I quit smoking 6 months ago but i still always feel like smoking again is this normal? -

Saturday, December 9, 2017

I quit smoking 6 months ago but i still always feel like smoking again is this normal? -

So did I. I keep getting the same urges myself. I was on Chantix which blocks that part of the brain that causes these urges. It works, but once you-re off, the urges come back. Just today I asked my DR to call in another prescription for it because I really want to smoke again but I also don-t want to start over again. It is normal. What I did today also was join the YMCA. I-m going to go there and take my frustrations out on the machines. They say it gets better. I-m still waiting. I refuse to go back. Good luck, Don-t start up again. Seek out another outlet.
First i want to say congratulations. Remember -out of sight, out of mind-. like previous -bloggers- have noted, stay away from others or area where people are smoking. Also chewing gum does help a lot and calm your cravings. However, you should focus of devoting your free time to other activities like exercising, reading, writing, listening to music, talk on the phone, surf the web, or eating. Surround yourself with other activities to keep your mind off of the cravings. Im sure you noticed how not smoking has already made your clean softer and cleaner. Im sure you have noticed how fresh you are, your hands, breath, clothes, and hair. Remember how far you have come and focus on not letting your efforts go in vain. Im sure you have more energy now and can also breath easier. Alcohol increases your cravings, so try to stay away from it, and limit it to only occasional use. Good Luck, feel good, stay healthy and Congratulations again.
Hi Bumble,

What an achievement. Great to read your story.

The urge to smoke will always be there. Best ways to avoid smoking are to keep away from smokers and places where you smoked.

Control your urges. After you move away from the situation the urge will go away.

You are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up.
In all honesty, that is something you will be dealing with for years to come. That is part of the reason why its SOOOOO hard to quit. It just doesnt go away after a few months of hard work, it stays there, in the back of your mind. EVERY time I smell it, I want it.
Yes its normal. I quit in december and i still get urges. I took a couple puffs off a cig a couple months ago and after that i realised i wasnt missing anything. Im sure ur not missing much either. Good luck
I know this is probably a repetitive answer, but try chewing gum. My dad smoked a pack a day, and ate alota gum every day and he-s been smoke free about 6 months as well. Sorry if this isn-t that greatest good luck hope this helps :)
You have to replace the addiction with another less health risking one, try crack
I quit smoking 6 months ago but i still always feel like smoking again is this normal? -