Experience with quit smoking pill chantix ? -

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Experience with quit smoking pill chantix ? -

I desperately need to quit smoking..Has anyone used chantix ? Please tell me your experience with it..
I once quit using wellbutrin, it made it easier...This time I don-t have the will power but I need to quit...Thanks in advance :-)
I was a smoker for years...2 packs a day. I went on Chantix in July of this year and was smoke free in two months. The good part of Chantix is you smoke while you are taking it. After awhile, the cigarettes taste terrible and smell even worse. You no longer desire a cigarette. I did have vivid dreams ( no nightmares) and I did feel nauseated if I didn-t eat before I took the pill, but it is nothing I could not deal with. I never thought in my life it would be this easy. So, if you are serious about quitting, please try Chantix. It is expensive, but it is worth it. I wish you all the luck in the world.
One thing with chantix, if you experience any mood swings, feelings of depression, or anything similar then STOP TAKING IT STRAIGHT AWAY.

There are a disturbingly high number of people who have either gone completely off the rails or actually committed suicide while taking it.
Experience with quit smoking pill chantix ? -