College student who wants to quit smoking..? -

Friday, June 24, 2005

College student who wants to quit smoking..? -

I am a freshman in college and have been smoking now for 5-6 years. I have found that it is depleting my health and is making it very hard for me to work out. It is also a social thing ( your taboo socially if you smoke). I am about to transfer schools and would really like to quit before I go. I have trouble with it though because of stress at school and I smoke when i-m studying or bored. What can I do to quit smoking and still maintain a healthy weight and stress level?
First you have to really want to quit. I had tried a few times and it didn-t work because deep down I didn-t want to.
The best thing for me was cold turkey, smoke the last one and buy a bag of suckers. The suckers keep your hand busy taking things to your mouth like a cigarette. Suckers are good cause you wont gain a bunch of unwanted weight from constant eating.
That was almost 10 years ago, still a non-smoker.
Thanks and good luck.

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find another outlet for your stress, and just stop buying the cigarettes. you can buy the stop smoking patches or other aids but really, willpower and determination are what is going to let you succeed. i smoked for over 20 years.. i finally quit last year when i figured it was holding me back financially. that extra hundred dollars a month i saved not buying cigs--, they are about five dollars a pack here, went to a gym membership to stay in shape. try using pretzels or sugar free mints to take the place for a while and you wont put on a lot of weight.
good luck and dont give up.
I smoked for thirty-three years. I smoked cigarettes, then filter-tipped cigars, and finally a pipe before I quit.
My medical plan where I work paid for my visits to a psychologist, who hypnotized me in a one-on-one session.
I haven-t smoked since.
It-s now 6 years and counting.
Good luck to you!
try going to groups for that,and join clubs or take up hobbies to keep u busy,,most important thing is ur real desire to i make it..
Welcome to the non smokers club!!!! Soon you will be one. It is the best decision you are making for yourself and your health.Make up your mind that you do not need these nicotine sticks, so then cut down, allow yourself lets say 15 a day, and start cutting to 12, 10 and so fort until you get down to three cigarettes after meals. By this time most of the nicotine is out of your body, so you can quit -cold turkey.- keep your hands busy with either writing typing or a hobby such as crochet or knitting, that needs to replace holding the cigarette. When you are free try to helpand be supportive of someone else wanting to to quit, and there are many that are becoming aware of the nicotine addiction and the morbid effects on ones health. Best wishes God bless
I managed to quit several years ago and I will pass on a little advice. If you are trully ready to quit, it doesn-t matter how you do it, it will work. If you are not ready, it doesn-t matter how you do it, it won-t work. I tried the patch and gum several different times. I tried cold turkey several times. When it finally worked I did the patch for a few days then I went to the beach for a week and forgot my patches. I realized after a few days that I didn-t really need them. I haven-t smoked in 8 years. Apparently I was finally ready.
Ashley - a lot of this really depends on your inner strength (i.e., will-power).
If you can focus on another activity that will keep your mind and body off tobacco, then you are half-way there.

I didn-t quit until I was 27...and only after I went through the same health effects that you have.
What got me off the leaf was when I watched a 15K run in my town and decided to take up running.
I found something to keep me busy and away from tobacco.

If anything, the fact that cigarette prices were going up (I think they were $1.25 a pack back in 1983) helped me kick the habit.
So if you do set a goal to stop, start putting the money you would have spent on the leaf in a jar and keep a record of that for a year.
Then, go out and buy something nice for yourself!
? ? use nicotine patches...chew gum...drink lots of liquids like water and orange juice...have healthy snacks around...? ?
I never want to start or try to smoke!!!
College student who wants to quit smoking..? -