How many attempts did it take before you successfully quit smoking? -

Sunday, May 15, 2016

How many attempts did it take before you successfully quit smoking? -

The key is not how many attempts, but how long. Just between you and me (lol), the magic number in quitting is -3.- You have to get over three -3- milestones: 3 days, 3 months, and 3 years. Once you get over the 3-year milestone, you are home free!
I don-t smoke, but my dad was a chain smoker for over 50 years, and tried to quit many times unsuccessfully. What finally did get him to stop, was the surgery for lung cancer at age 81. He quit three days before surgery and hasn-t smoked since (it-s been about a year and a half now).
it can take many times or even just once for someone ive tryed about 5 times sence i was 11 i am 21 now and havent stoped yet.... Sorry i couldnt be more of a help
None, I never smoked =) My husband smoked though and when I got pregnant I told him he had to quit within a month and he did, first try, I guess he had a good incentive though. Good luck trying to quit.
0 i didnt start in the 1st place so i didnt need to stop
I have always been able to stop smoking, I smoked before I moved to Spain to be with my husband, the day I moved over, I stopped,that was just over three years ago. I didnt start again until I was in prison, that was November last year,the day I got out, I stopped again, that was four months ago and not slipped up once
Don-t for one m inute think I-m a self righteous cow, I-d start again now if I could, but the fact my husband doesnt smoke stops me
Several insincere attempts. Stopped first try using the patch (2 months). Then went overseas and immediately re-started. Haven-t tried quitting since. DAMN....Good luck!
I-ll get back to you on that if I ever decide to
Didn-t count.
One. I went from 2+ packs a day to zero in one day. I have not had one cigarette in the 32 years since. It is HARD but if you REALLY want to you can. Cutting down, special chewing gum and patches etc. only make the process longer and usually fail in the long run. Hold on to your hat and go cold turkey, its the only sure way. Good luck.
I never quit.

I can go without smoking for weeks but not because I try to quit. It-s not big a deal to me.
more than 10 and counting
good luck
I quit twice successfully during pregnancies....since then have tried about four times, and haven-t made it yet...but want to give it another go soon!

Good luck to you...just think of each failed attempt as practice.!
1... i was in the hospital with a partiaclly colaspsed lung closed throat came close to a highly allergic thats why im so happy ontario passed the law of ALL public places and 50 feet from doors is smoke free :D
How many attempts did it take before you successfully quit smoking? -