Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

I-ve stopped today but it-s really getting hard to fight the cravings because of how heavy a smoker I am. Any help here? Cause it-s desperately needed!
Everyones told me cold turkey but as a smoker i feel like ringing their necks. lol. But seriously, I think you should ween yourself down. Like if u smoke 20 a day for the first week only smoke 15 a day then the next week only 10 a day, etc. Hopefully this helps. Good luck
If your a heavy smoker, your body is used to getting lots of nicotine and you are going to have a -Monkey-on-your-back- if you try to go cold turkey.

Best thing you could do is back off until your smoking less or better yet try a combination meditation/Bio-feedback!

Really, it works.

While your convincing yourself, that you don-t need to smoke as many cigarettes, you can practice holding a pen pencil or drinking straw like a smoke, when you feel like you need a smoke and even when you don-t.

Not at the important times , when you need a smoke the worst:
(drinking coke, or coffee, after eating, when you get up)
Then as you get used to pretending, increase the times you don-t smoke or pretend.

You have to believe your smoking and your brain will not know the difference.

Just close your eyes when you draw off the straw or pen, and feel the sensation of your lungs burning and the smell of the smoke when you breath out and see the smoke comijng out of your mouth....Works for me!

After you get the smoking down to one cigarette a day, you can smoke only one every three days..........

After you have completely replaced smoking, you should continue to use the pencil or straw for months!

Good Luck!

PS, Quitting will cause your body to flush the nicotine from your body, so your going to caugh as much as a smoker, for about a month.

Your still have times when you-ll catch yourself patting all your pockets and search for that cigarette, when ever your at that special place, when a cigarette was a great idea, for about a year.

But you-ll feel alot better!
I quit 7 years ago and never touched a cig since. But, I was REALLY ready to quit. I used the patch. I slept with the patch even though they say not to because of the bizare dreams you get. I did have bizare dreams too. But nothing I couldnt deal with and sleeping with the patch made all the difference. I kept a picture of my daughter and a color printed picture of a cancerous lung hung up in my cube at work. On a wall where only I would see it not to offend co-workers. I kept a diary and looking back at the entries in the diary, the patch helped but it-s not a magic wand. I had 3 weeks of -I don-t know if I can do this.-. Then it got easier. The bad days become less and less. I have NO bad days now. For a couple of years, you can expect to have dreams where you find yourself smoking. These will make you mad until you wake up and realize they are dreams. Good luck! You can do it when you are ready. BTW: I could not even make it through a 2 hour movie without leaving the theater to smoke. I was hooked BAD!
I tried everything! Then I read Allen Carr-s Easyway to Stop Smoking. I smoked a pack a day until I read the book, and stopped, just like that, no willpower, no cravings, no regrets and no cigarettes now for 3 years. It was the best thing I ever did. Now I recommend it to every smoker I know. You have nothing to lose by giving it a try. Good luck :)
maybe look for an alternative to smoking tobacco.
Look into electronic cigarettes to get off cigs and then work your way down in nicotine etc.
Check it out - its working for me

e-cigarette-forum.com or vapersforum.com
Lots of information. Research it before you spend any money! They have links to reputable companies and reviews of different models.
Your Answer:
hi Rosie..

congratulations on your decision to quit, its a biggie..and good luck!!

to make a long story short i smoked for over 40 years, and have been quit for over 5.. using a support group however you quit good luck as there is simply no wrong way to quit..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.

check out this site for several daily online voice meetings


THis is a program I just got for my mom after turning to it as a last resort. I know it seems stupid and maybe too good to be true but I want to help you. Give it a try


Only with your will power you can quit smoking,
Perhaps you can find some useful tips in
Praying to the Lord above. He is there for you always and especially if you are lost and never accepted him. If you haven-t then choose to today and ask him into your heart and repent of your sins and ask him to forgive you. Then start living for him by choosing a church that preaches his word the bible and then when you pray to ask him to help you with the quitting of the smoking then it will make it really easy cause you will be his child and he will hear you.
Whats the best way to quit smoking? -