Ex smokers please..what is the best way to quit smoking? -

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ex smokers please..what is the best way to quit smoking? -

I know all the dangers of smoking and i beat myself up about doing it believe me...I-m desperate to give up this putrid habit..Can you plz give me some good advice on how to quit tyvm..
first go somewhere like your porch light up your last cigarette no cut back this is it no reservations everything goes your cigs ashtrays lighters in the garbage next grab some lifesavers put them the same place where you kept your lighter, next few days you are going have urges but it will pass grab a lifesaver next wash your clothes including the ones in the closet because the smell of smoke will give you the urge to light up if you have a car clean it up get rid of the smell of smoke you can do this. put in your mind if you want to live quit, if you want to die, light up .I quit smoking I smoke for 42 yrs, I did it cold turkey , it work for me I hope this works for you. good luck...
Like Mary I also told myself (and everyone else) I was cutting down and not giving up. This worked for me too. Nothing is worse than people always discussing smoking, not smoking, cutting down, giving up, etc. In the end I told people that every time they mentioned the word I wanted to smoke so they left me alone about this. I found I had to avoid others who smoked - that-s a bit harder to do though. I gave up the first time using nicotine gum to help, for about a year. This relapsing happens to many people - I guess you just don-t believe you will get hooked again! The second time (and last) I told myself that I was just going to try out the patches (a trial) and as this seemed to work and dealed with the addiction side, it gave you time to adjust to the habit side of things in your own time. I did not take the whole issue very seriously at all and had no definite plan in mind. As I had been cutting down for some time I started on a lower strength patch too, and in time I started actually cutting them down in size too. There was no hurry and I had no side affects or stress. I cannot remember how many years ago that was now (14 years+) and I do not have any inclination to smoke either. There is no way I would reconsider and smoke again. My brother gave up first time by using hypnotherapy but he suffered a lot of stress in the process. He seems to have switched his addiction to long distance running now and now runs daily and enters marathons and even ultra marathons at a professional-amateur level. I seriously think the hypnotheraphy had some impact on that as he does take the running a bit to extremes. Good luck with whatever method you choose.
Lots of people quit smoking in a lot of different ways
patches, gums, psychology, hypnosis, will power
many different ways and it depends on you and how your body reacts


you can also go here and read othere peoples success stories on how they quit smoking

good luck
I was a heavy smoker for 30+ years. Whenever I quit I would get depressed and suicidal. Two of my doctors even told me not to ever try to quit again!

I got double pneumonia for the second time. I tried Chantix, a prescription medication that ties up the nicotine receptors in the brain. It makes it impossible to have any craving. All you have to do is work on the behavioral stuff, like smoking while on the phone, after eating, first thing in the morning, etc, which is a breeze because you don-t want a cigarette.

I had tried the patch and the gum with little success. It seemed that doling out nicotine to me in small doses fed my craving, made me irritable, and I would start again after three or so weeks.

I tried Chantix for 6 weeks at a very stressful time in my life and had great success. I love being free of cigarettes, and I can go to a movie or museum without getting the craving. My clothes, breath, hair, and home smell better, and I have saved a lot of money.

I have been free of cigarettes for 19 months now. I wish you the very best of luck however you try to quit!!
It was all in my head, I knew that going in and I really, really hated the smoking bs. I used the Nicorette gum witch is like licking the bottom of an ashtray, and I quit. It has been 15 yrs now, still want one every now and then, but I do not give myself any excuses. One puff and Im a smoker again. It is harder to quit smokes than it is to quit crack. Good luck.
My experince is -be easy on yourself-.I started smoking at age 30.I found to be hard on myself is worst than others being down on me.
I personally purposed in my heart and intentionally cut back.
I was a pack a day smoker.But,I did not say that I was quitting.I just
suddenly stopped.But I never said to a soul that I was quitting.Sometimes speaking things out can cause the battle in the
mind to be greater when it comes to giving up a habit.
That has been 4 years ago,Thank the Lord.You can do it!!!!!
after 30 some years i just ask GOD for help and i quit then and there
Ex smokers please..what is the best way to quit smoking? -