Why does it become easier to walk when youve quit smoking cigarettes? ? -

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why does it become easier to walk when youve quit smoking cigarettes? ? -

I-ve searched for the answer but I haven-t been able to find it anywhere.
All right, when a person smokes, the smoke inhaled causes the tiny hairs in your respiratory tract to stop pushing up phlegm and mucus. All this mucus stays in your lungs along with the smoke particles. It also damages your heart. So when a person quits smoking, the tiny hairs, cilia, begin to work again and the person, at least after the first week or two begin to cough up all of the mucus and residue that have been in their lungs. Since there is less mucus, you are able to breathe better and if you breathe better you-re able to do more without getting winded. Your lungs begin to heal and your heart gets better too...kind of
When you quit smoking your blood vessels dilate, allowing more blood to flow to your extremities and drop off much needed oxygen. In addition, more oxygen is available to your blood because of increased lung capacity.
If you-re having difficulty walking, smoking or not, perhaps your problem lies elsewhere. I-d definitely say you should stop shooting H, too. I know it-s asking a lot, but consider it.
Your slow anerobic muscles (muscles that are used for longer term slower bursts of energy) need oxygen to produce glucose. When ur smoking your getting less oxygen, less glucose, less energy.
because you can breathe.
Why does it become easier to walk when youve quit smoking cigarettes? ? -