Should my fiance quit smoking? -

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Should my fiance quit smoking? -

My fiance is having great problems quitting smoking, and this is his 4th try in quitting. On the 3rd day we decided to give each other 2 months - I to lose the extra weight i-ve gained, him to quit smoking. Is this wise? He gets dizzy, chest pains and can-t sleep when he doesn-t smoke for more than a day.
We want to have him quit smoking before we get married.
He surely need to smoking is not only bad for both of you, but it is bad for your children, the example on how a father should behave - many other issue, plus smoking is actually kind of selfish act and costly too!

but i do really happy you said -We want to have him quit smoking before we get married- i really wish you two will have happy life in future that not included smoking as part of may he sucuess!
you are welcomed :)

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Of course, he should. These symptoms, called withdrawal symptoms, are quite normal. This is the time he needs a lot of your support.
absolutely. for both of you. first and second hand smoke kill, and i-m sure you-d like to spend as long a life together as possible.
Should my fiance quit smoking? -