Getting nervous now ~ i am about to try and quit smoking? -

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Getting nervous now ~ i am about to try and quit smoking? -

Getting nervous now ~ i am about to try and quit smoking
went to doctors yesterday got patches and inhalator-s last ciggies will be sunday night arrrrrah never tried to quit before
been smoking 10 years need to give up as ttc and want to be as healthy as i can be
anyone who-s quit or trying to quit give me some advice xxx
You will always fancy a smoke.
It never goes away but after the first couple of weeks it gets much easier!
I found ice lollies a great help though.
I ate loads the first couple of weeks!

PS the patches and inhilators are hopeless!
You-ll be fine, and I can guarantee that you-ll stop smoking if you just remember this: I was born without any lung issues. My mom had never smoked, never had friends who did, etc. All it took for me to develope asthma (around 4 years old) was my granddad smoking around me whenever the grandparents came to visit. I now have mild asthma that can kill me if I push it too far, and is a major pain in the butt because I love sports and pushing my limits. You don-t want that for your kiddo someday, so every time you-re thinking htat you can-t do it, just remember that it-s not entirely for you, it-s for the child you-re hoping to have someday, and there are always other ways of coping with stresses and triggers. Working out is actually a great way to do that- will suppress the urge to smoke and also get you in better shape and better condition to conceive!
1st- congrats! I quit after 10years as well!
I can-t tell you how much better I feel! Quitting has made a huge diff. in my life.
Everyone has their own -way- of quitting. Cold turkey, patches, decreasing the amount they smoke...etc..
I told myself that I would only smoke x amount of cigs a day. Each day, the number got lower and lower...and finally I realized that I didn-t want to smoke at all. Another thing that helps is working out. Sounds crazy, but when you began to live healthier, you don-t seem to crave the cigs.
Don-t be nervous- keep lots of sugar free gum, or mints with you. If you slip up, dont beat yourself up- just keep trying.
Good Luck!!!
instead of being anxious , be enthusiastic .Think of the massive benefits coming your way .Enjoy it ,nothing to worry about ,only to look forward to .
Getting nervous now ~ i am about to try and quit smoking? -