hoping I can see someones else-s success and use their idea.
Find something to do with your hands, a project you can do anywhere. That you will want to finish. Knitting, Writing, or ring a friend when you want to smoke.
Use nicotine replacement or just go cold turkey. People who have smoked for 40+ years manage to give up, so can you! Good luck
There is some good advice on here. I smoked for 18 years and finally quit this past year. I used a combination of two things:
1) A support program to treat the nicotine addiction
2) Popsicles to treat the oral fixation (I know, sounds strange)

For me, it was finding the right support system to treat the nicotine addiction. Too many of the common gums and pills also contain nicotine, which is what we are addicted to. I found that CigArrest pills and gum are all natural, containing no nicotine to become addicted too. Thats where most companies get you - you become addicted to the nicotine in the gum and pills, so you buy more.
CigArrest does not contain nicotine, and worked well for me. You can get more information here: http://www.squidoo.com/howtogiveupsmoking

As for the popsicles, whenever I craved a smoke, I ate a popsicle. That satisfied that craving for something in your mouth and was a nice treat to take my mind off of smoking.
Good luck
bingo.. you said the magic word i want to quit.. no lectures intended, but i tried every method out there... and finally acheived 5 yrears plus abstiance (still abstinate). with help from from both my local, and online nicotine anonymous groups... there is something about being with other nicotine addicts, and having a common problem, and a common solution that seems to make it doable...

you are welcome at meetings smoking or not.. lots of folks go to meetings still smoking, listen a while and then quit.. meetings happen in most larger citys,and there are a number of meetings online!!!

good luck with your quit, and even though im a firm believer in my involvment in the program, i really believe, theres not really a wrong way to quit...
I smoked for 35 years, and basically tried everything. Pills, patches, gum etc.
What finally worked for me was going for laser treatments. Very similar to acupuncture, but using a cold laser instead.
Along with the laser, I read a book by Allen Carr called the Easy Way to Quit Smoking. The book deals with the mental part of the addiction. By the time I was at the end of the book, I really didn-t want to smoke. I would definitely get the book and read it.
One last thing I did was join an online group of fellow quitters. Go to Quitnet.com
When you feel like smoking drink some water and go for a walk!
Or have somebody help u or Council you I-m sorry but i have no success in smoking (because i don-t) go to your family member-s
about it they may be able to help.


Ashley :)
the answer is in my sources
As a last result we tried hypnotism, and it worked. I would suggest this as a last result!
I just quit smoking and it wasn-t easy. I had pretty much decided that I was going to quit this new years but I wanted to quit before the summer. My mom quit smoking which made me want to quit (she used the patch... she got them free from her insurance co.). I went to the doctor to have a physical and my doctor told me to quit. My doctor telling me to quit was the starting point. I had cut back a lot but that day i began marking on my hand how many I had. I had 11 that day - way more than I normally smoke. That was another step in the process. For the next 6 days, I cut back one each day. It took me 6 days to smoke a pack. I didn-t smoke for 18 whole days after I ran out. Last night I was around people who were smoking and it made me want one. On my way back home, I bought a pack. Took 2 drags and threw it out the window. Then ran water over the brand new pack and threw it away. Quitting smoking is a chain reaction! My sister is quitting now! Keep the chain going...
I want to quit smoking? -