Just quit smoking, fallen very ill. Explanation? -

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just quit smoking, fallen very ill. Explanation? -

I-ve been smoking for about 3 years now, and I just decided to quit cold turkey yesterday. But now it feels as though my throat was shred to pieces with a cheese grater. Not really coughing up too much gunk like I expected. Can somebody shed some light on this for me? I-m sure this is normal, but how long will it last? What can I expect to happen within the next week or so?

Appreciate any answers.
Ok well i don-t smoke but my dad does and he tried to quite and like he said for the first three days he felt like crap and wouldn-t get up from the couch really and that-s also what his dad did. After about 3 days he was better. Good luck!
You-ll ache all over for a week to two weeks and tell yourself that you-ll die without one.
Just stay motivated and don-t let your nicotine receptors trick your brain into smoking again.
It is hard to quit cold turkey, and even though i don-t know you, I-m proud of you.
Good luck.
,well, you have what is commonly known as, -quitters flu- I-m ten days smoke free after about 20 years of smoking, the last ten at 2 packs a day. the first 5 days were excruciating and i cried allot, i hurt a lot, i actually thought i would die. but, i made it through it. i just kept telling myself it cant last forever it has to go away, eventually ....and it did. the cravings are a whole other story , but i just keep telling myself nothing last forever not even this...so far its working..hang in you will find you have more will power than you thought could exist..good luck to ya
are you drinking more, eating candy or some other oral pacifier that could be causing this? If not, it-s just your body adjusting. Bet your dreams are Intense, too. Probably will not last a week, as long as it-s not the pacifier effect. And I would not expect you to be coughing up anything after only 3 years. Hang in there, it get easier.
It should only last about 5 days...you might feel irritable - have cravings. Take 1 day at a time.

Drink lots of fluids to flush your system.
Suck on Zinc lozenges to help your throat heal faster.
Suck on sugarless hard candies for cravings.
Cut straws in 1/2 - suck on straws (smokers are used to taking in more oxygen than nonsmokers);
Cut up strips of celery - carrots to munch on instead of cigarettes;
Break habits of when you smoke...IE: if have cig with coffee after dinner...change drink to tea or something cold.
(Tips from Amer. Lung Assoc)

Just quit smoking, fallen very ill. Explanation? -