How did you quit smoking weed? -

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How did you quit smoking weed? -

Ok im 19, ive been smoking for about 3 or 4 years. I REALLY want to quit!!!! ive said -this is my last sack- a MILLION times but i always end up smoking again...i really believe im addicted! and yes weed CAN BE ADDICTIVE!!! and i dont want help, i want to do it on my own but what are some steps i can take to quit completely?? ANY advice will help...
Yes weed is addictive, it-s a mental addiction. It-s not a physcial addiction,but it-s really strong to kick- but you can do it. You need to find within yourself why you do it other than the feeling of being high. Sometimes it-s the people around you that you need to kick too. When I quit, for good reasons, my friends were there to help me. They wouldn-t smoke around me and wait to smoke til after we all hung out. If your friends aren-t that courteous, you may need to kick them, I-ve had to do it too. In the long run they should either know why, or you may not need them at all.
Delete all contacts, you know, your bud man, people you may sell to, or smoke with, and let them know you-re quitting. If they ever don-t take you seriously, or call you out on it, kick them too.
It-s kicking the habit, and they are apart of it.
If it-s stress or they way you wind down, or go to sleep, find a good substitute.
Don-t give yourself the time of day, or opportunity, to go blaze.
Do all the research about how bad weed can be, and evangelize yourself.
Realize that when you quit, you have more money, more breathe, not get as sick as often, etc.
I hope this helps you get started. Just understand weed is one of the easiest substances that you abuse and can relapse on.
Just wean yourself off slowly. Like skip a day and then two days and three days, whatever. Plus I find it-s easier to do things when you decide to do them less but not use the term quit. If you say you-re quiting it makes it very hard when you are tempted to do it again, but if you say you-re cutting down it-s pretty easy to acknowledge you don-t need to do it then but might at sometime in the future.
im the same as you 19 and been smoking for 4 years..

honestly its who you hangged out with
im sure your friends always smoke weed and want to buy some am i right?/

next time just say you have no money
or go out and buy yourself something instead of the weed!!
trust me the first 3 days its hard
but after you keep saying no itll be sooo eassy!!

and hey who said you have to totally quit
maybe take a hit every now and then! ;)
I don-t think it-s physically addictive, definatly mentally tho. I quit because it started giving me major anxiety. I still smoke once n a while but only when i drink. The only way to quit is to not be around it anymore but thats hard sometimes if your friends do it.
when i moved here from texas i quit smoking. i dont know what -steps- you could take, aside from using self control. i just plain quit. my fiance is a recovering heroin addict and that helped me to decide not to start back again, i feel it would be disrespectful to him if i smoke or am high around him. so i just dont do it. all in all, it-s worth it
I quit cold turkey for a few drug tests... It wasn-t hard for me at all but for you I would reccomend a substitute. When my friend quit he started running all the time to distract his mind, that was his substitute. You might want something physical though... try switching to fake weed (-bush-). It won-t get you high, but it will satisfy the need to smoke with out getting you hooked on something really dangerous (i.e. cigarettes).
I tried to quit and my downfall is the same i keep hanging out with people who smoke alot of weed, so that would be my suggestion for your first step.
I haven-t quit smoking weed, but I stop 3-6 months at a time sometimes.

Just quit cold turkey. You say it can be addictive, but that-s never the case for me.
just take you time

you can always cut down and gradually stop

if you stop straight away it can cause more stress so just try to slow it down

i wish you the best of luck
You stop,

it has absolutely NO addictive properties.
will power is needed and alot of dedication!

if u have these 2 ingredients then you will do it?

the first 3 days are the worst!
You need WILL POWER!!!!!
Broke up with b/f that I smoked too much weed with, and deleted my dealers number.
I ran out of weed and money at the same time.
I-m 25. I smoked every single day from the time I was 17 until last February. Which means I haven-t smoked in one year. I honestly thought I would never quit smoking because I enjoyed it so much. In order to determine whether or not you-re addicted, you need to ask yourself some questions.

Do you experience any type of loss so that you can continue to smoke. Losing family, friends, relationships, etc...

Do you spend money you don-t have on weed? Are your bills overdue so you can continue to get high?

Can you really not stop, or do you just don-t want to? Are your thoughts preoccupied with getting high? Do you think about it all the time?

If you answered yes to any of these, you may be addict, and if you truly are an addict, then the only sure way to stop is to get treatment.

Also, if you-re predisposed to alcoholism, there-s a very good chance that you may be addicted to marijuana. I-ve read medical studies that say anywhere from 70-85% of people who are predisposed to alcoholism will become addicted to marijuana once they start smoking regularly. My dad was an alcoholic, so I thought I was addicted to pot too, but then I just decided to try and stop. I just decided to not buy any more, and I-ve had people offer to smoke with me many times since then, and have turned it down with no problems. I figured out I wasn-t addicted because I stopped with no problems.

Marijuana is a profound addiction for people who can become addicted. Most people with no history of alcoholism won-t become addicted to it. That-s why there are so many people who say it-s not addictive.

Also, there is no such thing as mental addiction and physical addiction. There-s only addiction. You either can stop, or you can-t.

Good luck.
i never started..never have never will
Throw away your bong rolling papers and Pipe.Done
Just say no
How did you quit smoking weed? -