Ive quit smoking, when will the weight go away? -

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ive quit smoking, when will the weight go away? -

I quit smoking 4 months ago. I am middle aged and generally slim. i-m not watching what I eat, but I-m not a big eater. I do pilates or yoga each morning and walk the dog for an hour each day. I-ve put on 5 kilos and since exercising have stayed steady, but can-t seem to shift the 5 kilos gained. I-ve been exercising 4 weeks. Has anyone else had the same problem?
Lets face it, as we get older our metabolism slows down, and quiting smoking doesn-t help for weight gain. I personally would rather gain a few pounds then spend the rest of my life not being able to breath well, or have lack of energy! I quit smoking 3 times(thirds a charm!) and last time I gained 10 pounds. It took me about a year of routine excercise before I got back to just about normal. Still looking for the extra couple to go. Good Luck and congrats. Don-t let a little weight discourage you!
Of course 99% have this problem when they give up smoking. You body is going through change be kind to it, be patience. Easyer said than done??? but have you ever thought what you think is perfect may not be, the 5 kilos will go in summer as did the fags, keep up the good work.
just about everyone....that-s why so many are reluctant to quit. good for you to keep up the ex. like that. a lot of people who are not big eaters are nibblers - underestimate their caloric intake vastly (like by 1/2).

i suggest keeping a journal, also buying a kitchen scale - diet calorie conversion book, just so you have a really good idea of how many cal you are putting in your body each day, and try to decrease it very slowly (like by 100/day). good luck.
Quitting smoking will cause weight gain. Per my doctor because of metabolic changes. You need to keep exercising and keeping the weight under control. It will level off.
Just about everyone has had this problem. It usually is because food tastes better and you tend to eat more, also are you chewing gum or sucking on mints or other candies? Just be aware of what you are eating, when and how much and you should be alright.
Since you are middle aged, you must really-really-really work hard to get the weight off.
Congrats for quitting smoking.
Good Luck
I quit almost 3 years ago because the price was getting too high for me. My weight jumped from 210 lb. to 250. This raised my blood pressure and aggravated my sleep apnea. Quitting smoking made me more unhealthy than I was before. The weight was very slow to go down until this year. I gave up all sweets early this year, yes including ice cream and chocolate. My weight dropped to 225 and stayed there until this summer. I began eating more salads and ate smaller portions of everything else. Yesterday I weighed 210 lb. Woo Hoo. I finally got back to my pre-quitting weight. I-m going to keep at it until I get well under 200. I have had a few set backs especially with two family weddings this summer, but I-m finally determined to get in better shape. Keep at it, you-ll get there eventually.
i don-t smoke. try seeing a dietician and trainer.
Nicotine is an appetite suppressant. So you are probably taking in more calories now than you did when you smoked. The weight won-t just go away by itself, but you can do something about it. Either be more careful about your food choices, or do more exercise. Since it sounds like you already exercise a good amount, I suggest reconsidering your diet. Try to cut down on sugar, saturated fat and trans fat. Make sure you eat enough fiber and have some lean protein with every meal. If you keep up with exercise and make a few diet changes, I-m sure you-ll drop the weight over time.
I quit smoking over a yr ago. I gained @ 20 lbs. Mine is coming off very slow. Try doing some different exercises. Sometimes the body get use to the exercise you are doing and stops changing. Good Luck.
chew gum this also an exercise as well and a good one for you also since you have stop smoking.
you hit a plateau you need to exercise a little harder/ longer
Congrat-s on quiting that-s something I really need to do! Don-t know when the weight will go just wanted to wish ya luck!

Ive quit smoking, when will the weight go away? -