How Do I Quit Smoking??????????? -

Monday, February 17, 2014

How Do I Quit Smoking??????????? -

I need some good advice on this, I-ve been smoking for almost 11 months - I need to stop before it-s too late,, plzzzzzzz tell me anything that u think is helpful.... I-d be extremly thankful...
Also, how does anyone know weither they have cancer ( God forbid ) ?????

Thnx alot in advance..
There you go for more info :…

There is no way to know if have cancer or if you will develop cancer. Quite often it is detected on a doctors visist. Since you have been smoking less than a year your best bet is to just get rid of the cigarettes and buy lots of gum to chew and hard candy to suck. If you feel you need help then you can either see your doc for meds to help or use the nicotine patch or gum etc. Hubby quit smoking cold turkey over 8 years ago and he had been smoking for about 25 years so yes it can be done.
I smoked for 13 years and quit -cold turkey-. I needed to be really angry at the way I was controlled by the cigarettes so that I could quit them.
good ? when u find out please let me know, i have been trying to quit for years now and every time i try i get so irretable or stressed i start up again. i just recently had a baby and i tried to qiut when i was pg and it was such a powerful addiction i couldnt even quit then. smoking is an addiction, and iam with u i want to quit but i am having a very hard time. sorry i couldnt give u any advice, but i just thought i would let u know that u r not the only person out there wanting to quit an is having a hard time.
eurggh glad your trying to quit,

just think about al the chemicals you are putting in to your body, you might aswell drink a bottle of bleach, in a side a dirty science lab
First step in quitting smoking is that you should have the realization, will and resolve to quit. No outside aids or medication is going to help you if you lack the will to stop smoking.

I recently quit smoking like 3 months ago, up till now I am strong in my resolve. The reason being I am 40 and think its high time I quit smoking before getting into serious health trouble. I did some research on the best way to quit smoking. I am not fan of nicotine patches or gum because certain side effects are associated with them, after all it is nicotine which is a poison.

I am using a combination of hypnosis and natural remedy (Crave-RX) to quit. Hypnosis works at the subconscious level to eliminate the triggers that cause us to smoke and Crave-RX is good to reduce nicotine craving and suppress withdrawal symptoms.

The best I liked about this solution is it does not carry any side effects. People respond differently to different treatments but it worked for me. It is worth a try.

Anyway you need to find out a method that suits you visit the following link for further information…Good Luck!!
I wouldn-t worry about cancer as a result of cigarettes at this point, if you smoke another 10 years it could be a factor.
The best way to quit smoking is to stop cold turkey. Do not believe the nicotine addiction lies. Do not believe the the irresponsible propaganda put out by the big drug companies that says that since nicotine withdrawal is such a horrible experience the only way that you could possibly hope to succeed at it is by using their products to incrementally withdraw from it. This is a case of big drug companies telling big health lies. Nicotine withdrawal is no big deal -really. I-ve had colds that felt a lot worse.
They reason that both newbies like yourself and long term addicts like I once was have trouble
quiting smoking is because we are addicted to the habit not the nicotine. Addictive personality-s are addictive personality-s and the only differnce is ones choice of substance or activity.
If you approach quitting from a changing a habit perspective you will succeed if you approach it from a nicotine perspective you will not.
good luck
First of all, let me tell you some things about smoking. Hopefully, this will scare the wits out of you, and make you never smoke AGAIN.
Tobacco kills more people than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, and much much more kinds of deaths combined.
A cigarette has more than 4000 chemicals when burned, and 2000 of them are poisonous, including tar, nicotine(which is so strong that it-s illegal even to use ot to kill bugs), carbon monoxide, ammonia, etc.
Scared? Now for some tips.
When you feel like you want to smoke, you should start to run, exercise, or have a little snack. This might help.
You can also start setting small goals. First, you can decide to smoke once an hour. After that, you can try not smoking for five hours. After that, you van decide not to smoke for a day, and so on. Reward yourself with an award.
stop putting the cigarettes in your mouth. Duh
The easiest way to quit smoking is to get a report from the health department nearest you about the various chemicals that are in cigarettes....... and then you would stop because you would not dream of taking such things into your body.

I doubt that you would have cancer after such a short period of time smoking .... so do not worry unnecessarily ..... I don-t know that people do know that they have cancer .... the best thing to do is to live a nice life and don-t do anything harmful to yourself.

How Do I Quit Smoking??????????? -