I just quit smoking and I am concern about my fertility? -

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I just quit smoking and I am concern about my fertility? -

how soon after quititting I should think about kids?
Smoking damages almost all aspects of sexual, reproductive and child health, according to a report.
reduces the chances of a woman conceiving by up to 40% per cycle.

A review of 20 studies revealed that

pregnant women who smoke
are approximately 27 percent more likely to deliver preterm than those who don’t smoke.
Studies also showed that

pregnant women who quit smoking are 17 percent less likely to deliver preterm than women who continue to smoke throughout pregnancy.
Congratulations and well done! You can think about kids straight away - why not?

Smoking can damage the reproductive process, but after seeing your doctor, there-s no reason why you shouldn-t have children now that you have quit.
I just quit smoking and I am concern about my fertility? -