What can I do to alleviate the emotional intensity of just having quit smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee? -

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

What can I do to alleviate the emotional intensity of just having quit smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee? -

I recently found out that I-m pregnant - so no more smoking, drinking coffee or alcohol, etc. The problem is, I-m feeling extremely aggravated ALL the time. My temper is extremely short and I snap easily. I-m not sure what I can do, or if there-s something safe for me to take, to help.
Did you find out you were pregnant right away, or when you were further along? Sometimes if you-re farther along, the doctor will suggest that you quit smoking gradually, rather than cold turkey, to avoid withdrawal in your baby.

You can keep drinking coffee. Try switching to decaf for all but one cup a day--that way you still get SOME of the caffeine you-re used to, and you still get to drink coffee, but you-re well within the limits of allowable caffeine intake.

Try drinking something other than alcohol--I know it-s not the same effect, but it-s better than nothing. Babycenter.com has a list of virgin drinks to try:

And most of all, talk to your doctor about how to deal with the multiple withdrawals that your body is going through. I-m sure she/he will be able to give you some tips!
you do not have to stop having caffeine completely...you can have it in moderation. try drinking a soda or something to help with the cravings. as far as smoking and drinking....not sure.
What can I do to alleviate the emotional intensity of just having quit smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee? -