Does hypnosis really help you to quit smoking? -

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Does hypnosis really help you to quit smoking? -

Only a minority of people can be put into a truly hypnotic trance. For most of us, it is variable how far we can or will go into one. Perhaps it-s a defense mechanism thing - at least unconsciously, we don-t like to loose our -sense- of control. For this reason, many people opting for hypnosis as a way to quit the dreaded weed will find it won-t really work. Also, you would have to take into account other issues and their interplay on the addiction. For example, there will always be things that we eat or drink that will trigger the desire to light up. Or it might be a certain behavior, like waiting for the bus and suddenly the addiction centre of our brain is lit up like a christmas tree or like fireworks night.There-s also peer group pressure for some, especially for younger woman, thanks to the really evil publicity campaigns by cigarette companies aimed at this demographic group. Finally, addictiveness as one example of our individual differences has to be also taken into account. We-re all wired differently on that big enigma. So the answer has to be probably -no-, but it-s still worth giving it a blast if you are serious about kicking the habit.
Didn-t work for my mother-in-law.
Maybe. I gave up after 12 years 1 pack a day by reading Allan Car-s -The easy way to quit smoking-. I think anyone that really wants to give up can actually find it easy to do once they realise that we are fooled into thinking that cigarettes are more addictive than they actually are. Once a small cigarette craving sets of a smokers mind, It is almost imposable for them to stop thinking about having a cigarette until they have one, but it is their mind that is doing this not their nicotine addiction. The cravings only last about 30 seconds and aren-t even very strong. Once a smoker realises this it is easy to quit if they really want to.
Hypnosis could work seeing as most of the addiction is in peoples mind. All you would need to do is deprogram people that it is to hard to give up.
me and my BF used -Commit Lozenges- and it really works!
It didn-t work for me either. I went with my son, he started again the same day. I lasted about 3 weeks. I think you have to really be ready and really want it. It plants the idea in your mind or reinforces it. But if your not ready, really, really ready don-t think it will work. They also sold vitamins? Or something that were supposed to help with withdrawal and help flush your system of the cravings faster. They were like $300.00, I didn-t get those. They were not in my budget. Maybe they would have helped???? I don-t know. But I also lived with 2 smokers and have friends that smoke so the temptation was always in my face so to speak. Well any way good luck to you. I need a cigarette! LOL
My sister had hypnosis to quit smoking, and it didn-t work.

From what I have observed, it takes a strong will, good support, and to have as much information as possible to make the choice as to which method (ie: nicotine patch, chewing gum, reducing, cold turkey) would work for you.

My father-in-law quit when he had to stay in hospital for some time due to renal failure.

Hope that helps!
It didn-t work for me.
Does hypnosis really help you to quit smoking? -