How do I quit smoking?? -

Saturday, February 8, 2014

How do I quit smoking?? -

I-ve tried so many times!! I tried cutting back and cut back every day from one cigarette a day.

That didn-t work out so well....UGHHHH!!! I really wanna stop but I don-t have the will power!

Any ideas/ advice / suggestions?

ps. I-ve tried the gum - didn-t help :(
An interesting thing I heard once from a former smoker...
He said he didn-t have the power to quit until he admitted that he really liked smoking.
He wanted to quit because he knew it was bad for his health, it was unattractive, it was bad for his witness as a pastor etc... etc. These were all the head knowlegable things he rationalized for quitting. However, he knew insid he really liked smoking. He liked the way it tasted, he liked the lighting and puffing on a cigarette, the whole smoking experience was enjoyable for him.
Then he admitted that this pseudo struggle he put up to quit wasn-t honest in its beginning, and therefore his efforts to quit were compromised . Now in his case, being a pastor, he prayed and admitted to God that he loved to smoke; and that if he had a choice, he-d do it all day everyday except for the reasons he knew he shouldn-t smoke.
I don-t know if you-re a Christian or not, but I think a similar approach may help.
If you still like the smoking experience (and I-m not saying you do, or don-t) maybe the first step to quitting would be to be honest about why you want to quit. One thing I-ve learned is that many habits are pleasureable to us even if they are harmful.
If you look beyond the usual reasons smokers feel they need to quit ( cancer, bad breath , stained teeth or whatever) and get to the truth of how you feel about this habit ( I like it!I love it! I want some more of it) , maybe it-ll make it easier to determine when you are going to quit on your own and not out of some possible guilt born out of media/ social peer pressure. You-ll be doing it for yourself and not vicariously for some one else.
This is just a thought I had from someone else-s shared experience.
Love hard and be free
I totally empathize with you. I am also addicted to cigarettes. 2 years ago I quit for nine months after using the nicotine patches, but then started again when I bummed one off a guy while fishing. I just quit again and am using the patch. It does not completely remove your cravings but as i said I quit for 9 months (the longest ever for me) by using the patch. The only time I have been able to last more than a few hours was with the patch, and as embarrassing as it sounds I have been smoking since age 11.
Do you really want to quit? It-s really about how much you want it.....have you considered Chantix? It is supposed to work well, and I-ve many friends who have used it and have stopped......Best advice I can give you is you have to really want to quit more than you want to an addiction and not easy to quit.

Write down all the things you can buy if you quit.....all the good not about will power an addiction.....

Good luck and there are lots of on line sites is neat as it lets you see how many cigs you-ve not smoken, how much money you-ve saved and how much life you gained by not smoking....

Good luck...
I feel your pain I quit for 6 months one time. The only thing that helped was substituting exercise. I could never really run without getting out of breath. So when I quit it made it easier to substitute exercise because you get the endorphins and you can breath better. This is the only thing that worked for me. Even just a walk takes your mind off the craving. Just try to keep your mind occupied and good luck!
Don-t cut back.Just stop. Find two healthy things to replace smoking. Exercixing and reading etc. Find two strongs friends to call when the craving is there. Make it two weeks and you will be smoke free.
start using skoal and copenhagen
To stop smoking, I would start by... stopping smoking. Sure, you can-t use marijuana, but you can still use all sorts of other drugs, such as cocaine and heroin.
How do I quit smoking?? -